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WHOOPS....... Meant to say "LEAF" discoloration

So here's the story..... my plants I believe are sick. Some leaves are two different shades of green. Some have brown spots and streaks. I posted pictures, sorry they aren't better. I can try to get better ones.

This is my first time growing in soil so I'm not too familiar with it. I used miracle grow, slow release fertilizer soil in 5 gallon bag pots. I believe the NPK are all pretty normal as I tested them with a soil tester kit and the colors looked right. Also, the ph is around 6.0. Temp is mid 70's and humidity has been around 90% since I sprayed, which leads me to my next point......

I had mites not too long ago so I sprayed a couple of times and they seem to be gone. Could this be causing this leaf discoloration?

I'm running a 1000w in a 5x5 grow room. The light is about 2 feet from the tops.

Thanks in advance for all the help.


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Wassup Atrain?

What did you spray with?

PH 6 is too low for soil. You wanna shoot for 6.5-7ish. Is it actually soil or is it soilless?

Slow release fertilizers cause problems as a general rule.

I keep my RH around 50% for veg and 40 for flower.

Got a picture of the whole plant?

Check out the sick plant guide, fill out the questionnaire and post it up.



How long has this problem been going on?
What STRAIN are you growing?
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)
What is the age of your plants?
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?
Were they in the same mixture when they were seedlings/smaller plant? If not, what mixture were they in before?
How Tall are the plants?
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
What brand Nutrient's are you using?
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
How often are you feeding?
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
How often are you testing pH/ppm/EC/TDS?
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?
How often are you watering?
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
What size bulb are you using?
How old is your bulbs?
What is the distance to the canopy?
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)
What is the canopy temperature?
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?
If using tap water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS of the water right out of the tap?(Only if you have a tds pen)
If using RO,Distilled,mineral water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS without any additives?(Only if you have a tds pen)
Are you using water from a water softener?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?
Are plant's infected with pest's?


New member
Whad up Georgesmiley!

Thanks for the help bro..... I'll get that questionaire filled out as soon as possible. In the meantime, I'll answer the questions ya asked me though.

First, i'll try to get that PH up and humidity down.... thanks for that. It is actual soil, yes. I'll try to get pics of the whole plant.

Thanks for the help..... I wanna get these little guys better soon.


New member
Also, I sprayed with stuff the guy recommended at the hydro store. it's called AzaMax. Active ingredient is Azadirachtin 1.2%. Also bombed with Dr. Doom.

Thanks again.


New member
How long has this problem been going on? Been getting gradually worse for about 3 weeks
What STRAIN are you growing? Waikiki Queen
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) Seeds
What is the age of your plants? About 3 months
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? About two months
Were they in the same mixture when they were seedlings/smaller plant? If not, what mixture were they in before? Started out in an small hydro set-up to germinate and for the first few weeks
How Tall are the plants? Two and a half feet
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Vegetative
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) None..... Plant and grow
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) 5 gallon grow bags, one per bag
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) 2/3 Miracle Grow Slow release fertilizer to 1/3 Peat Moss
What brand Nutrient's are you using? Nothing..... just the nutrients in the soil
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* Once again, just the nutrients in the soil
How often are you feeding? See above two questions
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients? N/A
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect) N/A
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? N/A
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"? N/A
How often are you testing pH/ppm/EC/TDS? Just tested soil pH... Came up as 5.8-6.0
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? Soil test kit
How often are you watering? When the soil is dry
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? Not feeding.... just using soil nutrients
What size bulb are you using? 1000 watt
How old is your bulbs? 2 weeks
What is the distance to the canopy? 2 feet
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) Anywhere from 70%-95%
What is the canopy temperature? Anywhere from 65 at night to 85 in the day
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) Same answer
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) Set up in a 5x5 grow room with (2) Co2 cubes mounted above. Fan circulating occasionally
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? Small window open for ventilation. Inline fan blowing through ducting into an air cooled reflector. Runs on an 18/6 time table
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? Yes
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist? No.... I only water when it drys out
Is your water HARD or SOFT? No clue
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water? Tap water allowed to sit for a few days
If using tap water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS of the water right out of the tap?(Only if you have a tds pen) 85
If using RO,Distilled,mineral water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS without any additives?(Only if you have a tds pen) N/A
Are you using water from a water softener? Not that I know of
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? I regularly pinch and I just recently, about 10 days ago, topped them all
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? Yes, sprayed twice with AzaMax. Was recommended at the hydroponics store. Active ingredient is Azadirachtin. Sprayed about 5 days ago and three days before that. At the time of first spraying I bombed with Dr. DOOM
Are plant's infected with pest's? Not anymore that I can tell

Hope that helps...... PLEASE HELP!!!


Well the azamax isn't going to really hurt things from my experience using it. Haven't used the Dr. Doom though.

The obvious things here are the miricle grow. You mixed 2/3 ferted miricle grow soil or miricle grow fertilizer with the peat? That sounds almost like a soiless mixture.

So your choice of soil is a complete "unknown" for me since no one really sports the MG stuff I don't have a lot of knowledge there. Have you tested the PH of the water before you water and the PH of the runoff? I've never had luck with a soil PH test.

But what I do know is your environmental's are fucked

Your humidity is way too high, and your temps are too high with lights on and too low with lights off.

My rule of thumb is nothing below 72 lights off and 80 lights on (canopy temps) Now it can be a bit hotter and a bit colder but it Cannot swing that wide. With cold temps the plant is going to stop taking up P and the stems will start to purple up and look like lockout.

Thats just my first glance.



New member
Awesome..... I'll try to get my temp more average then. I thought I'd try soil this time but obviously I need to go back to hydro where I'm more familiar. I'll go buy some pH increaser and get a ph soil tester. I'll fiddle with those temps a bit so they stay in that range. Humidity should go down a bit now that I'm not spraying AzaMax. I'll work on that, thanks.

I thought maybe it was because I was using tap water. I let it sit plenty long but there still could be stuff in there that it doesn't like. I'm going to start using better water and fiddle with those temps, humidity, and pH.

Any other helpful tips or anyone know what's causing this? Only some of my plants look like this...... some are fine.