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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"One’s best intentions often end up as nothing but empty words if the specifics of expressing those intentions are left vague."

SGI Newsletter No. 8073, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 23: Chap. 4, Bold Struggle 43, translated Sep.2nd, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Any one who chants the daimoku in essence praises the Buddha of the Life Span Chapter of the Lotus Sutra that is the life of Nichiren and all the Buddhas in the ten directions. The benefits driven from such a person who praises Nam-myoho-renge-kyo - and supports the Buddha of the Life Span who is Nichiren, surpasses those who made offering to Shakyamuni by leap and bound and is immeasurable beyond calculation.

Where can we find Nichiren's life today right now? it is none other than in front of the Gohonzon when we chant sincerely to see our life as equal to the Life Span of the Buddha's life.


Right on Brother!

:thank you:

Much love and deepest respect!



3rd-Eye Jedi
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

May compassion and truth be awoken and inspire the selfless giver in us all

SoCal Hippy

Active member
We often hear people say they aren't capable. But this is a defeatist attitude.
If you feel you are not capable, then tap into the great reservoir of potential
that lies inside you. Since we embrace the Daishonin's Buddhism, we have
recourse to Daimoku. If we chant daimoku to the Gohonzon, we can bring forth all
the ability and strength we will ever need.

from SGI-USA
"For Today & Tomorrow"

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Therefore, those who become Nichiren's disciples and lay believers should realise the profound karmic relationship they share with him and spread the Lotus Sutra as he does."

(Letter to Jakunichi-bo - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol.1, page 994) Selection source: SGI President Ikeda's message, Seikyo Shimbun, September 5th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The way to build a glorious record of success is to keep working constantly with complete dedication, without wasting a single moment. Though each individual step may be small, when added up they form a great advance."

SGI Newsletter No. 8073, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 23: Chap. 4, Bold Struggle 43, translated Sep.2nd, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Strengthen your resolve more than ever. Ice is made of water, but it is colder than water. Blue dye comes from indigo, but when something is repeatedly dyed in it, the colour is better than that of the indigo plant. The Lotus Sutra remains the same, but if you repeatedly strengthen your resolve, your colour will be better than that of others, and you will receive more blessings than they do."

(The Supremacy of the Law - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 615) Selection source: Gosho study for September, September 7th, 2010


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"When we pray, it’s important to have a firm conviction that all our prayers will be answered and to pray with intensity. Mentors and disciples, Bodhisattvas of the Earth striving together for kosen-rufu, unite their hearts in prayer, so their prayers are certain to come true. When we truly pledge to achieve kosen-rufu as we chant daimoku, then our prayer is a prayer of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. At that moment, our lives open and expand to that of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. Such prayers have the power to set the heavenly deities and the Buddhas, the entire universe, into action, and they will protect us and our families, while also answering our personal prayers. As such, praying for kosen-rufu is the direct path to expanding our own life-state and realising our personal prayers.

SGI Newsletter No. 8075, The New Human Revolution--Vol. 23: Chap. 4, Bold Struggle 47, translated Sep. 6th, 2010


3rd-Eye Jedi
Reading some old thread entries .. some I though to share

Reading some old thread entries .. some I though to share

A most interesting concept the Buddha developed in expounding the One Great Truth of Life.

The Buddha used his life as an expedient means; a manner to show others how to develop deep faith; in order to lead others to understanding the One Great truth of Life.

In expressing an expediency, the Buddha was considered to have contradicted himself in expounding the One Great Truth of Life and Death to his disciples and followers.

The Buddha realized the capacity of each individual to grasp and understand Myoho Renge Kyo was unique. The Buddha than used an expediancy; or a teaching leading to a deeper understanding; in order to lead his disciples to yet a deeper understanding, to his ultimate teaching.

The Buddha continued in this manner expounding the Wonderful Law of cause and Effect in various flavours and colours. But in the end shows everyone that he has alwaya taught only the One truth of The simultaneous Law of Cause and Effect.

As each of us deepens our faith, our understanding deepens as well. This is what the Buddha refers to as the beneficient rain of wisdom, whch is activitaed through "faith alone!"

Nichiren Daishonin says, "To accept is easy, to continue is difficult!"

