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Will my sealed bales of promix be OK over a harsh Canadian winter?



Hello ICMAG, I have a quick question for everyone. After I discovered how much work and stress it is selecting an outdoor spot and then lugging heavy bags of soil there and digging the holes I would like to lessen the work for next year as I plan to put out many different remote patches. I had an idea of digging all of my holes in the fall and bringing bales of promix to the site and keeping them hidden until next year. Now i am in Ontario, Canada so we do have a pretty cold and harsh winter. I would love to do this tho because then all I would have to do is go there one day and dump the promix in the holes and place my plants into them. Is this a bad idea? Any advice for me? What about the planting holes, should i do something to them to ensure that they dont fill in? THANKS!


I have heard of bears destroying bags left out, but i cant answer about the weather, but its soil, and it would be frozen normally right?... maybe throw a camo tarp over it before first snow fall to help hide them...


Well from what I've seen, guys usually add a bunch of stuff to promix, so maybe you could fill the holes & dump some more stuff in that would compost good, whatever you can get your hands on like manure's, scraps, any nettles nearby, mix it all up & toss in some worms. Then next year you would be able to just bring the girls out there, give everything a quick mix again, plant, and be out. I like to have everything prepped before I bring the plants out anyways, it's nice to be in & out with them, allthough at some places I drop the supplies & plants and then come back in later without a vehicle, kinda depends on the spot.

I plan to do this at a few places, so if it's not a good idea I'd like to hear why. Thanks

I will say this though, one of my security protocols is to never leave bales or supplies sitting out unless it's covered very well & even then I still return within 12 hr's, obviously this depends on the spot, but leaving bales in the woods for extended periods is a BAD IDEA. In my area the crops are not in the woods at the same time as hunters except for the rare late finishers during bow season, why risk your garden to more exposure (95% of the hunters, at least in my area) if you don't have to.... something to consider.


Yea i've heard of people digging and filling there holes in the fall and then there all ready and good to go in spring. it gives the soil time to break down an ddecompose a bit. this'll lead to better microlife and better buds. If u decide to leave them out in the bags the only thing i would worry about is that the soil inside the bail is moist, so when it frezzes it might expand and bust the plastic.

nice thread man


Thanks everyone, sounds like I will be going ahead with my plan


Wait, so do you recommend i fill my holes instead of leaving them in the bags? There are no bears where I am so that is no concern of mine, and there is no hunting allowed where my plants will be so I am not concerned about anyone spotting the bags, no one will ever be around my patches unless they are police or rippers.


Yea i would say forshure fill your holes now it will give the soil time to break down and will be even betr come spring.

Guest 150314

Put them in contractor bags and tarp them, if they get rained on they will get waterlogged and you will NOT be able to move them.

Also they are white and pretty easy to spot (Yet another reason to use sunshine#4..), I have found other growers cached dirt a couple times and put em in my truck :) I figure if they are to lazy to hide them or hike them in to their spot .. not just chuck them into the bush and come back in the spring .. then they are mine..


That's kinda what I was saying (fill the holes now) The soil will get better, and they won't be at risk of being found. I know you said no hunters or anyone goes out there, but I have gone to LOTS of places where nobody else goes. I found 3 old grow spots this winter scouting.

Guest 150314

Cool, I like to scout spots in the summer and prep them over the winter. I found scouting in the late summer superior because you can see if the water source(s) will still be usable, and it also gives you a better idea of who will be out in the area while you are growing there. Where I live many logging roads are open all winter but they lock the gates throughout the summer to discourage partying,growing, etc.. another reason to scout in the summer.


Rep for that, a lesson I learned again this year (Took a break for awhile, forgot some stuff) if I had known certain watering holes were going to dry up I would have filled stuff up ahead of time or been less inclined to plant.


Ok I have decided I am going to dump the promix into the holes, add some amendments and let things break down over winter. What would you guys recommend I add to my promix to break down over the winter? I have access to a very good hydro store and many gardening centres, I am willing to spend decent money to have a very good mix. Thanks a lot for all the replies, very appreciative of it.


ya i would make up your soil for next year and put it in the holes be for winter throw some organics in there and some lime and the hole will be great come spring time with little work but to plant and provide more care for that young plants to grow huge


thanks for the reply, but could you recommend any specific organics you have experience with?

Guest 150314

2 parts promix .. 1 part manure/compost/worm castings .. 1 part perlite. This is a good base to start with, once they get growing you can hit them with other things. Honestly though I find organics in the bush are a bitch to carry in, attract animals, and are more difficult to anticipate dosage then liquid nutrients. The mix I mentioned works great in conjunction with hydro nutes like GH or AN 3 part.


Yes I have only had experience with liquid chemical fertilizers, what do you think if I just leave the promix in the holes with a layer of mulch on top to protect it as I have been thinking about how much work it is going to be lugging all these things into the bush. If i put the promix in the holes and the next year be sure to give the plants liquid nutrients when needed this would work fine? I am just concerned about the promix being in the holes all winter, is there any reason for my concern?

Guest 150314

Are you worried about someone spotting the holes? I am not sure I understand why you would be concerned about leaving it in holes over the winter..

Beautiful BC

New member
If you're going to mix organics in, do it before snowfall. They take time to break down. Also if you mix everything now, you won't have to worry about scavenger animals digging up your plants in the spring for the fresh stuff.

+1 on the manure/worm castings and lime. You can put 0.5-1 cup dolomite lime per cubic foot of soil. Bone meal is a good source of phosphorus, use maybe about half as much as you put lime. Leaves are good too, plus you can find them out in the bush.

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