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Fat J

Lookin killer man, id like 2 see how the predators work out in the long run - good solution for mites in bloom. Wish I could smell it, had a Pineapple cross that was killer recently.
U b []D [] []\/[] []D [] []\[] !

More pics! I'm about as far into bloom as u, mine just started 2 realy fill in.


P.S. No, you're a really a towel!


Here are the girls all lined up

I also have a shitty camera and I know how photos fail to do justice the real look of reality…
But since we both using the 80 tent (and we both have a shitty camera ;) then - I can look at your pictures and use a bit of imagination to place your flowers in my tent and get a sense of how they really look like – and they look great

mmmmm when you rub your hand over a bud it smells like pineapple candy
:thank you:
My AUH2 that is supposed to smell Mango also smells like a mango candy


Active member
Well, I did some supercropping on saturday night after getting drunk so the plants are not very lovely right now. I bent most of the taller stems sidways so that the left side is even with the right side.

Bad news though, I am seeing less predators and more spider mites! I think since I put in my dayton and have it running 24/7 the humidity level dropped too low. Around 20 rh at times!

I am going to get some more predators since I released them wrong last time and this time do it right and keep the rh up!

Oh and I got fucking fungus gnats eating up my roots turning the leaves yellow. Going to kill those bastards with some mosquito dunks this weekend!

I'll post pics when I get up the energy :( not feeling it now tho.


hey brudda, got a couple tips for ya, seal up your tent and drop about 5lbs of dry ice in a 5 gal bucket (dark period) seal that shit up for 2 hours, the co2 will rise above 5000ppms and kill those fuckers! Do that every 3-5 days for 3-4 times KILL EM ALL! Dont use any chems now, its too late! Another thing you can do is a DIY sulphur burner 2 times a week for 5-8 hours, that will keem them at bay, stop a week or 2 before harvest!


Active member
hey brudda, got a couple tips for ya, seal up your tent and drop about 5lbs of dry ice in a 5 gal bucket (dark period) seal that shit up for 2 hours, the co2 will rise above 5000ppms and kill those fuckers! Do that every 3-5 days for 3-4 times KILL EM ALL! Dont use any chems now, its too late! Another thing you can do is a DIY sulphur burner 2 times a week for 5-8 hours, that will keem them at bay, stop a week or 2 before harvest!

is this for the mites or for the gnats? Or both :D

I have no room for a 5gal bucket in there :( I couldn't even fit one of my 1 gal pots in there either.

I think for now I'll just go get some more predators this weekend and go with the mosquito dunks. I am going to do the predators right this time and keep them in a happy humidity.

For the mosquito dunks, you just break them up and spread them ontop of the soil. They are organic and non-toxic so I am hoping they won't be too big of an issue.


Active member
the predators either died off or became very inactive due to lowered humidity so the spider mites took control. My method of release was hasty because I had so many I thought it wouldnt matter...

I am going to try it once more this time releasing them in small envelopes ontop of the screen. This way they will crawl out of the bags and go up onto the shoots. The one plant I was able to staple an envelope around a fan leaf (which is the way these people suggest dispersal) they spread like mad through the area.

If I sprinkle them ontop of the buds, little pieces of corn kernals will be all over my buds.

They need a higher relative humidity above 40% to prosper, 60% to really thrive happy. This is nice because at this humidity spider mites don't populate very fast.

I really wana kill these fuckers so bad


Active member
hey brudda, got a couple tips for ya, seal up your tent and drop about 5lbs of dry ice in a 5 gal bucket (dark period) seal that shit up for 2 hours, the co2 will rise above 5000ppms and kill those fuckers! Do that every 3-5 days for 3-4 times KILL EM ALL!



Active member
Hey tequila
So did you kicked the spider-mites ass ?
Sure dude. Had to nuke the grow room to do it tho LOL! explanation below.

Week 8 Update
Today marks the start of week 8, 4 weeks since my last picture update.

About 2 weeks ago, I ran into plumbing problems...

Previous to that, I just bombed the shit out of the growtent with dr doom foggers 2 days apart. This fuuuuucked the mites up as well as any gnats that were flying around.

I was dumb and left the lights low after bombing and burned the plants... They kept getting progressively worse, leaves falling off, turning yellow, then brown.

Gnats came back, in full force!

I also possibly overferted and burned the plants...

I made the choice to put them outside and flush the hell out of them with RO water and hope for the best. That was 4 days ago.

They are still turning more brown as the days go by but are finally nearing completion.

Also the supercropping I did seemed to stunt their growth completely for a week or so. SO morale of the story is NEVER EVER bend the stalks purposely in flower lol.

Here is the state of the plants at the moment.








Sorry for your plumbing problems – sounds like a very wet and unpleasant experience.
So you moved outdoors … when pineapple is expected to end at the outdoors in your location?


Active member
Sorry for your plumbing problems – sounds like a very wet and unpleasant experience.
So you moved outdoors … when pineapple is expected to end at the outdoors in your location?

by the looks of things either saturday or maybe next week I am not sure yet. I discovered a root aphid in the dirt today, not a good sign.

I may have to cut them down a bit early :( Altho out in the sun they are plumping up :)

I'll get pics on saturday or sunday


Active member
Alright, here are the pics. I am thinking of cutting down the plant on the left tonight, she is almost 100% cloudy trichs, some starting to turn amber.

The one on the right, tomorrow night.

already cut the third plant down the other day and have it drying. Ready to go for jarring up :)

As you can see in these pics, the buds have already plumped a bit since my last post.





keep trying to pluck out all the small fan leaves that keep dying, it is getting to be a pain! think harvest tonight will be a good idea. Already smoked some of the stuff I took down more than a week ago and quickdried... that was pretty damn potent.


Active member
so plant one which was chopped a few days ago has now dried and is curing. Weight came out to a little over 12g. Not great but at least I can hope for a solid O maybe more per the additional plants.

I harvested the plant with the chicken wire on it and it feels significantly larger than the first one chopped. At least double.