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OMG-Harney seeks opinions on medicinal cannabis



Harney seeks opinions on medicinal cannabis


Fri, Sep 10, 2010

MINISTER FOR Health Mary Harney has said she is open to making cannabis legal for medicinal purposes.

Ms Harney has sought legal advice on the effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of such conditions as multiple sclerosis and certain forms of cancer.

In a statement, the Department of Health and Children said it would make contact with relevant experts in the field with a view to making a recommendation to the Minister before the end of the year.

Ms Harney said in a parliamentary question last year that she did not propose a change in the law that would allow cannabis be used for medicinal purposes.

The department stressed there was “no question” of the Minister legalising cannabis itself.

Medicinal cannabis campaigner Gordon McArdle met with Minister for Community Affairs Pat Carey yesterday evening to discuss the issue.

Mr Carey has overall responsibility for the Government’s drugs strategy, but a spokeswoman for the Minister said he was meeting Mr McArdle because he was a constituent. Mr McArdle said he was “pleasantly surprised” at how open Ministers were to the idea of changing the law.

Mr McArdle maintains that the legalisation of medicinal cannabis would bring Ireland into line with the UK, Canada, Italy, Spain, Israel and 14 US states.

He said there ought to be a EU-wide approach to the problem, and a common strategy, and said he was not advocating the legalisation of cannabis in general, as that was a separate issue.

A Facebook page to have cannabis legalised as a medicinal drug has more than 4,000 supporters.

© 2010 The Irish Times



Is that the one linked in the other thread?

yes, haven't had a thorough read myself yet

''The Minister and I have met and discussed my draft Bill. While the Minister for Health has power of a decision such as this, Minister Carey has offered further meetings with his staff to assist in the advancement of this proposal. The Health Minister has stated that while cannabis remains Schedule 1 here she is open to making changes to the Misuse of Drugs legislation to allow for the use of medical cannabis based drugs if expert advice indicates that a change is warranted. This is a positive step forward for the campaign and for patients across Ireland and the EU. We do not have a timeline in place yet to complete this process but are hopeful of positive progress being made shortly.''


New member
''The Minister and I have met and discussed my draft Bill. While the Minister for Health has power of a decision such as this, Minister Carey has offered further meetings with his staff to assist in the advancement of this proposal. The Health Minister has stated that while cannabis remains Schedule 1 here she is open to making changes to the Misuse of Drugs legislation to allow for the use of medical cannabis based drugs if expert advice indicates that a change is warranted. This is a positive step forward for the campaign and for patients across Ireland and the EU. We do not have a timeline in place yet to complete this process but are hopeful of positive progress being made shortly.''
looks like its about Sativex and not medicinal cannabis. This could be for the medical companies.

Cookie monster

Hmmmm, I doubt the outcome will be what we're looking for

Probably not but it will be a little step forward.
I can see a time in the future where we may be able to apply for a licence to grow marijuana for the production of cannabis based drugs.


New member
Wont happen if its sativex. The pharma companies have no intention of outsourcing the grows. Im not sure this is about sativex though.

Cookie monster

Wont happen if its sativex. The pharma companies have no intention of outsourcing the grows. Im not sure this is about sativex though.

True but I'm sure their must be a few small Irish drugs company's that could produce mmj or university's that will want to look in to creating new drugs, they are going to need the raw material and importation seems a little silly.

Who knows sure maybe even FAS will run a few CE schemes on marijuana horticulture.....

Ok maybe thats a bit too optimistic :)
I'm not mad about this. I would rather we just be progressive and legalise it and have it regulated properly.

Under California law I would personally qualify for a medical marijuana card, but I'm recovering very quickly from my illness (thank god/allah/Elvis/whoever) and I think the boredom of living in a jobless country and being a toker would drive me to hitting myself over the head with a hammer to qualify for a card.

The Cali model is a terrible one and has been exploited to bits. I don't think it's much good, I've read so much about people being arrested for growing 20 plants when they were only licensed to grow 10, people using lights that haven't passed the recommended electronics authorities etc...

Our politicians are basically sheep who follow the rest of the world and I wouldn't be shocked if they took the line on medical marijuana. But I'm not sick, and I want to smoke it. To hell with "medical" marijuana.

Who is anyone kidding?
I dont particularly care if people grow more plants than they're allowed and get caught, all of us right now are growing more plants than we're allowed, so if this came in and some1 else gets greedy, well thats their problem, if they're doing it by plant numbers and people are still running sea's of green rather than growing tree's, well then thats their own stupidity, again, i'm not gonna worry bout it. Nobody in the country is currently worrying about me and my grows.

If they're using lights that havent passed recommendations, well if u dont know by this age in your life not to be messing with electricity, u shouldnt be growing. Same as anything in life, if u dont want to put in the research dont expect the results.

I would also rather it was just legalised, but lets face it, Ireland is never going to lead the way in this regard, so no point living in a pipe dream, why not take what we can get and work from there ?

Indeed, to hell with medical marijuana, but even moreso to hell wih outright banishment on the drug, i'll quite happily take the label of patient if it means i can smoke and grow carefree, i couldnt give a shit what people call it, u give me the right to smoke and grow legally, and i'm happy. End of story.

just my 2 cents :)