All the teachings of peace and love, equality for all humanity, and the individual happiness and the responisbility of the individual happiness of others, are all the Buddha's teachings. An expediancy leading to deeper faith and understanding. All the teachings fall within the Ten Worlds of our own understanding.

It is just as Boddhisattva Never Disparaging says, "I would never disparage you or treat you with arrogance, as you are all practicing the Boddhisattva Way!"

This applies to all those that work for the happiness of others.



3rd-Eye Jedi
more oldies but goodies

more oldies but goodies

Nichiren Daishonin indicates, "Compasion is taking action for the sake of others."

Nichiren Daishonin also indicates, "To be born a king in the Brahma heaven of that world, one must add the spirit of compassion to one's karma that is laden with outflows and draws one to the world of humanity."

It seems to me, to take actions for the happiness of another ; chant nam myoho renge kyo for the happiness of another person; would be considered an act of compassion. Buddhist and non-buddhist alike are both capable of manifesting compassion within their own life and the lives of others, s well as their environment.

When each of us manifests compassion for another, as in the preceding story of the poor woman and her child, we can manifest the great life of Buddhaood within our own life, and awaken the Great life of Buddhahood within the lives of others.

As Shakyamuni Buddha expounds in the Lotus Sutra, "Even though I appear to enter extinction, I am always here!"

"My deepest desire is for all life to be equal as me, my deepest desire has been granted."

"Emancipation comes of itself"


very much seems that the sense of selfless giving when you grow and gift medicine, or enable someone to provide for themselves this dynamic in some way is fulfilled

and the modern medicines seem to cloud the mind and feeds the negative karma and keeps people on the 3 evil paths so it seems so much more important that we need the chanting cannabis.growing bodhisattva

nam myoho renge kyo


From 2006 when I attended my first meeting after starting to chant on this thread....

From 2006 when I attended my first meeting after starting to chant on this thread....

I love you brother. (Directed to Thomas after he encouraged me to not let any distractions take me off my path, after I wrote two very long posts and lost them somehow when I tried to post them because my screen name was logged off).

Yes, suffice to say that after writing around 3000 words and pouring my heart into my last two posts I must say I felt shocked that as quick as I clicked send, those meaningful words fell into oblivion, till NOW!

Let me start off by saying: KOSENRUFU = World Peace!

I will engage anyone who stumbles upon my worlds with an iHUG and let me embrace you with my extraordinairy feelings and extremely joyous gratefulness I have had since last nights meeting and todays initial attempt to express my fruitful venture into physically manifesting SGI's uniquely powerful nature.

My night began with a joint consisting of the last bits of my gifted cannabis stash which I have been conserving for wednesday pre-meeting preparation. After indulging myself and begining to drive out to the meeting I was overwhelmed with anticipation and joy for what lied ahead. Now Getting there was very simple, finding parking was another story. Living in a metropolitan jungle really adds an extra element of surprise to possibly mundane occurrances but in any event finding parking was as easy and doing "the Hustle or electric slide" after a few laps around the block. So when I did finally reach my destination I ran two blocks and ran into the building huffing and puffing only to be greeted by extraordinairly friendly people! The people at the door directed me to the beginner slow gongyo meeting upstairs. This SGI facility is very large consisting of two big floors with various rooms. I was shown to the restroom first to wash my hands and notice the extreme redness in both my eyes and it made me smile! I was very happy at that moment and ready to engage whomever came next. So I walked up the stairs and was directed into a conference room with 4 people sitting in there discussing something which I interrupted with shaking hands and introducing myself to everyone! I was still out of breath but ohh so very happy! I told them who I was, and that I have been meaning to come here for approxiamately a month and half! I proceeded in apologizing for my tardiness but then the most peculiar thing occurred! 3 out 4 suggested to me that they knew me from somewhere. I kinda felt that way about 2 of the people in the room but there was something very vaguely familiar about being in their company, I really did belong in that room last night. I told them about SGI and that I found it through the internet, they asked me where in the internet I said as vaguely as possible, a web forum that discussed Nicheren Diashonins buddism and its my personal SGI support family and group. Their faces changed a little at point because they seemed to fear I was from some other sect or something of that nature it seemed. They began to discuss how the laypeople of sgi were excommunicated by the priesthood of nicheren daioshins buddism and how there are other forms of buddism that are not on the same page as them, I assured them as best I could I have encountered the same issues here on the internet and stand by 1000% by my personal brotherhood here on the "internet" (lol, I didn't feel comfortable saying an everything that has to do with cannabis site) and with SGI. They were pleased and asked me if I had any questions, I said I have a more than I can think of right now, but I expressed that I wanted to share my first gongyo expirience and I think I missed it so they immediately suggested that I go see the gohonzon and then come back into the room for the slow gongyo with them! That was right up my alley and I went into another larger room that seemed like a chapel with a very expensive looking butsudan and the most incredible thing it made me even shake a little was seeing the gohonzon and coming within an arms reach of the gohonzon, the actual words of nicheren! yes, I was very pleased and knew I was in the right place immediately! they took me back into the conference room and asked me to sit down everyone next to each other (including me 5 total people) and I pulled out my recently gifted gongyo book and beads and again they were so happy and impressed that we immediately began. Ken was our leader and began for us, he was raised a buddist and did not have to look in a book to recite gongyo, so we began and I had a severe case of cotton mouth half way in but I continued and kept pace and felt awesome! then as it progressed I will have to say the most incredible miracle occurred and that was,

NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO! I never said it in unison with anyone before and when I tell you that not only did we vibrate in unison and were in perfect harmony throughout we essentially were one huge vibrating force of purity! It was incredibly beyond words to say the least. I was entranced happy smiling joyous honored all at once. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, is THE PRAYER! Embrace it Nam Myoho Renge Kyo as I have and immediately watch the chains of your former life abolish themselves and bond you to the truth, to the amazing forgiving truth waiting inside of yourself! We completed gongyo with the personal prayers and then they were very happy I was so loud and into it like they were. I could see how happy they were.

I asked them what should I read now, what texts do I need to familiarize myself with, they said first the Goshos are Nicheren's teachings and then this other book called "Looking in the mirror" or something to that effect. I noted them and then they gave me a magazine and a flyer for an upcoming event that will be open to all everyone and they expect many people to attend. So they were so pleased with my unbridled enthusiasm that they said faith should not be like a flame (very powerful yet it could burn out) but flow like a river and maintain its couse. two of the four excused themselves at that point and the other two seemingly more senior members stayed back and discussed SGI in my area. Apparently there are thousands of us in my area! WOW. I was shocked, they asked for my phone numbers and email address and I took down theirs also and they said they would be hooking me up with someone in my immediate area very soon. I guess people will be coming over to help me set up a place for the butsudan or to chant or whatever I dont care I am in this for the long haul! Chanting BUddies! how cool is that.

I was brought down to the first floor again and this time shown a huge auditorium that was like a church and they could seat 400 people approxiamately. In there was a huge huge Perfect Butsudan with a couple chairs in front of it and the bell. They have a sunday gathering there every week and I will be going to one. Then saw about another 10 members just buzzing around the place making friendly faces so I said hello to everyone and ken the nights moderator walked me out and said goodnight.

Between the last huge post that didnt make it here and this post, I have so many other rich vivid thoughts to share discussing sgi and how I look forward to continuing to grow! If any of you visit me someday, I have a huge sgi chapter nearby that chants about 3 days a week! I came home so very happy I called my mentor and he was at his meeting and I stayed up as long as I could until I fell asleep and today I woke up so incredibly fullfilled and chanted until I was ready to proceed with the day, but nothing can replace chanting with others! Kosenrufu was incredible to dissect with them. SGI truly believes in world peace, and guess what I'm no tree hugger but I believe in world peace now! If its possible for my to find my niche chanting its possible for anyone to chant and relinquish those malign ways the 3 or 4 obstacles and the 4 devils or 7 total devils want to manipulate and decieve you. I was a victim yet again today of that distructive influence this morning and here I am professing my incredible gratitude and love for my brothers/mentors/friends here on this thread pushing us all down the path we are meant to follow.

I told them in the meeting that perhaps the reason they recognize me is because I know I have chanted before since it feels for familiar, perhaps we chanted in the past! I believe that this thread was put here for me and everyone else. I have been watching this thread for almost two years and just recently began to post and explore the meanings behind the words. THat was my first step my second step was getting to a meeting and my third step is to continue going to meetings! Its that simple.

