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How do I choose which CLONE to MOTHER???


Is it the tallest one of the bunch? like if it exceeds the others in root structure and height? is it the bushiest one? the one that rooted the fastest?

how do you choose best clones to turn into mothers? best odd of producing the best stuff?

OR does it NOT matter since all the CLONES are from the SAME initial MOTHER??

also any bad effects of choosing to clone a clone of a clone? compared to the initial mother?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I just pick a clone that looks like it will live, and contains the genetics I wish to preserve. Picking a seemingly more vigorous plant to clone from, is most likely only better off because of environmental factors, nutrients, location in the canopy etc. Genetics are genetics, clone away!


you after take cuts of each of the plants your wanting to choose from flower them out and smoke them then choose which you like the most with yield taste and high choose wotevers best for you ive took clones from clones and never seen any diffrence

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Choose a few nice healthy branches and take as clones. Taking more then betters your chances. Sometimes you can take one and it might not make it. Anyways take and root. Once rooted transplant and start growing. Top clones early for early branch growth, keep topping for more. After a few months you will have a nice bushy clone in which you can keep as a mother plant. Topping plants heavily induces heavy branching which is key to having lots of clones to take.


Choose a few nice healthy branches and take as clones. Taking more then betters your chances. Sometimes you can take one and it might not make it. Anyways take and root. Once rooted transplant and start growing. Top clones early for early branch growth, keep topping for more. After a few months you will have a nice bushy clone in which you can keep as a mother plant. Topping plants heavily induces heavy branching which is key to having lots of clones to take.



Active member
I have always chosen the best looking two and held on to them. It has served me well, and it would take a huge incident for me to lose them that way.


Active member
Is it the tallest one of the bunch? like if it exceeds the others in root structure and height? is it the bushiest one? the one that rooted the fastest?

how do you choose best clones to turn into mothers? best odd of producing the best stuff?

OR does it NOT matter since all the CLONES are from the SAME initial MOTHER??

also any bad effects of choosing to clone a clone of a clone? compared to the initial mother?

Take a clone from ALL your girls...you NEVER know which will end up being best. Smoke all your plants and keep the clone/clones of the best as your mother...make more clones.


Active member
Topping plants heavily induces heavy branching which is key to having lots of clones to take.

Whoa man... heavy ;)

on another note, the OP asked which clone taken from 1 plant would be best. Also he wondered if it wouldnt make a difference.

The answer to that is another question: How many clones are you going to take from the mother plant?

If you are taking a lot, you may need more than 1 mom.

If you only have room for 1 mom, just pick the best looking clone. Since they are from the same plant they are pretty much the same thing.


Active member
If you're trying to find the right clones to use as MOMs, there are a lot of factors depending on what you are trying to accomplish. To maximize yields, different strains and phenos want to be grown certain ways so that you can maximize your space. For example, some strains don't like to be topped because you can get smaller buds and less yields for the extra space that it is going to take. A lot of growers get caught up on how many plants that they want to grow per light, without taking into consideration how that specific plant wants to be grown to maximize it's yield. You really have to become familiar with your plants so you can grow them to their fullest potential. People usually have their own growing styles, but people can become handicapped by them when they are growing new strains that they aren't used to cause they want to do things the same way that they usually grow them. For me personally, if I want to grow smaller plants (18"-24"), I make sure that the clones that I have to use grow donkey dick colas. With strains like this, I don't focus on bottom growth. I prune off most of the bottom growth cause I want to put the main focus on the donkey dick colas. In a situation like this, I like to space out the plants every 8" - 10" apart. Doing things this way can use a lot of plants and some people are uncomfortable having that many plants around. If I want to have less plants and grow them a little bigger, then I make sure that the clones that I have that I tested, take up more space. You can run tests and compare your yields with different techniques so you can see in the calculations which method worked best for your qualities and yields. Whatever you choose to do, testing is key for maximizing yields. Learn your plants and run them for a while cause a lot of the work is learning how your specific plants grow and once you know that, it's all money after that.

EDIT: After reading your thread again, I think I didn't answer your question or maybe I got confused. If you got a bunch of clones from the same MOM and you want to know which one to keep, I keep the ones that rooted the fastest and the ones that also look the healthiest.


Active member
the correct answer has already been posted, you have to take cuts off all of them, mark them and either flower the cuts or the origanal seed stock, keep the the mom that gives you what your looking for, ie... yield, best high, smell, what ever your looking for, marking mom and cut is so important


Active member
Take a clone from ALL your girls...you NEVER know which will end up being best. Smoke all your plants and keep the clone/clones of the best as your mother...make more clones.

yeah, one can't really give the clone the full test without taking them thru harvest. then make the decision...sure this method takes a little more time and a lot more space but how else can one know for sure what's to be saved for future generations?

good luck...


"easy growing type"
To put it simple. Do this. Grow all your plants fully. Pick the plant with the best qualities. Overall look and appeal, potency and sturdiness throughout grow. This is the hard part because you really have to do alot of leg work and grow these plants to completion. The easy part is once all this work is over, you will always end with a winner by using that favorite clone. Many people have the good fortune of being gifted a clone. In this scenario almost 6 months have been shaven away from what they'd have to do to get that winner.

Needless to say this would require you cloning all the plants prior to flowering ;)

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