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need help greencaterplr eating my girl


so since young i feed and foliar; neem oil,insect soap, everything was going well. now i check outdoor top buds and i see green caterpillar and black dots. some bud is rotten and broke off
what to do? foliar neem? or rinse water early?

Josh Herer

New member


Those green ones are from those big brown moths. I had a INFESTATION on the last week of this one plant i just cut a week ago. No real damage really to the buds. They dried up and the caterpillars took off. Now to the point of the reply... I have 3 Shiva Skunk plants outdoors which showed no sign of caterpillars untill i cut the one before (RomulanxMothership) .Once I saw them on my shivas I used 1/2oz per gallon of AZATROL into my H20 and let the plants (which are wk4-5 in flower) soak up the azatrol through the root zone. Within the next day the caterpillars showed symtoms of the azatrol. I pulled of 15 fat fuckers 7 mediums and 1 baby one after a VERY CLOSE inspection yesterday. Today, None. I feel pretty confident because I see absolutly no Cater P shit anywhere. Get some AZATROL its expensive but its the next best thing to Nuking the bastards.

Josh Herer

New member
I like the Idea of applying it through the rootzone. As to not disturb the quality of the finished product, especially this late in my plants life. Just the thought of them being rained on gives me nightmares.


i know whAT to do azatrol yup seen that
shit so no rinsing them off in morning?
just feed, and pick them off

Josh Herer

New member
Yea the Azatrol works by making the bug feel full all the time, it also does something neurological and they end up goin tarded and eventually die. And No morning rinse.