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early flowering stage (10 days) tea


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
think more like 1-2 tablespoons per week. 1 cup would be for like a huge plant, something like 6ft tall, 6 ft wide, mid veg, very hungry.

you can make teas, its just top dressing is so much easier. and more efficient.


Living with the soil
you can do this with the top dressings

1st week of flower - 10-2-1
2nd week - 10-10-2
3rd week - 1-10-0.2
4th and on- 0.5-12-0.2

as for the kelp and kmag. if you have them both you can alternate. otherwise use what you have.

Sorry guys,I was thinking about this^^^^^ ...not over 1 cup combined throughout that period per 5 gallon pot.
that makes sense..... thanks for the clarity! i fried a batch of plants by giving em to much guano in a tea, so im trying to make sure i know whats up before using em again.
this is my 1st time with guanos so i just top dressed 2 tbsp......what i've noticed that had more impact was 4 plants i've got in veg.about 3 wk old clones..fed them a tea of mexican guano,ewc,humic acid,and molasses. they really greened up look like they are ready for bidness...
what size pots and how big are the plants? ill probly use half that with my next tea just to see how they like it. mine are in 1 gallons and like a foot tall.

by the way, with the pelletized guanos do you guys break em down into a powder before using? i think its the peruvian that is pelletized....


Living with the soil
Whooze you guys?....pelletized guano? I would avoid anything pellitized...I dunno' call me old fashioned,but pelletized anything means concentrated and slow to be released. That's just more to account for and may or may not..... depending on who you are is good or bad when it comes to KISS


I'd blend the peruvian guano since it's the consistency of gerbil food..I like the 0-12-1 or one that's like flour almost..forget which kind

Stoned Crow

A rule of thumb that has always worked with me top-dressing guanos is the "dusting" method. I dust the entire top area with a guano/worm castings (roughly one tablespoon guano to two tablespoons of castings) mixture. To the point that this mixture covers the top soil of the pot.

It's always worked as a feeding/amendment, if in veg then a high N guano, if the last week of veg or anytime in flower, then a high P guano.

About every other week I do this for a feed, and also bubble teas at the same mixture above, consisting of two tablespoons of the above mixture to one gallon of water, every watering (if I have the time).

Using this method, it depends on how deep your pots are and how deep you water. I use 3.5 gallon squares for flowering. Although, this mixture would also depend on your base mix, my base mix is pretty old, so it might not follow the mixes in the "organics for beginners" thread.......SC


I'd blend the peruvian guano since it's the consistency of gerbil food..I like the 0-12-1 or one that's like flour almost..forget which kind

That's the Indonesian.... And I wouldn't go more then 2 or 3 TBS at a time in a 5 gallon. I usually hit mine with 2 TBS max in my 3 gallon pots. And that is just once or twice throughout flower.
its completely plant size dependent. bigger plants get more, smaller plants get less. haven't used guanos in years and i never measured anything when i did. maybe someone else can chime in and give you more accurate measurements.

what do you use instead of guanos anyway?

Stoned Crow

so just to clarify Crow, you top dress and also put guano and ewc in your teas as well? and then use both at the same time?

Yes, alot of people here don't believe/recommend putting guano in teas, I do. It's pretty rare when I use both at the same time, there has to be a obvious deficiency to use them at the same time, and it's not very often.
this is the 17th day of flowering and i see no yellowing in fan leaves...keepin my fingers crossed but i think problem is solved...
plant meals, plant extracts, rock powders, composts, and all the natural materials i have around me.

nice. I have all this shit and i dont even know how to use it! lol

lets see i have:
seaweed extract
kelp meal
rock phosphate
alfalfa meal
fish meal
fish emulsion.

I actually have a thread going trying to learn how and when to use these products either in teas, topdressed, or as foliar spays.

Id love a tutorial if you have the interest.....

I read on the seaweed extract, seems like amazing stuff, i used it as a foliar spray yesterday, mixed in with my tea.

I was thinking fish or kelp meal for flower because the low N, high P and relative high K levels.

Alfalfa for veg seems right, im sure ive read to stop using it as soon as 12/12 starts.

Fish E, Im guessing id use if not using alfalfa???? not sure

the rock phosphate I havent the slightest but its got good P and K too right??

my biggest problem is dosage. i have no clue what kind of dosing to use if i add any of these to my tea, foliar spray, or as a top dress. Im not even sure if I can or should add some of these,for nutrients, to my teas. for instance...
i understand the rock phosphate is used for fungi homes in a tea, but how can i use it for its nutrient properties?

anyway, JayK, you seem like the man to ask.... your help here or in that other thread (when to add what and why, or something like that..) would be greatly appreciated.

day 22 of my norther light scrog and it's doin great...really dont see any yellowing yet.. been doin the teas and top dressin like jkush suggested and the buds are lookin good..will top dress the indonesian -(0.5-12-0.2 )in the mornin..this is 1st crop i've ever added anything to my mix but molasses and water,sure makes a difference.....one thing for sure is that i have to water every other day as opposed to 2 times a week.. teas and guanos have got this old fat man on the ball...guess it's the 1000 watt bulb but they do drink a lot..


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
nice. I have all this shit and i dont even know how to use it! lol

curious as to why you would buy something you don't even know how to use? proper planning prevent piss poor performance as they always say.

my biggest problem is dosage. i have no clue what kind of dosing to use if i add any of these to my tea, foliar spray, or as a top dress. Im not even sure if I can or should add some of these,for nutrients, to my teas. for instance...
i understand the rock phosphate is used for fungi homes in a tea, but how can i use it for its nutrient properties?

if you know the materials your working with its extremely easy to know how much to add, and when. as general rules with soil "little but often" and "less is more" are good things to keep in mind. you can always add more if it wasn't enough, but if you added too much its almost impossible to take it away.

the rock phosphate should be mixed in the soil because it is a rock, rocks are slow release, because well...there hard.

have you read the links and articles posted in the organic fanatic collective thread? they will help you greatly in answering most if not all of your questions. its a long thread, but worth it.
day 32 of flower for my northern light scrog and they look better than any of my previous grows..i always grew in smaller containers with a smaller light and never fed any nutrients...the buds are really big and fillin in like the pictures i've seen of other grows...i see now that the plants had at least a severe nitrogen shortage.. still no yellow leaves=YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHA...what fun it is to learn the organic way...