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2009..my date with Density..

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It looks like one of your DC's in that white square pot may have mold growing on the fan leaves mossy. Other than that they are looking really nice. Deff looks like you have some nice projects in the works as usual. Karma sent for some bright sunny days...


So you're experimenting with tinctures. Hope they work well for your pain this winter.... Water extracted hash is an easy method that gets good returns... I would recommend buying a cheap 3-set of bubble bags, a new 5 gal bucket, and a big ass metal stir spoon.... Give it a try, its quite potent stuff... Especially if you are putting any kind of flower material in...

Some patients put hash in pill capsules, but i doubt that works all that well... You'd need a lot of them I would think..

Just picked up a set of Payload bags (used but great deal, too much brand new), so I could process my trim for hash to be used in my tinctures. Seems to be a easy & efficient way to use the trim (hate to just throw it out)


let's all smoke one>......remembering 9/11/01......a silent prayer.............
Always m8...:joint:


pipe..look..the sun has left the higher mountain range..
and it is starting back up mossys mountain..
once it sets over the peek..
it will be sept 21st and I'll be back to 12/12 natural..
and it is all down hill from there...:cry:

pipe..HHH...they are patches of salts build up...
like limescale in the kettle..
the PH balanced water is helping..but not eliminating.

I will be keeping eyes open for mold though..if we hit the dank..
because I have been feeding them up..
if I think it is here to stay..
I will probably harvest.

Warning about the expected Storm..
the newspaper says remember the advice from the spanish government..
"cars don't make good ships.."......:biglaugh:

Until it hits..we are still hot/sunny..
but the nights are cooling down rapid.

So you're experimenting with tinctures. Hope they work well for your pain this winter....
Fingers crossed.

Karma sent for some bright sunny days...
Cheers HHH..appreciated...:tiphat:

Seems to be a easy & efficient way to use the trim (hate to just throw it out)
It is never wasted here but I dont process it..
I just dry/cure
the boss and a M8 use it for smokes....instead of tobacco..
if it works in tinctures...
they might get Less....:dance013:

cyber echo

mossy, are you giving them a big flush every now and then ?
That should help flush out the salts.


Cheers CE...
but it is the water that is causing the salts..

we have a really high salt table here...

we even have salt lakes..

plus the water is real high PH...8.4...
lots of limescale..

I'm gonna get a water butt...
but even then I could never hold enough..
I go through 30-40 ltr a Day.

M8..I'm sending you karma...
you need a break.

Just reading your thread about the bugs and your Sour/lr2 girls..
unlucky m8.
Hope the tent clean erradicates them..:tiphat:

cyber echo

Heheh, thanks bro. Its okay since I have lots of s60xlr2 seeds (relatively) and those were popped a week ago, fresh, just for the hell of seeing if they will germ or not, and 3/4 did.
And guess what, when I dug up the 4th, just to take a look, a bug was eating off the tap root from inside the seed :|

The tent is completely clean now though, should be okay when I start in 2 days.


FullD..I am getting hammered by them ATM..
worst season so far for them.
Most of the girls have lost a few buds where I have pulled chrysalis
I hate bugs in general :noway:. The damage they can do weither its bugs or caterpillars nothing is welcomed. one thing i normally do to fight it here is neem oil and Lady Bugs! Usually ill release a few in to my cab to keep the chance of mites and gnats away. These guys have never harmed a plant and do a good job at natural defense.

That is why I like a perpetual grow...
Always something to look at...:bump:

:tiphat: and that is now in the works. Just got to find a heater for the winter months here. IF i can ill be able to go year round. Only thing is i have to find one thats not gonna be a hazard to the pups.

and knowing that we could reproduce the med effect would mean that we could Minaturise all the best meds available in long season girls...
with the right dwarf rooting stock.

Correct! Then the meds will come through quicker. This is the thing that i think that most long season guys dont get. If we can get the same effect that they get in 8 weeks when it comes to taste, smell, tric formation, and weight then we are out doing them, and can grow 3 to 4 times more a year. Just cause it autos doesn't mean that its hemp. I think slowly but surely we are eliminating the hemp side of these guys. Scientifically it can be done. Just like we look for a certain trait to carry over, we can breed the rudy out while still holding on to the auto gene.

