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HumboldtLocals Outdoor 2010


Ganja D

This Purple Train Wreck x Purple Star is almost done. About 1/5th or so amber trichomes under a microscope. About a week to ten days lest.





Sorry for so many pictures of the same thing but I love the look of this plant. It's the first on the right in this pic.

The middle plant in the last pic is this pink pheno purple star. I prefer the smell of this one,bet it'll smoke nice.


Purple Train Wreck x Grape Fruit

Sour Diesel x F13,smells awesome. Just one small plant for head stash.

Chemdog x Sour Diesel,super frost diesel dominant.

SFV OGK x Chemdog (looks like 3 potential keepers out of 5)


Very unique and soothing smelling SSSDH.

Should have lots of SSSDH

And chunky sticky SFV OGK/Chemdog
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classy grass
Great stuff, GanjaD. So many nice flavors..

Is the sssdh from seed? I'm growing one 'shire' cut of the sssdh..looks similar to yours and smells very lemon hazy with a hint of that foul sour.
Congrats on photo of the month, a well deserved honor!!! You have so many beautiful photo's this year it could have gone to any number of them. I am especially digging the overhead pics and the recent close up's with strain ID's, that's very helpful. Everything looks excellent, the coloration on the purple trainwreck x Purple Star is stunning. Congrats on an amazing year again!
you got it

you got it

ive been into the clubs that these guys who want to run these warehouses supply, and i wasn't at all impressed. and thats multiple times over the years. let them grow 500-1000 lights of schwag. thats what they make now, and that is what they actually aim to make then "box wine"... the clubs have to sell that stuff. and to do that the med users need to provide a demand for their product. schwag doesn't sell now, and wont sell well then either.
the only way to efficiently grow 500-1000 lights is with cheap chems and cheap labor. there will be an initial price drop, then a boutique niche market will emerge, and for many will provide a steady market. the demand will be for indoor and outdoor organic cut only boutique strains. their 1000 lights will provide a cheap less than b-ster quality alternative. it will be poorly taken care of and heavily pesticide laden. look at how big agribusiness grows corn , apples, and other fruits and vegetables. you cant keep the mites out of a 1000 light room with neem and pyrethrum bombs...lol...
and their beloved advanced nutrients sponsors will be trying to get their piece of the pie too. with their kushie kush nutes and such. wich costs $$$$$ , making their switch to pure ammonium nitrate and simplot/ozmocote cheap industrial alternatives even quicker, henceforth loosing all flavor and value...
but their trim jobs will be proper cause they can actually afford to purchase a dozen samurai/twister trim machines cash up front.
change is definitely coming , but we shouldn't fear it. it will only solidify our place in the market. just dont give out your strains to em, keep em mom n pop....ohh and dont plant the round up ready white widdow, shes gonna herm out...lol
thats my take,

Your damn right!! lols to the round up ready white widow.


Active member
Inspirational journal, thanks for updating it frequently :) With such lush plants i doubt you have to deal with Powdery Mildew much, but if/when you do, what is your poison?


any PM in there and if so how are you guys dealing with it? nomaad told me that one of your friends dips the infected branches in h2o2 / water after harvest then hangs to dry and the PM is gone does this sound accurate?

aerial photos are awesome. the garden is lookin good.


love it to the bone! color and bud explotion! dont you guys have mold problems at all?


im with everybody else and very curious about how you guys deal with your powdery mildew/ mold problems? i dont know if you have been getting that early morning mist we have been getting down here in socal but its killin us down here

happy harvest


Just curious about the "Chamba". Been working with the Chamba here. Did yours come from the "Cobs" in the 70's? Got to be the same thing. Killer strain and way strong. I'd keep that strain to yourself. Locals only.

Peace Bro

Madrus Rose

post 69
SFV OGK x Chemdog (looks like 3 potential keepers out of 5 And chunky sticky SFV OGK/Chemdog

Nice to see them getting so near the finish & which keepers might be . Most of these were from Rez's stock believe you guys were trying out ?
Nice n chunky/sticky is what we want to hear ....

No problems with mold or PM in the GH yet ? The Purple Stars & P-Trainwrecks finishing up so early a big plus ...

* Up @ Laytonville this weekend for Earth Dance (great time for all ) we got just a touch of early morning rains on Sunday then clouds were gone & warmed up nicely . But was still a pretty overcast & high humidity filled nights & days up there near ya . Hung out with the boys n girls from Harborside & many pretty ladies ...and met a great girl i will be visiting soon from up Arcata way ;)

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