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snitch alert!


Active member
ran across this one today.

matthew cody eat a dick! :tiphat:


Matthew Cody, firefighter busted for running pot factory, gets no jail after snitching on NYFD pal

A city firefighter convicted of growing a large crop of marijuana plants in Queens was sentenced Friday to no jail time as a reward for testifying against a fellow Bravest in the federal drug case.

Matthew Cody, the financially-strapped owner of a house in Bellerose made the decision to allow firefighter Patrick Murray operate the marijuana operation in the basement in order to cover the mortgage shortfall.

Cody, 29, was facing five years in prison when he made the decision last month to rat out Murray who is also a reputed member of a drug gang called "The Master Race."

Murray was convicted of all charges.

"I realized I did make an incredibly stupid mistake and because of that I embarrassed my family tremendously and lost the respect of everyone I've known and caused bad publicity for the Fire Department," Cody said in Brooklyn Federal Court.

Cody, a seven year veteran, resigned from the FDNY on Thursday. He and Murray worked in Engine 292 in Woodside.

Defense lawyer Raymond Perini said the defendant had paid a heavy price for his crime. "People now know that you turned on a fellow firefighter and there are repercussions, perhaps socially, he is going to be ostracized," Perini said.

Cody has filed for personal bankruptcy and claims he is over $1 million in debt, largely due to two houses he had purchased as investments. He lists only $93,000 in assets.

"I think the gravity of the offense is racheted up because you were a public servant," said Judge John Gleeson. "You lost your position in the Fire Department and you should have."

Cody could have received 16 months in prison even with his cooperation, but the judge sentenced him to probation and 150 hours of community service.


The Tri Guy
ignoring the fact that this guy is a snitch, how the hell do you lose 900k on 2 houses?
The guy is incompetant at running a grow, incompetant as a freind, and incompetant in investments, I dont think I'd want him as a fire fighter anyway.


Active member
thats what cop want everyone busted to do flip on some one. so they can get paid the next day to. what was said in cheech and chong. "the bigger the bust ,the bigger the boost"


I love when cops and firefighers play the whole "these guys are my brothers" (wiping away tears). Yeah, of course they are. Around here 40 cops got laid off after the police made a vote. Also referring to fellow officers as "brothers and sisters" in the article. Hilarius. Yeah, they're my bro's, but I won't work on Labor Day so they can keep their job or anything. ha, fake douchebags.

Firefighters, like cops, are necessary, but have no real skills whatsoever and make an upper middle class income. It's ridiculous.


Active member
Firefighters, like cops, are necessary, but have no real skills whatsoever and make an upper middle class income. It's ridiculous.

No real skills? I'd like to see you put out a builiding fire and rescue trapped people without the training those boys and girls recieve. They don't get paid enough imo considering they risk their lives every day for an ungrateful public. From what I've heard it seems a lot of the firefighters in the US are actually volunteers so maybe it's different there.

As for the snitch? Well he'll have to live with The Master Race on his tail. Hate snitches but hate idiotically racist drug gangs just as much.
No real skills? I'd like to see you put out a builiding fire and rescue trapped people without the training those boys and girls recieve. They don't get paid enough imo considering they risk their lives every day for an ungrateful public. From what I've heard it seems a lot of the firefighters in the US are actually volunteers so maybe it's different there.

As for the snitch? Well he'll have to live with The Master Race on his tail. Hate snitches but hate idiotically racist drug gangs just as much.

ppl always bitc# bout the cops and FF's. they dont make the laws ppl ... they enforce them just like u do what ever ur job is ..... u want change goto the goverment. starting with state reps and as of firefighters, they have mad skills . more then skills they have balls of steel to do what they do ,and alot of ppl may say they would or could do a ff job. when it comes down to it i doubt it once u got 90lbs of gear on your back .hate your goverment for your laws...snitches well they belong 6ft under if ur able to do crime be man enough to keep your mouth shut and do time


Active member
ppl always bitc# bout the cops and FF's. they dont make the laws ppl ... they enforce them just like u do what ever ur job is ..... u want change goto the goverment.
GTFO, the government makes them corrupt?
Were these FF's enforcing the law when they started a grow in their basement? Did the government make them grow?
Don't excuse the behavior of criminals that hide behind badges and guns.

Let me link my favorite mass scandal involving over 70 officers working together to sell drugs, plant evidence, murder people, rob banks, and anything else they wanted.

Wise up, most are as dirty as any street thug out there.
All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely


Active member
Let me share my personal experience with firefighters.
I co-owned a business for a short time with two of them, super nice, cool guys, but they were heavily involved in selling steroids, and would buy stolen stuff off the local crackheads for cash all the time, power tools, bikes, guns, etc....

They were decorated firefighters, and good at it, but they were no angels let me tell you.


He should be hanged then beaten like a pinata.

The only good part about the s tory is that the rat went to jail too, rats belong in a cage!


Active member
He should be hanged then beaten like a pinata.

The only good part about the s tory is that the rat went to jail too, rats belong in a cage!

if you go back and read the article Yukon posted in
the first post you'll see that the rat only got 150hrs
community service and probation.

and like you said Yukon, 'eat a dick Matthew Cody' ...
you fucking rat!

peace, SOG


Active member
So you guys think he should of taken the rap all by himself?

You dont think it takes a friend, a brother even, to stand up for his own actions and say I was a part of this, and not let your "brother" go down for something you were a large part of.
I'm not saying its good to snitch, just thinking its even more slimy to let someone take the fall for your own actions.


if you go back and read the article Yukon posted in
the first post you'll see that the rat only got 150hrs
community service and probation.

and like you said Yukon, 'eat a dick Matthew Cody' ...
you fucking rat!

peace, SOG

Oh thats lame I missed that part.


So you guys think he should of taken the rap all by himself?

You dont think it takes a friend, a brother even, to stand up for his own actions and say I was a part of this, and not let your "brother" go down for something you were a large part of.
I'm not saying its good to snitch, just thinking its even more slimy to let someone take the fall for your own actions.

Yup. Why have 2 people go down?
So you guys think he should of taken the rap all by himself?

You dont think it takes a friend, a brother even, to stand up for his own actions and say I was a part of this, and not let your "brother" go down for something you were a large part of.
I'm not saying its good to snitch, just thinking its even more slimy to let someone take the fall for your own actions.

Are you fucking kidding me?

FUCK YES he should have taken the fall! My friends and i always said, whats the point in everyone getting in trouble, if only one person can take the fall....Whoever has the misfortune of being pinned for the gourps crime, is the one that goes down. PERIOD!

I took a fall for something I didn't do, but my car was used, and was looking at 2 years in prison, at 18 years old, it was scary, BUT, I took my chances, ALONE....AND did NOT rat my fucking friends out... Things have a way of working themselves out, and my friends did repay me down the line...I think of this event quit often, and Im very glad i did what i did, it makes looking in the mirror alot easier, knowing that i did not help the fucking pigs...after all, they are not your friends.
.. That was when i was young and crazy...and did not hender my life at all.....I now make 6 figures a year, and not involved with crazy activities like alot of us where when we where young.

That fire fighter is a pussy, rat piece of shit...... I guess he wanted someone to hold his hand in jail for the "crimes" he commeted...not that growing some plants is a real crime.....

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