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DWC plants collapsing!


These plants are too top heavy. Too many buds and too high. the plants are like 3-4 feet tall in this SOG grow. How do I keep them from collapsing and falling on top of the other plants??

Is this bad? can I just let it grow?? What about setting up a scrog this late??


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Tie them to stakes.

a single ScrOGed plant can take the space of 30 SOG plants (more or less depending on variables) Unless you throw out most of the plants, or have several more lamps and the needed space to run them, I wouldn't advise ScrOG at this point. It's something you'd want to do from the beginning


Active member
You could either tie them to stakes, or drape a net(with big holes) over them and secure it at the corners.The net would make a grid that the plants would have to stay in, almost like a scrog, but without all the bending under. The stakes would be your best bet now though.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I tie them to the ceiling, iolets and hooks in the ceiling work best, but you can staple zipties to the ceiling as well. Make sure that your water is not to high making your hydroton float, they tend to loose their footing in those conditions as well.



stone fool
You can use strings, twine, or small bungees to support them from above, or stakes can be bungeed to buckets and tubs. Did you read your other thread and fix that plant?


All of the suggestions given so far have been spot on, it just depends on what is best for your situation.


definately tie them up - dont be lazy and let em lay or you'll end up with inferior harvest - possibly mold, ect depending on how they lay.

These little gizmos are handy if your local hydro store stocks em.
Gardeners dealing with droopy plants will love the plant yo-yo! When attached to an area above the plant, its line lightly hooks to a stem or branch to prevent it from falling or leaning. As the plant grows taller, the line retracts while continuing to gently hold it up. Alternately, gardeners can use the included plastic stopper to keep the 60" line at a static length.


Clip them somewhere up high and then pull the rectractable hook to each cola you need to hold up. They have a little slip piece to lock them in place. Can get pricey however if you need a lot so twine may be your best option.

- - Next time grow them into a screen - or at the very least toss a trellis net over the entire garden if your situation permits.


You can use strings, twine, or small bungees to support them from above, or stakes can be bungeed to buckets and tubs. Did you read your other thread and fix that plant?

yeah the PH levels really fucked up several plants. i've tried to keep them around but the plants never grew any buds. even 6 weeks later into flowering. the plants are still alive and all but they aren't doing anything.


IF you do use trellis ever be sure to pull it tight and SECURELY attach it to the perimeter of your garden or whatever..otherwise it may backfire on you and when 1 plant goes down - it takes the rest with it as they are all netted together via the trellis.