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Pot growers toss 127 pounds into game wardens truck by accident..


Active member
damn, these guys lost their crop because they were probably all stoned and had a brain fart....talk about bad luck..months of hard work right down the toilet. i sure hope none of these guys are related to my folks...


California wildlife officials say two men are in custody after a group of marijuana growers started to toss bags full of pot into a pickup truck belonging to game wardens they mistook for their suppliers.

State Department of Fish and Game spokesman Pat Foy says two wardens in Tehama County were looking for deer poachers Monday night in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest when they heard footsteps behind them.

They turned and saw five men hauling large military-style duffel bags and sleeping bags. Foy said the men approached the wardens' truck as if to toss the bags in the bed.

The wardens began shouting commands at the group and managed to handcuff two, one of whom was carrying a shotgun. Three others escaped into the forest.

The wardens recovered 127 pounds of processed marijuana.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2010/08/31/state/n221932D83.DTL&tsp=1#ixzz0yGWSCPJK
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

you ought to send this to Cheech & Chong, they're looking for new material & this shit could be written into one of their skits in a heartbeat.......


Green Mujaheed
you ought to send this to Cheech & Chong, they're looking for new material & this shit could be written into one of their skits in a heartbeat.......

Indeed ! :laughing:

Irie !

Mitch Connor

Another reminder to always have your gameface on until the final buzzer
could have been worse

the shot gun was still loaded ;)

fuck with the wrong people in the forest you might not come back out :tiphat:

sucks to be those guys...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
and not for nothin' here but for all the taxpayers dollars spent corralling some dumb assed growers did those poor deer ever wind up being any safer for the game wardens efforts???
What's the point of the shotgun if when you're confronted you don't use it? -.-

EDIT: Not to support such actions as shotgun blasting LEO's...just saying...


Active member
Dudes like this give retards a bad rep!!The gun was obviously for protection from nite time critters?And dont game wardens have stickers,and light bars on there trucks out there?Just when I thought people couldnt get any more retarded....


Active member
Wow... sometimes you get too comfortable with what you're doing. Aaand... this kind of shit happens. Or maybe a few more beers than usual? Or an unmarked game warden truck that happen to be the same make/model/color. Bummer...

Yup this is my life lesson I learned a few years ago after I got into trouble. Got so good/comfortable with what I was doing that I forgot it was totally illegal for a second and got sloppy/greedy and fucked up, cant even tell you how much $$ and mental anguish I have lost over it. Keep your game tight friends...


I hold El Roacho's
California wildlife officials say two men are in custody after a group of marijuana growers started to toss bags full of pot into a pickup truck belonging to game wardens they mistook for their suppliers.

You must go Directly to jail do not pass go..

You have to have some fucked up crew to think a Game Wardens pickup truck is your suppliers truck (SHAKES HEAD) has any of these dumb fucks ever thought about buying
a Cheap night Vision Rifle Scope :no:

Binoculars are between $12,000 & up so go with this for just over $2,000 very good Investment compaired to Attorney's Fee's & Bail.



Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
That is a hell of alot of weight to lose even if it was wet, what a waste. Stupid.


Freedom Fighter
So...when Cory & Trevor (We all know this HAS to be them!!) go to Court...they need to tell the Judge they were simply trying to do the right thing, and turn it in-- "Why else would we put it in a Game Warden's truck??"


So...when Cory & Trevor (We all know this HAS to be them!!) go to Court...they need to tell the Judge they were simply trying to do the right thing, and turn it in-- "Why else would we put it in a Game Warden's truck??"

i think that line is worth a shot :biglaugh:
I wish I was that game warden! It's easy to do when you are tired, one time I had been driving for 11 hours (rental car) and went into a Subway and ate, came back out and got into a car and waited for friends. This lady came out and said what the hell are you doing in my car???? lol
Maybe they camouflage themselves by making their truck look VERY similar to a game wardens truck...then after a long days work and a few too many doobs, they forgot to double check it was the right one hehe