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post your most embarrassing/funny/stupid shit i did while high stories...


Some really funny shit in this thread...I had just finished a nice blunt session with my brother and his girlfriend and had a nasty case of cottonmouth. I poured a glass of iced tea but realized I had to take a mean piss. I took the cup with me, did my business and walked out, completely forgetting the glass in the bathroom. When I got back to my kitchen I grabbed the glass of iced tea that was sitting there on the counter and fucking drained the thing in about 5 seconds, only to turn around to see my bro's gf looking at me with an incredulous look on her face, as I had drank the cup she had just poured. I felt like an asshole, but goddamn if it wasn't a refreshing glass of iced tea.


Some really funny stories here, thanks for sharing everyone.

I'm trying to remember the real good ones but they are somehow lost somewhere :rasta:

I too forget things in my hands, in my pockets etc. You're really stressed out to get to a class/meeting/work and you know you need to see shit, you must have your glasses (Lenses + clear eyes kinda sucks for my eyes). So you run around looking for them, missing buss after buss. And you have them on your fucking nose all the while... Or the headphones in your ears already... I've arrived late many a time thanks to this :D


Active member
done that sitting on the throne.
when i first passed my driving test my dad got me a mini and im a 6,6 18 stone hunk of a man as is my best mate well we bothed used to squeeze in this mini and one time when i was driving i had a hot rock fall through the hole in my jeans right onto my japs eye and i couldnt find the door handle to open the car cos i was panicing while i was jumping about like mad i threw the joint down my mates shirt by accident an d he couldnt open his door either. finally he rolled his window down and opened it from the outside it was real funny shit


Oh just did a nice one. Was going to cook some rice, but the stove was a bit crowded. So I put the pot with water and rice on the sink. Or rather, I put 1/3 of it on the sink and 2/3s on air :mad: ffffffuuuuuu!