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The Office 3.5: 3kw's of moving CGE madness


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Kickin ass in here. Way to return my man! That's maki g a statement. Deezy means bizzniss!
Glad to see u having issue free run also. Whew the relief!
Keep it tight!

Ps. I let my rh go much higher than that at lights off til bout week 5-6 then I throw the dehuey and dry mode on the ac for night time to stay bout 50 even for duration. Last week or 2 I try to lower even more but I would need a larger dehuey it seems cause I always plateau at 50%
As u know I get super dense buds and so far no rot or mold! Maybe I lucked out but everything seems happy in my room this time as well. Dehuey time now though for sure.


Just Say Grow
thanks for the kind words bro's.

It really feels nice being able to go into the garden and walk out without feeling like your skin is crawling...yuck! just hoping to keep things going the way they are, seriously keeping my fingers crossed. the dehuey was a good deal, it's only a 35 pint unit and it fills up 1 time a day but its keeping rh @ 32-40% now...hoping that'll encourage some more frosting. sir you set the bar, all I know is that If I'd rather smoke your herb than mine, I've got to do things differently...your nugs are fiyah and it makes me want the same.


u both do terrific work i can speak from experience,,,lookin good in here brother,,,hope mine gets to looking anyhting near what urs do in about a month or so,,,peace


that lvpk is looking great. your room looks like it is coming along nicely.


Just Say Grow
day 34- updates: most are pictured although I'm sure I missed a few ;)











Strawberry diesel


the SFV x Chem D formerly known as dumpster lol thanks for clearin it up homes!


that's all I got fellas, the super skunk is looking very similar to the strw dzl at this point, the deathstar is really failing to impress me...It's possible that this may be her only run in my garden. the 707 is looking healty and although its a week behind it's starting to take off aswell. the xxx og is starting to form buds also...many of my low light testers have taken a few days longer to show buds...the reality of it is I've got too many strains and I've got to do the low light testers to find out which ones have an enjoyable smoke and are able to produce quality even under less than ideal lighting conditions...I'd like to narrow it down to 12 strains, a few of which I'm already convinced will not make the cut.


wow bro blowing up for sure,,,yeah i knew by day 30 or so u would see the cut was my SFV x Chemd cut,,,well bro i will be riding along cant wait to see the results,,,whats wrong with the Deathstar?,,,peace brother


Just Say Grow
wow bro blowing up for sure,,,yeah i knew by day 30 or so u would see the cut was my SFV x Chemd cut,,,well bro i will be riding along cant wait to see the results,,,whats wrong with the Deathstar?,,,peace brother

thanks unc & ido, cant wait to have some top shelf to smoke on, I'm officially out for the next few weeks.

the deathstar seems like it's on the same time frame as the ecsd, it appears to be a week behind everything else in the garden. at this point it's not very frosty, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be good smoke....the plant is super healthy, the only limiting factor is the fact it's kinda stuffed into a corner and doesn't recieve as much light as it would probably like, but thats the point of a tester right???

the SFV x Chem D is very sticky/oily already and it's got a nearly repulsive smell to it like pungent garlic, it really smells like it's going to be some knock you on yer ass type stuff, which is what I'm hoping for, I'm taking her to 84 days along with the ecsd & maui


its very overpowering huh,,,very havent took a bath in 3 days smelling lol,,,,and yes its very oily wait til about day 75 or so and see how oily and stinky it is,,,,but 80-84 days is just about right,,,i take it to 80 usually but 4 more days wont hurt it,,,
ur 1000 watter on a mover how big of a space does it cover?,,,i was thinking of just using my growzilla hood with 2 600's over a 6x4 spacebecuz the light coverage of the hood goes sideways and i can only set my room long ways if that makes sense lol,,i was gonna keep it stationary and put a 400 in htere too but figured a mover might be just as efficient,,,,peace


Autos are for pussies!
what up whadeez?

Just found your thread and lettin ya know I got it tagged! Shit's lookin dope in there!



Just Say Grow
technically it covers a light footprint of about 5x10 although the mover is on a 6' track, the spread of the hoods takes it wall to wall if that makes sense. I'd think that 2 stationary 600's would do better than a 1k on a mover, the movers and flip flop really help out when trying to cover a larger canopy with less wattage, if your grow space is only going to allow room for either 1- 1k on a mover or 2 stationary 600's I'd probably go with the 600's assuming that the equipment is already around, if your buying the equip 1k & a cheap 6' mover is the cheaper route to go, just all things that I would consider personally. either way the setup would be capable of producing between 1.5-2.5#

glad to see you made it over ruger, things are just starting to get good.


the 600's are in one hood and the lightprint spreads almost 6 feet sideways but only about 3-4 front and back so i figure put the one hood with 2 600's on hte mover covering a 6x4,,,or leave the 1200 watts stationary over a 4.5x4.5 spot and then put the bare bulb 400 behind it covering the rest of the room about 2x3,,,yeah i am hoping to get about 2 lbs every 90 days should last me a year,,i hope,, but i smoke a lot lol,,,,peace


Just Say Grow
gotcha, that sounds like it could benifiet from being on a mover...movers only use like 4 watts too so it's not something to be concerned about.


my mover is missing the screw o hold the chain where the hell would i get a replacement home depot?,,,they are just nutted hooks or are they eye bolts?,,
i was thinking use t5's in veg and theon 6 hours a day if i didnt use the mover,,,but think i will just use the mover put the t5's on the wall and just use the 400 mh in veg,,,if i dont hit the 2 lb mark i will add the 400 next time,,,peace brother,,,what size containers u using this round?,,i have 2 gallon of coco+coco chunk, will i have to water everyday til runoff or just get good runoff once a week,,,i am having to put 3/4 gal of water to get runoff from the pots,,,this is the first time using Bcuzz coco straight just used sunleaves with promix before so not sure how to handle it,,,peace


Just Say Grow
I'm to the point now where if i don't give them at least some run-off they get overly dry by the time the lights flip back on, just give them what they want lol, I try to have no run off but I also ain't planning on waking up at 3am to water so I got to give em a little extra. snodawgs are in 4gal pks are in 3gal most of the tester are in 1 gal with the exception of the sfv x chemd which is in 3gal, setup sounds like it should do work to me, just keep your ph in check and phosphorus levels under 60 ppms and you shouldn't have any major issues, seems with coco less = more.

One Love 731

Senior Member
Looks sweet as always, the LVPK and the SFV x Chem D look so frosty. I just picked up the Kyle Kushman Strawberry cough and E.S.P.(Chem-d x Blueberry), cant wait to give 'em a run. hope the private life is lookin as good as the grow. Karma, One Love


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
we'll get ya there

we'll get ya there


taking my game to the next level with lil tweaks n setup mods. gotta keep it on the low-low though hehe keep pushin it!

thanks for the compliment bro. i have a bullseye on my back for now i guess lol.

u are looking great from here man! cant wait to hit some of that snowdawg when we get to chill wink wink. hopefully soon. i missed ya the last couple...

need some herb huh. checkin the reserves. a small ration marked deezy here. not much but it smokes. holla


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
by the way id like to compliment you on the perfect health of the plants.
lush, great color, and clean green stems and branches. thats what i strive for.
if you notice my girls there are red stems on the older fans from past trouble before bloom. bums me out when i look at them lol constant reminder of the BS

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