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Red stripe stems... dying plants... yellow leaves

i wouldnt even bother going with another hydro method as you was talking about in your other thread, i would stay the same dude because you will probly end up having high resi temps with another type of system.....i would however continue on your plans of making a chiller.....if you knew alot about hvac and a/c's you could basicly make a stainless coil instead of using the condenser coil in your resivour as i read copper and ferts dont work well together, and can kill plants with copper toxicity..i do wish you luck getting temps under control.....
Hey guys.... thanks for the advice... Yeah, im building a chiller right now... winter is almost here, and all im gonna have to do is run a coil of plastic piping outside behind my shrubs with a pump and temperature controlled switch.... ive got them down drastically with milk bottles... pain i the ass. I just sat down with my babies, and was contemplating ripping them out, but as i was working, i started taking all of the dead leaves off the plants( which was virtually all) All thats left are some healthy sticky nugs. Im gonna let them grow for a bit and see what happens. I had to cut one down, but salvaged 8 out of 9.... theyre all looking good and sticky. Wish me luck..... But yes im gonna make a small two site aeroponic system. Ill keep everyone updated. Ill post a picture in a few of my naked ladies.
Heres some pictures of hopefully salvaged ladies... Will they keep growing? Last one is of so far good plants i put into flower Aug 27


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I dont hold out much hope for growth now at this stage, but if you get a hold of res temps, essential, aerate it, and treat for any root infection your newer ladies should do ok.

I`ve been there mate, I feel for you.


joe fresh

Active member
at a quick glance your plants look like their starving....ph lock out/excessive salt build up causing nute lock out..... but it might be more...

i just had the same problem towards the end of my grow, (im in promix) and i know for a fact it was not under feeding, so i came to the conclusion that it was fungus/molds growing in the soil/base of soil, the stems of the plants were weak and plants would fall over, leaves at the base of the plant would yellow and die, and slowly move up the plant untill all i had left was buds and the only leaves left were bud leaves, then the wilt/fungus moved to the bud leaves and it was over....

my best guess would be damping off, but i cant confirm as ive never had it before. ive read that ferts with a high N and low DO in nute solution and over watering can lead to damping off.

your best bet is to let the plants go untill you see buds wilting away, then you have let them go too far

so presently im between grows and am doing a full room clean up with physan 20, walls floors tools buckets....everything, im determined not to have any problems this time.

bugs can also transmit diseases and viruses from plant to plant, so if you have any bugs they should be #1 to get rid of.

i strongly recomend you do a thorough room clean up after this crop and disinfect everything in the room.

EDIT- if your plants roots are rotting away or if there is damping off, your roots cant take in the nutes you are giving them so by continuously feeding them could result in salt build up and lock out, which would result in the same issues you have been having.
TOKE- Thanks... My rez is still a bit high, but I have a huge air pump on it. Aeration is good. Im guessing its the tubing as described recently on the site. Kinda scary/wierd.... I would have never figured that one out.

JOE.... Im a PH freak and stick to my nute regimen perfectly. They stay strong, buds stay, but leaves are gone,

TO ALL... Im changing my tubing monday/tuesday, and simplyfing to the lucas formula with GH nutes.... I hope it goes well.

Thanks to all... Any more options welcome!!! Say it!! Nothing is stupid/ irrelevant... except my spelling..lol

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