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spider mites????? dont think so.


600w cool tube,mh, 3 gal smart-pot, half happy frog half fox farm mix, AN iguana juice twice in same month, maxi crop twice also, four weeks old from rooted clone, don't think i have pest problems, temps 82 lights on 70 out, over nute or under? the spots have no mite evidence at all looking with 40 X Lupe, please help thanks, sorry for blurry pics but you can still see brown spots.


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Freedom Fighter
The first pic I can almost see...and it doesn't look like it-- But if you blurry it up a bit...I may be able to tell--:)
J/P man...It doesn't look like Mite damage....but it is hard to really see, so I'm at a loss as to what it might be, at this time--


The first pic I can almost see...and it doesn't look like it-- But if you blurry it up a bit...I may be able to tell--:)
J/P man...It doesn't look like Mite damage....but it is hard to really see, so I'm at a loss as to what it might be, at this time--
yeah sorry about the pic gonna try to get better cam


overnutes burn ..flush the pots with plain water and it should get better soon

that was my thought too i will do that thanks for help

NOOOOOOOOOOO! This is the last thing that is wrong!

Your plants are showing signs of deficiency, not over-abundance of nutrients. Red stems, light yellow leaves, red/rusty spots all indicate deficiency, possibly from ph imbalance and a lack of an active microherd (since you are growing organically, your plant relies on live microbes to break down organic material).

For some reason, your plants are not getting enough to eat. This doesn't mean that adding more nutes is going to to help, there are many other factors that may be the cause.


NOOOOOOOOOOO! This is the last thing that is wrong!

Your plants are showing signs of deficiency, not over-abundance of nutrients. Red stems, light yellow leaves, red/rusty spots all indicate deficiency, possibly from ph imbalance and a lack of an active microherd (since you are growing organically, your plant relies on live microbes to break down organic material).

For some reason, your plants are not getting enough to eat. This doesn't mean that adding more nutes is going to to help, there are many other factors that may be the cause.
thanks for input, my runoff was as low as 5.4 is this low enough for lock out?


A foot without a sock...
I'm seeing those rust spots as a pH issue as well, any Dolo in your mix?

Not familar with the FF lineup, and yes, 5.4 can be too low depending on what it is(pH) when it goes in.

GL :ying:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
any advice for a fix?

As SSM says, getting your pH in range would be a good place to start (soil should be fed at around 6.5) I'm not a soil user so not sure whether you can just test the run off or if you have to test the soil itself, but in either case I would defintely start by getting your pH quantified and in range.

good luck

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
thanks for input, my runoff was as low as 5.4 is this low enough for lock out?

yes, with soil it is. flush with clearex, or plain water and molasses. ph the water to 6.5

then let it dry out and then feed as normal. if they are light green or a little yellow check your ph and add more nutes if your ph is good. In your picture it looks like it is lacking mag, N, and calcium, so probably a basic nute mix plus some cal-mag would work.

Also a few good Nitrogen additives that are cheap, effective and hard to burn your plants with is liquid seaweed, liquid fish, and used coffee grounds.

Liquid sea weed is very weak and good for tweeking small plants and adding just a little N.

Liquid fish has N, mag, and other stuff in it. It is stronger.

when using coffee grounds just sprinkle about half a cup on top of the soil. or add a lot more to a compost and let it sit in the compost and brake down for a month or so.

A great additive to speed up plant recover is Nutriboost. worth every penny. if you cant find nutriboost use super thrive, available at wal mart and hardware stores and green house stores. go light on the super thrive if you use that though.

the ph for soil i think is like 6 to 7 is good i think with 6.5 being ideal i think. double check that because I havnt grown soil for several years now. I'm a dwc man now.

good luck, feel free to ask me anymore questions.


yes, with soil it is. flush with clearex, or plain water and molasses. ph the water to 6.5

then let it dry out and then feed as normal. if they are light green or a little yellow check your ph and add more nutes if your ph is good. In your picture it looks like it is lacking mag, N, and calcium, so probably a basic nute mix plus some cal-mag would work.

Also a few good Nitrogen additives that are cheap, effective and hard to burn your plants with is liquid seaweed, liquid fish, and used coffee grounds.

Liquid sea weed is very weak and good for tweeking small plants and adding just a little N.

Liquid fish has N, mag, and other stuff in it. It is stronger.

when using coffee grounds just sprinkle about half a cup on top of the soil. or add a lot more to a compost and let it sit in the compost and brake down for a month or so.

A great additive to speed up plant recover is Nutriboost. worth every penny. if you cant find nutriboost use super thrive, available at wal mart and hardware stores and green house stores. go light on the super thrive if you use that though.

the ph for soil i think is like 6 to 7 is good i think with 6.5 being ideal i think. double check that because I havnt grown soil for several years now. I'm a dwc man now.

good luck, feel free to ask me anymore questions.
thanks for the input, i'm almost ready to switch over to dwc it seems easer whats your thought on it, is it just as good end product, any good and bads on the dwc


Active member
The picture doesn't show mites. It shows deficiency. It looks like a mag deficiency, caused by bad PH. You could add some calmag to try to fix it, but even better is to get your base nutes at the right levels and with the right PH. Adding calmag could just fix this problem and add another.

I don't think going from soil to DWC is going to be easy. I found DWC hard. Most successful DWC growers use chillers to keep their water/nute temps down. Those things are damn expensive to buy and run.

Rockwool is very easy to grow in. You get the flexibility somewhat like soil, but it's hydro. You can hand water, etc. I have been growing rockwool and it's great.

Or you could try coco, but I wouldn't do this until you get good at mixing a good nute program and a balanced PH, and get good at spotting and dealing with deficiencies etc. Coco is what I am doing my next round and really look forward to it. Using Canna coco and Canna Coco AB nutes.
yes, with soil it is. flush with clearex, or plain water and molasses. ph the water to 6.5

then let it dry out and then feed as normal. if they are light green or a little yellow check your ph and add more nutes if your ph is good. In your picture it looks like it is lacking mag, N, and calcium, so probably a basic nute mix plus some cal-mag would work.

Also a few good Nitrogen additives that are cheap, effective and hard to burn your plants with is liquid seaweed, liquid fish, and used coffee grounds.

exactlly what your plants need;) With respect to any other opinion by my experience I agree plant can not eat well now ..rusty spots indicate that its caused by EC to high in substrat ..thats what i call burn ..low EC would only lead to yellowing .....magnesium deficiency also possible but your pots are big enough and you are only in 4th week veggin so I doubt it was all used so fast to be primary reason ..maybe try to check also EC of output


Freedom Fighter
i thought AN iguana juice was supposed to have everything your plants need, or am i just being naive?

Here is a chart that will help you understand why pH is important--
Even tho you give it all the nutes it needs, if pH is off, it cannot uptake them all--:tiphat:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
when people ask, I tell them its like that scene where the hungry dog is outside the restaurant looking in :)


just to get something straight...
sunshine mix #4

would this mix be considered soil as far as pH levels go
I believe it is defined as a soil-less medium

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