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1st time


Hi all,
I am doing a first time indoor all organic grow. I started my post on a different forum and didn't get any feedback so I am trying on this one. let me ketch you up to speed. My humble beginnings include trying to replace ac with a home-made swamp cooler, it didint go so well. I had my plants under a 175k mh which was growing them at a decent rate. I had built a 8x4 box out of plywood that and made it air tight.
here is old pics

That all took place about a month ago now let me ketch you up on the new grow. I replaced the swamp cooler with a 5000btu air conditioner that i bought off of some guy for $20, installed a wall of plastic to seperate my grow chambers that is vel cro so i can raise and lower it with ease, put up a mylar like substitute that i got from the grow stoor, ect.

Now my system specs are a 1k mh air cooled and the girls are looking good. I am experimenting with a couple different strains including GDP, SALmon creek (big bud mixed with pine tar kush), and sttrawberry cough.

I am using a compost tea that you might want to write down the recipe for because its kickass. it is 5 gal water with a quart of compost, with 1 ounce malasys, a bit of added nitrogen from b1 some root grow hormone, fish emulsion and sea weed. That equals one massive stench but the plants love its. I am currently working out the amounts to use and everything.

HOpe you guys enjoyed reading ill keep you posted please if there is any suggestions or grow tips that apply I am also wondering about adding c02.

so long


I have a question about my nutrient supplementing. I am about 1 to 2 weeks away from flowering them and I have had them on a compost tea which consist of seaweed fish emulsion and malasys but that isnt going to work so well come bloom time so what I was planning to do was to start over with new compost tea cut out most of the N and fill in the k and p with a fish emulsion product with 0-10-10. Can i do this without flushing the plants? when should i start them on the new bloom tea?