Let the harmonious and perfect Nam Myoho Renge Kyo guide you and your heart shall be fullfilled. I asked for my gohonzon like 3 times and did not recieve a straight answer, then asking for the gohonzon became almost secondary to my desire to unravel more of all this, but yes I will procure the gohonzon shortly, now I have phone numbers of people in my area ready and willing to partake with me and this physical and mystical journey!

I sincerely hope to chant with you all personally some day soon, in the meantime chant with me during the day and night and my vibrations will be at your side as well as the millions upon millions of us out there, closer each day to the universal good!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo!!

ps- my last post was much longer lol. after reading this one, but I think I summarized most of the relavent topics.



3rd-Eye Jedi
Good Morning Good Friends

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

For compassion, wisdom and truth


3rd-Eye Jedi
the most amazing dynamic is achieved when I start to reread the thread from the beginning

To see the journey cataloged, the word experienced and lived and the resulting cause and effect, those chant and believe, those that grow and selflessly give are powerful living testimony

So many of the laws of cause and effect were revealed to me in glimpses when I had taken the time to commune with nature and since they seemed written in my heart I followed them with conviction

It has not made me a conventional being

It has however bridged many of the concepts presented here and I feel that giving to nature, in a way that helps contribute to or restore here natural balance, or in live conjunction and balance with our natural surroundings we are practicing AND learning

so for me this gives a new dimension to the meaning the bodhisattva of the earth

I have since I can recollect, longed for the harmony of the natural world over the chaos of the urban sprawl, and this has given me a close, lifelong bond with nature which in turn has shown me a truth I was incapable of understanding on another level

many of these words would be lost on me if I had not at some point broke the paradigm of self and started to observe what regardless of its faces or shapes obeys the truth without err (which very much seems to e every other living creature but man)

how is it that every creature knows the truth and for us it is like a maze of great construct that was meant to hide a great great treasure

Now for someone to navigate that maze alone is close to impossible and my heart says that these are very rare and are those who have shared enlightenment that very few if any could understand, perhaps the buddha that have come before us would fit this description

now how is it that this observation is to help? I see it being two fold

You cannot selfless give with faith if you know the hidden treasure you seek, you cannot seek enlightenment from outside yourself. This means that the treasure of enlightenment is in your heart already and when you find it your heart, that is that it exists inside of you, that heartfelt knowledge that this is indeed truth, it is the guide we need to rely on. There is nicheren writings that express this sentiment but I do not want to copy and paste them without knowing the integrity of them.

I like to think of it as our heart being the compass to enlightenment, it knows what is right or wrong since the treasure we seek is inside of us, and knowing this in faith, that our heart will tell us right or wrong. this is the tool that I used to give selflessly but in a particular direction

the one that felt good to my heart and mind

Second is the maze (the lack of wisdom that lets you see how the law of cause and effect works in all things around you)

in all of the examples that have come before us, many very good and respectable peoples have had to take a very very difficult life long journey to plant a root of spirituality let alone reach enlightenment

so it would seem an almost impossible task to try to embark with, no guarantee of success and a lifetime of devotion but this is the gift of enlightenment from nam myoho renge kyo

in its perfection it allows a seed of truth to set itself in your mind to guide your heart

it lifts you above the maze so you can see the start and finish and it keeps your feet on the path if you listen to it as you walk the path to enlightenment

our collective selfless giving awakens in us the truth we have seen but have not been able to understand and the synergy of doing so together serendipitously and exponentially sets off the laws of cause and effect, especially in the world around us and in a way that our heart can allow our mind to know that yes indeed we see the law of cause and effect and thus are learning about the law of cause and effect in all those around us

the dynamics of the bodhisattva and the path to understanding of living and respecting the mystical law seem very real, very tangible and very understandable, the barriers that made them an impossibility to grasp are removed through the simple selfless giving of others

I always felt kind of shitty being good to others cause it was written on my heart, how can it be altruism if it feels right?

well being where I am now, feeling, healing, knowing that the law of cause and effect is in work around me

