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Could someone please help me out with my nutrient profile?


RE: Roots Excel.
I've been trying to get a SOG running so I pot clones and they go straight into flower. The coco I pot them with has been watered with nutrient solution that does have Roots Excelurator in it. But, I haven't put it into my tanks since that one BA incident. And I never again saw ropy, slimy strands hanging on anything.

However, that isn't a definitive answer. I've just started hitting my tanks with bleach when they get turbid. Check it out on here. Pretty common with some pretty decent growers. I'm going to play with pool shock as it is calcium hypochlorite as opposed to sodium hypochlorite and try to avoid a sodium build up. and see if I can't find an adequate dose.

Thanks dgr-
Does sodium buildup by any chance look like whitish clear snot lookin shit floating around in the reswater? Or are you referring to a buildup in the medium? Was running bleach there for a minute (10ml/gal). Seemed to work well for the BA, but I kept getting snot particles floating around. Stopped using the bleach and it went away.

And yeah, thanks again ShroomDr. Youdaman:wave:


I don't think bleach would show anything floating in water. I will look again but I don't remember seeing anything floating except some coir. I am more concerned with Na+ ions in the coir. It's poisonous at high enough concentrations.

FYI, I also had success with 35% H2O2 at 2 mL/gal. But it gets expensive.


Fuck Entropy.

I saw your post in the NGW thread before stubling across it here.

As you now know, it is not your nute profile (although I think you could drop you P a bit in most of the ratios you showed).

That damn hose is toxic.


I wasted a year of my life trying to diagnose the problems with my grows, as it never occurred to me a hydroponic distributor would be selling toxic hose. I learned a lot about what's going on in the community researching my problem, and may come out of it a more knowledgeable grower... but that won't get '09-'10 back for me...

Get it the hell away from your girls--straight up out of the house style (U.G.U wants you to take pics and save the hose if you can)--and plumb with something else.

Go back to what you know. You are not a failure. It's the damn hose.


I don't think bleach would show anything floating in water. I will look again but I don't remember seeing anything floating except some coir. I am more concerned with Na+ ions in the coir. It's poisonous at high enough concentrations.

FYI, I also had success with 35% H2O2 at 2 mL/gal. But it gets expensive.

Thanks dgr-
Got some H202 here. Just got some DripClean as well. Gonna try adding both in with 0-6-9+epsom salt. Didn't like the idea of feeding my plants bleach. Definitely kept the BA away though.

You are not a failure. It's the damn hose.

Thanks ImaginaryFriend-
Yeah, I've got all the hosing outathere even the stuff that wasn't labeled. Not taking any chances. Gonna go buy some hydrofarm shit today, drain my res and what not. Had the carbon filter going since yesterday evening. Most of what I had was thrown away a bunch of months back when I switched from DTW to ENF, but I'll get some shots of the stuff I just pulled out (drain hoses and whatnot). So you've seen a turn around since switching everything out?


Fuck Entropy.
So you've seen a turn around since switching everything out?


I transitioned to coco (D9s Passive Plant Killer) before U.G.U's post came out. I lost too much to something I couldn't understand, so I decided that I was just really too dumb for RDWC and started looking for the most idiot proof grow I could find.

I was going to go DTW coco, but stumbled on D9s thread in some kind of internet search mess up, did the background, and was sold on it.

Plants are five days into flower, and green as a leprechaun. Wait, that doesn't make any sense. They're green anyway.

On UGU's thread, there's someone who is reporting that the recovery is not great, but all new growth in the room is unaffected since the pipe was pulled. So it sound like the toxin is a pretty big problem. UGU also said that carbon filtration may remove some of it, but I see you're on that already.

Best of luck to you...



I transitioned to coco (D9s Passive Plant Killer) before U.G.U's post came out. I lost too much to something I couldn't understand, so I decided that I was just really too dumb for RDWC and started looking for the most idiot proof grow I could find.

I was going to go DTW coco, but stumbled on D9s thread in some kind of internet search mess up, did the background, and was sold on it.

Plants are five days into flower, and green as a leprechaun. Wait, that doesn't make any sense. They're green anyway.

On UGU's thread, there's someone who is reporting that the recovery is not great, but all new growth in the room is unaffected since the pipe was pulled. So it sound like the toxin is a pretty big problem. UGU also said that carbon filtration may remove some of it, but I see you're on that already.

Best of luck to you...

Thanks for the response ImaginaryFriend. Hope this works. Decided to cut the HID's here for minute. Just using a regular house bulb for the time being. The ones directly under the HID's definitely looked the worst out of the bunch.

Found another shot of that first run when I was still running DTW. If you look close you can see all the tubing. Pulled about two ounces off two thousand watt bulbs.


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Fuck Entropy.
I'm working out of memory here, but:
*heat accelerates the off gassing.
*The molecular size is such that it probably can get into nute solutions, but
*the primary toxicity is direct uptake through the leaf stomata.

My feeling is that you should clean/flush/scrub/air-change as much as you can within the room within reason, and then get back to growing as usual. Maybe a few days of chill time under minimum light to see if you can ease them back into living again... but they're going to need light eventually to start growing again, right?

If you take the time to document what you're trying to do to get your girls to come around, it might become a starting place for other people with the same problem.

If you can, I think you'd be providing a service to the community to take pics of whatever you can without compromising yourself, and openly discuss the method you're taking to try and bring these girls around.

It is such a new problem--or rather, such new information related to an old problem--that there are a lot of people exactly in your shoes. Someone has to figure out what to do... and maybe you can help in that process.

I'll support that in any way I can... remotely... three minutes a day. Real help, huh?

EDIT: Okay, I'll do a bit more than that. I'll start the thread with a summary what UGU found, if you're willing to contribute some time, energy, and data towards possible recovery methods.


For sure man. Just lemme know when you start the thread, drop me the link, and I'll be happy to update it with my results. I'm a cardholder well within legal limits, so no worries. Just wanna get my room back on track. I'd like to see others results as well. Thought I had this thing figured out a few times before, so my optimism's dwindled quite a bit, but it does appear that we're all experiencing the same problem... with that shit hose as the culprit.
