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healthy way to smoke? or won't work?

I have a brand new pencil style solder-iron in the box and I was thinking about how my hot wand always pops, and how I hate a lighter. I know they sell ceramic ones for smoking with, but I am short on funds. What do you guys think? should work the same right....? any and all input is appreciated! Have a great weekend everyone!
There's absolutely no way to smoke healthily. Molecule for molecule of active ingredient, your best bet is to use honey oil on a titanium or quartz plate/pad using an oilbub. Some people on this forum will tell you this method is not combustion but they're dead wrong.

Or, vaporize.

Or, eat it.

The first being the least healthy, the last being the most healthy, and vaporizing being somewhere in between. If you combust you are smoking, which is what haikos do, the only thing they do better than a lighter is pinpointing your ignition spot to be more precise. If you're trying not to combust using a haiko/soldering iron, you may as well just get a vape as itll be a million times more efficient/practical.
thanks guys. pretty much confirming what I assumed. I just hate filling up bags, don't really want to get a new vape, and I loved my hot wand. To be honest, I would use my hot wand like a vape, had it down to a science really. I could burn a bowl and never ignite; which was my theory with the iron.... do haikos get to hot or? and why does it need to be a haiko? why not a normal metal iron?


honey oil addict
There's absolutely no way to smoke healthily. Molecule for molecule of active ingredient, your best bet is to use honey oil on a titanium or quartz plate/pad using an oilbub. Some people on this forum will tell you this method is not combustion but they're dead wrong.

how is it then when i blow out a hit from my oil vape unit, the cloud in the air dissipates very quickly, and has no characteristic wispyness like real smoke, that also will linger in a room for many minutes? my exhales disspate very rapidly, and leave almost 0 odor. my lady smokes weed every day, so i know the difference on a daily basis. her smoke lingers, and the smell of burning pot is very strong and fills the house. my oil system if used on a cool enough pad produces almost no smoke.

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