I did say I wanted to work on the White/grey slurpee/greasy pheno with the cloven leaf on the Fairy Lights didn't I...:chin:

Weeeeelll...this is not like any of that..better luck next time...

Thats ok and i am sure that you will see it soon. one good thing about her is that she is a stunning shade of purple, Mr wizard.....:wave:


ICMag Donor
Suns coming back to mossy's mountain.... must be about harvest time for me....

I have done some thinking about autos lately, and I think they're only going to pick up once legalization hits.... Dwarf rootstocks are popular on apples mainly because of ease of harvest, same is true with cannabis, cannabis plants can tower over 20 ft I've read... The best thing about autos is the obvious, fresher medication.... Now that its september, my flowers are starting to lose flavor I think, even though they've been sealed up in a jar since last fall.... Fresher meds equal better quality.... Plus with autoflowers you have the ability to be a more productive breeder. With 3-4 generations per year you can progress the lines more quickly toward the desired traits... Only drawbacks, more labor per acre per year, less seed per plant you want to investigate/multiply, and overall yield still won't compare to one like humboldt local's...









Light Deprivation can mimic what autoflowers do...



ICMag Donor
I've always known that the leaves were worthwhile to smoke.... Thats how you get by in the years ya come up short... :)

I have smoked pipes with my bro and his friends of just leaves, and they always comment on how good it is, but when I try to give them some they're reluctant.... Thing is, there's so much trim at harvest, its a chore drying it out! :)

I remember ol' mossy's mountain... Starting to get close I see...

Sucks the storms are cutting off your harvest.. Maybe you could squeeze them into your storage cabinet to weather the storms.... May be too stressful, and lack airflow, leading to molds...

Getting some perfect ripening weather here... Highs right around 80F, sunny, lows around 50-60 F.... Clear as a bell... Didn't get the rain I wanted at the track plots, but the others got nice and drenched... Still didn't go over a quarter inch though! We're dry!

May be some rain later this week, but not a lot it looks like... I'd say at this point, its all good, a little sprig here or there is all we need to keep em going... So long as they can dry out... Although it would be nice to get a deep watering one last time... :drum: :canabis:

Bubba kush x DC October '09--Sucks my (Bubba kush x DC) x DC was ripped....



Active member
Mossy as always you rock my world man! Probably you have get what I'm searching: An auto Dc :jump:

I will be waiting your first taste :)

And I'm interested in tinctures too :dance013: :laughing:
We have some things in common.



Wow Pipe now those sir are some shots. Id love to spend a day there just hanging out and trimming. I can imagine the smell alone is AMAZING with the size of some of those ladies. The person that takes care of these does a great job.

I remember you telling me that if i grow a ALF#3 ill see some purp, mossy said the same. So with that said i have something to share with the 2 of you. I checked my cab this morning to see how the last BW and BB were finishing up and to check on the Alf plants and to my surprise i see a female on the larger of the two. The other is still trying to play catch up but is coming along fine. I am hoping its a male only for seed production cause if i DO get a purple this time i want those genes passed into the next round..

this will help me get on the right path to finding what i have been sent out to do :)

Plus this will thicken my seed stock as well. In which i am going to need.....


Aw pipeline maaaaannn..
I just got over moaning about not having a Farm...and you bring me photos like THAT...:covereyes:

I'd give my eye teeth just to be able to walk through that and Sniff...

BEAUTIFUL...sigh..I Need a Farm.....:violin:

Sucks the storms are cutting off your harvest..
Weeeelll..it is wednesday..when it was due to hit...and there ain't a cloud in the sky..
Fingers Crossed eh.

The girls can all come in the glass-house now..
but if conditions go dank/low light which it is supposed to..
I'll worry about mold...coz I have been feeding them up.

The best thing about autos is the obvious, fresher medication....
Plus with autoflowers you have the ability to be a more productive breeder. With 3-4 generations per year you can progress the lines more quickly toward the desired traits...
you can grow them totally off season..
so any friends relitives or rippers won't even be Looking
when you harvest..

