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Can a lack of intake cause premature yellowing?


I'm running Humboldt organic nutes. Half my plants are in Roots Organic, the other half in a mix my wife and I did with FFOF, Coco, and Perlite. The ones in our mix yellowed first. The Roots Organic started yellowing a few days ago. We're on day 23 of 55-60 day bloom cycle.

Originally, I thought my lights (2x1000w in XXXL's on a mover)might be too close to the plants. This may have been part of the problem. So I took them up. That was only a few days ago. But I've already got leaves falling off the plants.

Our temps our between 71-78 degrees...I'd say a 75 average.
Water is bubbled then pHd to 6.2-6.8. I feed once a week with the Humboldts. On straight water days I include unsulfured black strap molasses.

I think that I need more intake...as I saw something similar on a friends plants and he had little if any intake. On his it would happen immediately. Mine at least waited a few weeks.

I just don't know. Help please.


Strain of Mj? AK47 & something that was called Durban Poison when I get the original cutting. But I and several other growers don't think it's Durban. I've gotten several guesses (bubblegum, lemon haze). People like it, but I'm working on real genetics and this is probably the last time I grow it.

Hydroponic or soil? Soil

From seed or clone? Clone

Age of plant in question? 4 months?
What stage (Veg/Flower; how many days into)? 23 days into flower
Medium (Soil, Rockwool, Hydroton etc.)? Said in my opening post.
Container/Pot size? 5 gallon smart pots
Have they been transplanted, if so how long ago? 5 weeks ago
If soil, composition ratios (peat moss, perilite, vermiculite etc.)? Roots organic for half. For our own mix, 2 bags of FFOF, about 3 gallons or perlite, two 5 gallon buckets of Coco. Tried it once. Going to all Roots organic after this.

Water runoff Ph? Embarrassed to say I don't know.

Nutrients added?
Ratios of nutrients (N% P% K%)? Whatever the Medium Humboldt organics schedule provides.
Feeding schedule? Feed on Wednesdays. Following Humboldt Organics 8 week medium

When were they last fed/watered? Watered last night
How are you determining when to feed/water (weight, wilting, etc.)? We water three times a week. I used to go by wilting. However they brought us to three times a week to stay ahead of wilting.

TDS/EC/PPM? Don't know. Next door neighbor tested our tap water. He said it was extremely low. About 20 ppm.

Tap/RO/Distilled water? Tap. I aerate with 2 stones in a 50 gallon rubbermaid trash can.

Ph before and after adding nutrients? About 7.6-7.8. I use ph down to bring to 6.2-6.8

Is your Ph equipment properly calibrated? Been a couple of weeks since I calibrated.
Light intensity/Age of bulb/Wattage? 2x1000w in XXXL's
Distance to the canopy? They were too close at about 12 inches. I took them up another foot a couple of days ago.
Temps at canopy? Don't know
Temps at root zone or reservoir?
Day/Night temps (Min.-Max.)? 71-73 lights off. 73-76 lights on.
Current air flow (CFM)? 1023cfm 10" max fan can fan. 2 6" inline fans from Home Depot on 2x5" openings for intake.

Is there air blowing directly onto plant? Intake faces away from the plants. Do have an AC unit that blows over the corner of the canopy. But just a small corner. I have one oscillating floor fan blowing on them. One static fan on the floor to move the cool air from the AC across the room. This fan does not blow on the pants.

Using CO2? No

Relative humidity? 40-55%

Growing technique (Scrog, Sog, Supercropping etc.)? I top during veg, then supercrop the first few weeks of bloom.

Has plant recently been pruned, clones taken, fimmed or pinched? No. Haven't supercropped and branches in about a week and a half.

Pests? got spider mites twice. Eradicated them twice. Keep them in check with a Azamax (Sometimes foliar...sometimes as a drench) every 30 days or so. Have noticed FG's in my veg room in the last couple of weeks. Got some crushed mosquito dunks (the bacteria kind) that I plan on sprinkling over the soil in the next couple of days.

Chemicals used to eradicate? Azamax. When I got the to small infestations...I mixed in some Pyrethrum.

If so,When? The Pyretrum was last february. The Azamaz is ongoing.





Still a relative newbie. I got my first clones in February. Still figuring out how to dial in the room.

I think it could be one of two things or a combination of both:

1) Lights were too close. I figured with them on movers and vented hoods I could move them closer. I think I was wrong.