I had no idea of the true gift of enlightenment, it is far more than a feeling that I do this, the right thing because I feel it is the right thing to do

Just knowing that selfless giving had an impact, to know the impact it had was beyond any real hope or dream I have ever possessed

so let the law of cause and effect continue in simple manners but most effective ways

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo

nam myoho renge kyo


Gosho Passage for today Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Gosho Passage for today Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Daily Wisdom
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Wednesday, September 8, 2010:

"Priests possessed by the heavenly devil, such as Ryokan and the others, deceived your father, Saemon no Tayu, and tried to destroy you and your brother, but you, having a wise heart, heeded Nichiren's admonition. Therefore, just as two wheels support a cart, or two legs carry a person, just as two wings enable a bird to fly, or just as the sun and moon aid all living beings, the efforts of you brothers have led your father to take faith in the Lotus Sutra."

Passage from "A Father Takes Faith"
Written to Ikegami Hyoe no Sakan Munenaga on September 9, 1277

Background from WND p. 846

Nichiren Daishonin wrote this letter at Minobu in the ninth month of the third year of Kenji (1277) — 1278 according to another source — to Ikegami Hyoe no Sakan Munenaga, the younger of the two Ikegami brothers, expressing his joy at the conversion of Munenaga’s father, Saemon no Tayu Yasumitsu. For many years, Yasumitsu had stubbornly opposed his sons’ belief, attempting to divide the two by twice disowning the elder brother, Munenaka, and promising to make Munenaga his heir if he would forsake the Daishonin’s teaching. Throughout this ordeal, Munenaka stoutly refused to abandon his faith, but Munenaga wavered from time to time. However, thanks to the Daishonin’s repeated letters of encouragement, he was able to resist Yasumitsu’s demands and make a firm commitment in faith.

Now that the two brothers have at last overcome their father’s opposition and persuaded him to embrace the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren Daishonin warmly congratulates Munenaga in particular, praising his decision to remain true to his faith and to his elder brother.

As the postscript indicates, however, this letter was intended not only for Munenaga but for all the Daishonin’s followers. Its more general content begins with the passage “According to the teachings of the true sutra, when the latter age has begun and Buddhism has fallen into complete disorder, a great sage will appear in the world.” This refers to the “Supernatural Powers” chapter of the Lotus Sutra, where Shakyamuni Buddha transfers the essence of the Lotus Sutra to Bodhisattva Superior Practices to be propagated in the Latter Day of the Law. (that is Nichiren) The essence of the Lotus Sutra, or the Mystic Law, spreads and flourishes even in the evil Latter Day, when other Buddhist teachings fall into decline.

My Understanding of the Passage:

The prominent priests of Nichiren's time who deceived people from practicing the true teaching and the true intent of the Lotus Sutra have led the father of the Ikagami brothers to hinder and oppose their practice for their father's loyalty to such heretical priests. Through Nichiren's constant encouragement of the Ikagemi brothers, they both were able to transform their father's animosity to-wards the true teaching and embrace Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and accept the true teaching of Nichiren after twenty five years of the brother's struggle.

Priests and lay priests (lay believers) who uphold the Gohonzon and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo today as the Corner Stone of their practice, just like Nichiren and Nikko, leading other believers to the Three Treasures of the Latter Day of the Law just like Josei Toda, are to be considered good priests and good lay priests (lay believers). Lay priests and lay nuns of today (lay believers) who chant the daimoku who forget Nichiren and Nikko - the original and the true Oneness of Mentor and Disciple and replace them with a "Super" Lay Priest to be their Mentor as if he is Nichiren, are being led astray from the original Mentor and Disciple, Nichiren and Nikko of the Three Treasures who showed us that our connection to them is through our faith in the Gohonzon of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo being the climax of Shakyamuni's description of the Treasure Tower depicted in the Ceremony of the Air. That is the Gohonzon we embrace today which we together unite with through faith.


Link to the Page:
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 845

AS I had not heard from you in a long time, I was feeling quite anxious. Nothing could be more wonderful than this matter between Tayu no Sakan1 and yourself. It is indeed marvelous! We read in the sutras that it is customary that, when an age begins to decline, sages and worthies all seclude themselves from the world, and only slanderers, flatterers, smiling backstabbers, and those of crooked principles fill the land. To illustrate, when the water level drops, the pond is disturbed, and when the wind blows, the sea is never still. We also read that, when the latter age begins, and when droughts, epidemics, and great rains and winds come in succession, even the largehearted become narrow, and even those who seek the way adopt erroneous views.