AND..they are easier to hide from the eye in the sky...
Helicopters are looking for Big plants..

Less grow time for beast..bugs and molds to get them...

I can feel you are getting more attracted to them by the minute...:dancer:

Bubba kush x DC October '09--Sucks my (Bubba kush x DC) x DC was ripped....


shroomy..cheers m8..always appreciated...:tiphat:

WOW!!! The garden of eden.
Yeah...I could live my life in there...
just hide the apple..
for when I get the munchies...

Probably you have get what I'm searching: An auto Dc

I Think I have m8....I picked it up from the same leaf anomoly I got with the Black.

I wasn't going to pollenate the f1's once I saw the F2's were performing..
I thought..why not give them a light dusting from the F2 males..
then I have a nice little strengthening back-cross incase I ever needed it....:chin:
It would be Nice if it has strengthened the DC dominance...:good:

The tincture is done...results when road tested...:dance013:

this will help me get on the right path to finding what i have been sent out to do
not with two females my m8....
maybe you are plagued with girlies..:dance013:


The Bud blessing altar...


I forgot to tell you...

when I came out of the shower this morning there was a lovely smell of fresh bud..
the dog had helped herself to my black-line girl out of the drying box...:yoinks:

Thought it was a one off..
but when I was up feeding the girls..
she is lying on her chair and casually leans over and snatches a leaf off the black line live girls and ATE IT...

(we have had a chat about the naughty dogs home.....:puppydoge)

I hope she hasn't developed a taste..
stealing tomatoes off the plants is one thing..
but stealing bud..off your family....


Funny how she went for the same cross both times too..


ICMag Donor
Haha, sounds like you've you've got a new tester for your breeding program... May have to start caging your plants like a proper guerilla should....

Sorry for rubbing it in with the medical farm pictures.... Breathtaking, thats for sure... Doesn't that just make your heart ache....

Going down to the appalachan mountains here after a week, so don't be alarmed if I go missing for a few days soon.... :smoke:

cyber echo

A quick spray of water everytime she goes near the bud will teach her to stay the f*** away without any pain or bad experiences. For this to work tho she must be surprised by the water (she shouldnt see you grabbing the bottles and spraying her). Loud metallic clangs also work, again, must be surprising/shocking.

Have a nice trek pipeline :]

Mossy: 7/10 purple aks popped so far, every 2 hours i come back to the tent and see a new one :D


not with two females my m8....
maybe you are plagued with girlies..:dance013:

I know....:watchplant:

I need to get some males in the mix soon. The thing is i did the math this morning and i am plagued with ladies. Since i have had these genetics i have germed 11 out of those 11, 1 passed on to another life, 7 females and 3 males. So id say i have a female thing going on over here. I never thought id be looking to get a male.....

Funny how she went for the same cross both times too..

Oh No my friend you got a naughty little gal over there. Seems to me that she HAS developed a taste. Guess the tomatoes aren't doing it for her anymore huh? :noway:

And it is crazy that she went back for the same type of plant/strain. Its almost as if she has already developed a preference in what she likes.....


Sorry for rubbing it in with the medical farm pictures.... Breathtaking, thats for sure... Doesn't that just make your heart ache....
Yeah m8..just to see them as nature intended..
It makes my heart ache and my toes curl.

Damn the people who make something so Beautiful illegal...:noway:

Have a great holiday m8...:tiphat:

Cheers cyber echo...I think I taught her to love it Too well...

Nice germ m8..karma for them all.
50-75% purple means I should be able to start tickling the phenos out that I want.
There is more than 1 purple girl in there I want.

Guess the tomatoes aren't doing it for her anymore huh?

I can see her point though..little witch....

Actually..just remembered..she stole the stems that I had saved for tintures..out of the black line too.
She seems to be developing a taste for DC.

She could be a THC sniffer..

I never thought id be looking to get a male.....
ha ha..I know..normally we are praying for girls.
Either method should get you a fast male..
you know the genetics are good..
so creating a stumpy as a Tool..would harm nothing.

And..he doesn't have to be pretty to fill a pram..:gaga:
runt with a couple of good balls would do it.
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