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Flower Power


Big Country

My grow seems stuck between flower and vegging. It started showing preflowers 3 weeks ago and it seems to be stuck somewhere between. Patience is a virtue but my candy jar is empty. Is there any technique or application to stimulate a plant into flowering. I am outdoor gardening and we are pretty close to 12 hours of daylight:comfort:

Big Country

They are in a wooded area with no outside light source. They started showing stigmas three weeks ago but are still vegatating like crazy. Has anyone used any bloom flowering stimulator, chemical or organic that can help push them into flowering. I dont know if such a thing exists


Weed Cannasaur
in the first 3-4 weeks or flowering the plants grow VERY fast. Its called the stretching period.

yet, they should throw new pistils all over the place. If they don't and its not a light issue you got something major going wrong.

Even if you put a mj plant in the middle of no where with just barely enough water to survive and there's a minimum organic activity in the soil it should flower.

You could use fertilizers but my guess is that you'll waste your money on stressing your plant and nothing else.


Non Conformist
If they have been fed with a soluble souce of N latley it might prolong the veg stage alil. Feed em some soluble flower nutes, so they get it right now. The extra P sure aint gonna hurt nothin. Good luck! BC


few tblspns of fishbonemeal and a few inches of compost might help.

Big Country

They are stretching out that makes sense, I hope nothing is wrong other than impatience they look healthy. When the plants showed stigmas I started feeding with a compost tea of Dr. earths organic4-4-4, Mycostim, Mollases and worm castings. When I feed with this tea it seemed to boost them more into vegetating than flowering. Though they are still showing new stigmas the vegatative growth has been much more

Big Country

Next time I will switch to a different fert. for flowering and see if that helps.

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