2) Not enough intake. The math I've done to be at least 10% larger on the intake tells me I need to up one of the 5" openings to a 6" opening, and add another 6" intake.

Thank you for your time everybody. Sure hope you can help.:wave:


looks like off gassing

I just got a new rubbermaid 50 gallon trash can I bubble my water in. But this started happening before I put the new trash can into the room.

Other than that...nothing new in the room that could cause that. Panda film? Not new though. I panda filmed my veg room about 8 weeks ago. But the panda film in my bloom room has been there since february.


you want your run-off to be in the same range as your feed. If your p.h of run-off is way out of wack it probably nutrient/salt build up and needs to be flushed. I'm dont know much about soil but i believe peeps p.h balance there own soil before using it. Did you check yours before use?


you want your run-off to be in the same range as your feed. If your p.h of run-off is way out of wack it probably nutrient/salt build up and needs to be flushed. I'm dont know much about soil but i believe peeps p.h balance there own soil before using it. Did you check yours before use?

No. I use roots organic with Humboldt Myco Maximum added.

However, half those plants are in a soil mix the wife and I tried to put together...and the other half of the plants is in the Roots Organic unamended. This leads me to believe that it's not the soil, because both soils are doing it (though our mix started doing it first).

I assumed the Roots Organic (which we planned on using going forward) would be the right p.h. Dolomite lime? Is that what I should add?


hmmm...anything flying in the room, looks like Phantom Cal/Mag deficiency which would be Root Aphids.

Actually, in the last couple of weeks I've noticed a few flying creatures in my veg room (unfortunately in the closet in the back of my room). I also saw a few going in and out of the soil. I put some yellow sticky cards up right after I noticed them. I've caught a total of two.

I read the stickied thread by Lolagirl about sprinkling crushed mosquito dunks on your soil to get rid of Fungus Gnats. Do you know if the dunks would work on Root Aphids? I picked some of that up yesterday and plan on applying it in the next couple of days.

Oh...I also watered with Azamax last night. We monitor things relatively closely. So I will continue to keep an eye on their population. Although at this point, we SEEM to have gotten on it early (I know that's important to act as soon as you see pests).


hmmm...anything flying in the room, looks like Phantom Cal/Mag deficiency which would be Root Aphids.

Oh...I also have a bottle of MagiCal (got some of DG's SC99's because I kept reading that SC99 needs lots of Cal/Mag).

I'm afraid to add it to any other plants because I don't want to throw anything out of kilter. But I will if you guys think it's appropriate.

I think I really need to get a PPM meter. Though I'm not really sure what to do with the info one would give me.


Okay. Just got home. Went in to check on the girls. I was looking at the soil and looking for pests. And guess what. Around the base of the plants there are little tiny white critters.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Damnit. So pissed right now.

Okay. Are those root aphids? And what do I do to get rid of them? Are they what's causing this problem?


Identify the creature. Use clear tape and post a pic..

They're tiny and white. Unfortunately, I don't have a camera with micros. So these pics are not very good, so I apologize:

In this pic, if you look at the brown dot (not the pest, a bit of rooter plug) and look right below it, you'll make out two blurry white dots. That's the pest.


In this one, the most apparent are the few above the crease in the tape. Again the brown dots are not the pest. The small white dots:


Well obviously Azamax has no affect on them. Besides watering with Azamax two nights ago, when I noticed them last night I whipped up a bottle of some Azamax foliar. Sprayed it on the rooter plugs at the base of a few plants. The critters are still there this morning.

They look smaller than a spider mite. They're white. They're fast for their size. No flying. Just running.

Wish I had a camera that could help. If these pics are as useless as I think they are, I'll try to find a friend with a camera I can use.


So here's my plan. Treated top of soil of all plants with crushed mosquito dunk tonight. Plan to feed tomorrow night, let the soil dry for a day or two, then sprinkle diatomaceous earth on the soil. Going to let the soil dry more than usual between watering for the next few weeks and when I do water/feed, I plan to water from the bottom for the next couple of weeks in order to keep the D.E. dry.

Of course when these harvest in about 30 days, we will bomb and clean. We always clean like crazy between blooms. This time we're going to add a couple of bombs in there.

Does that sound like it will be remotely effective?


Anyone? Is this the right action to take? Don't want to put down D.E. and screw everything up or have it be ineffective.