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Humidity Dome


New member
Hi. I'm starting my very first grow ever from seeds. I have a question regadrding humidity domes. Would it be good to place my seedlings into a humidity dome so as not to have to water them as regularly, or are domes retty much used for clones?

I already have some new seedlings peeking out and I don't want to overwater them or dry them out too quickly. Any advise would be awesome.


the dome are good for keeping moisture in for cuttings but can cause a seedling to stretch and rot at the base. i prefer to keep them in a cooler environment with less humidity and a little circulating air to help build up strength in the stem.


New member
Awesome. Thanks for the quick response. That being the case...should I water the seedlings at all or wait for them to develop true leaves first? It just seems to me the soil is getting dry pretty quick. I have them under CFL's about 3" away.


whats the medium? are the seedlings in soil or jiffy pads? i notice in jiffy pads that they become very dry very quickly what i did to help the problem while im at school or out is i filled a tub-aware with dirt and place my pads inside the soil tso that teh soil could hold in moisture, i had previously lost a seedling to a pad drying out :(


the perlite should hold in moisture.
take a look at my thread atm my plants are being watered in the morning before class again at around 2-3 in teh afternoon and then once more at around 11 at night before bed. it seems to be the perfect amount for now but i know ill have to slow down on water

el Dream Reader

You might want to raise the lights to about 6" until they get their first set of true leaves. This will help keep the soil moist and will prevent burning.


Make sure your water is PH'd and just use plain water. Keep the medium moist. I agree with the 6" and should only have to water once a day or every other day, until they take root.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
While you can create the need for domes in cloning, seedlings are looking for open air as big as all outdoors. Domes can only hurt them.


Weed Cannasaur
as for the watering issue - lift your pots. If they are dry - they are very light.

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