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Switching Nutes and need oppinions on best line for hydro.


New member
I am currently using GH's advanced recirculating program In Aero/DWC hybrid systems around 3k dual spectrum vertical column (3 8" cool tubes, 2k HAS, 1k MH). I have had great results with my setup, but lately I have had major issues with leaves yellowing dropping (almost white, and crispy) and my plants getting shocked to the point where they arent putting on nearly as much as normal. Talking to my friend Splatt who specializes In custom aeroponics he told me he has had Issues with GH as well, and he thinks it's because of bad Bloom. He Is a wholesaler and said that their product sits on the shelf too long at the Ngw warehouse and goes bad. Anyone else ever hear of this or have this problem?

Anyway, I have access to pretty much any line and am wondering which you guys have had the most success with. One thing I liked about GH Is the yields, quality, and clean taste.

I have always been intrigued by Dutch Master, as I have heard good things around here, and I like that it's designed for mj.

Splatt uses Botanical and thinks I should use that, but even with his skill I've never felt it could do what GH can.

Advanced Is spendy compared to others and has a million parts, I would like to simplify from GH, not make it more complex. Would consider though

Not too impressed with House and Garden either... but would try it if I heard good things.

What do you guys think?
I am a big fan of botanicare. you may lose a little yield to GH. But I feel you will be happier overall with your buds. I love the taste of my buds and they are always quite frosty.


Active member
House and Garden ownz my soul. You never know until you try. And GH is great, but I think you owe it to yourself as a grower to try other products and see what works best for YOU.


Hey Man, make sounds like you could have off-gassing posioning. Check my yellow leaf link boss, I use GH same shit drove me nuts til I found that thread by UGU around 3 weeks ago. No more NGW hose, same GH Flora - guess what? Now my plants are kickin it in the ass all new growths no new yellowing!


By the way, the stuff that causes the yellowing is called DIBP or DBP, Diisobutyl Phthalate. It's used in flexible pvc such as the hose, but check your room make sure theres no flexible plastic. If there is, it could be from that.


Lastly, I can remember reading or hearing that GH hnutes have an indefinite shelf life when stored in a cool dark place.


i love the botanicare products, been using since 99.
been using the CNS series from them this crop and love the results,. very complete and easy to use. from the cal-mag supplement to hydroplex, you cant go wrong.


You lads have a lot more knowledge than me, no doubt but i get great results in the same sort of systems using, ionic grow and bloom with beasty bloomz and chaching as boosters.

Only my opinion, works for me !!!


New member
Yeah I checked that out but I'm not using any of the flexible hose. The manifolds In my hydro system are cpvc with mag drive pumps and I've never had Issues with It before. Very strange. The wierd thing is my veg looks better than ever, with no yellowing or dropping off at all.

So far Botanicare and H&G sound pretty appealing.


I use House and Garden and then the following extras, Gravity from Humboldt, Sugar Daddy and MagiCal (during flowering and veg respectively), and Purple Maxx on my purple strains.

I have zero complaints with House and Garden. Frosty and delicious is what it produces, at least in my experience.

Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom & Cal Mag plus a wee bit of Hygrozyme when the temps get up. I veg with the "Bloom" nutes too. DWC in 5 gallon buckets. Keepin it simple.......
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New member
Ive always used aqua flakes by house and garden and its always worked great. I use all these with success but need to simplify my work and Honestly Im tired of mixing it all and will be switching to IONIC grow/bloom/booster, its so easy and after seeing Heaths results Id be insane not to simplify my life with IONIC


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Carl Carlson

It sounds like you have a decent amount of plants. You should think about buying some bulk water soluble fertilizer.

one of these:
Jack's Professional Hydro 5-12-26
Peters Professional Hydro 5-11-26
edit: order Jack's Hydro, Calcium Nitrate and other individual compounds from: http://www.jrpeterslab.com/spec_chemicals.html
Vertigro 5-10-25 Hydroponic Formula or 6-12-28


Calcium Nitrate (Calcium + Nitrate Nitrogen)
Yara Liva

+ Epsom Salts (Magnesium + Sulfer) (depending on which you choose from #1 because they have diff. amounts of Mg)

+ Potassium Silicate (Silicon)


That's it.

I don't have a grow thread, but if you want to see it in action:


Mr. Stinky

one i dont see many growers using is maxi series from gh. i like powders, and the maxibloom is workin great for me. its better priced too. i dont really know why it hasnt caught on...maybe most guys dont like powders? i add silica blast, a bit of epsom salt and h2o2. a 4 lb tub of maxibloom brings 350 gallons of tap to 1.6 ec. cant really beat that :smokeit:

carl, where on earth do u buy the peters anymore? none of the supply places i know of can even get it anymore. the peters hydrosol is great stuff, but about extinct...

Carl Carlson

I bought Peters from Griffin's Greenhouse Supply. But any of those others would probably do just fine. There are a number of folks, including the author on the thread I cited, using the Jack's hydro.


GH is solid......

GH is solid......

Have you checked your water source. The pH and minerals in the water can vary by quite a bit seasonally. I am sure you use RO.... but still can change.

I know some don't like them but I used GH for years. It is solid and works great. I switched to advanced and saw yield go up by 30%. Same room, system, everything. Rock stable too, very little messing with the pH and the top off with nutes is very predictable.



Soiless drip to waste, 8ml gallon of GH Floranova bloom for flowering. 5ml gal for veg, but I don't really veg much...

You can find it for $70 shipped a gallon online and that will last you a really long time.

It contains everything your plants need and won't leave them deficient in anything. You need no additives what-so-ever.

All companies have a nutrient profile they believe in. They break the profile down into complex additives so that you have to purchase more product to complete the profile. Its all about money.

Same setup, connoisseur vs. floranova bloom = same results over $200 price difference.


Jack's Hydro 5/12/26 plus calcium nitrate user. I will never look back at hydro store nutes again...this stuff is pure genius. At full strength it has 82 ppm S...try finding that in a hydro store nute...a cynical person might think they were trying to sell you additives due to their incomplete formulas. The Jack's/calnit has it all...that,RO water and 1 ml bleach per 10 gallons has my plants doing so fine.


This is a Sour Diesel about 1 week into flower. The cage is 5 ft tall from the floor and 4 ft in diameter. Bulbs hang vertically around the plant.