Consequently, the sutras say that father and mother, husband and wife, and elder and younger brothers will be at odds with each other, like hunter and deer, cat and mouse, or hawk and pheasant—to say nothing of relations with strangers. Priests possessed by the heavenly devil, such as Ryokan and the others, deceived your father, Saemon no Tayu, and tried to destroy you and your brother, but you, having a wise heart, heeded Nichiren’s admonitions. Therefore, just as two wheels support a cart, or two legs carry a person, just as two wings enable a bird to fly, or just as the sun and moon aid all living beings, the efforts of you brothers have led your father to take faith in the Lotus Sutra.

It is wholly due to you, Hyoe no Sakan, that matters have worked out this way.
According to the teachings of the true sutra, when the latter age has begun and Buddhism has fallen into complete disorder, a great sage will appear in the world. For example, the pine tree, which withstands the frost, is called the king of trees, and the chrysanthemum, which continues to bloom after other plants have withered, is known as a sacred plant. When the world is at peace, worthies are hard to distinguish. It is when the age is in turmoil that both sages and fools come into view. How pitiful that Hei no Saemon and the lord of Sagami failed to heed me! If they had, they would surely not have beheaded the envoys from the Mongol empire who arrived a few years ago. No doubt they regret it now.

The great ruler Emperor Antoku, the eighty-first sovereign, commissioned several hundred teachers of the True Word school, including the Tendai chief priest, Myoun, to offer prayers in an attempt to subdue the General of the Right Minamoto no Yoritomo. But their curses “rebounded upon the originator,”2 as the sutra says. Myoun was beheaded by Yoshinaka,3 and Emperor Antoku drowned in the western sea.4 The eighty-second, eighty-third, and eighty-fourth sovereigns, that is, the Retired Emperor of Oki, the Retired Emperor of Awa, and the Retired Emperor of Sado, as well as the reigning emperor5— these four rulers had the Tendai chief priest and Administrator of Priests Jien, and forty or more other eminent priests, including those of Omuro6 and Mii-dera temples, offer prayers to subdue the Taira general Yoshitoki.7 But again, the curses “rebounded upon the originator,” and the above-mentioned four rulers were banished to various islands.

Concerning this great evil teaching [of the True Word school]: The three great teachers — Kobo, Jikaku, and Chisho — violated Shakyamuni Buddha’s golden words that the Lotus Sutra is supreme, interpreting them to mean that the Lotus Sutra ranks second or third and the Mahavairochana Sutra ranks highest. Because the rulers put their trust in these distorted views, they destroyed both the nation and themselves in this life and are destined to fall into the hell of incessant suffering in the next.
This next special prayer ritual will be the third.

Those among my disciples who have already passed away are probably now observing this with their Buddha eye. And those whose lives have been prolonged, watch with your own eyes! The ruler and other high-ranking officials will be captured and
carried off to a foreign land, and those who conducted the prayer ritual will either die insane, or end up in a foreign land, or hide themselves in the mountains and forests.

The messenger of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, has twice been paraded through the streets,8 and his disciples and other supporters have been thrown into prison, killed, injured, or driven from the provinces where they lived. Therefore, the guilt of those offenses will unfailingly extend to each one of the inhabitants of those provinces. Also, people will be afflicted with white leprosy, black leprosy, or all kinds of other terribly grave illnesses.9 My disciples, understand the reasons for this.

With my deep respect,


The ninth day of the ninth monthAlthough this letter is

specifically intended for you, it should in general be shown to all my followers. Do not tell others about it.


Sunday Mornings from 8am-10am will now be The Chanting Growers 2hr Toso Time

Sunday Mornings from 8am-10am will now be The Chanting Growers 2hr Toso Time

Echoing off PB's understanding of today's Gosho passage, I have to mention that on November 28, 1991, the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood that once practiced with the Soka Gakkai attempted to excommunicate the entire SGI organization (worldwide) from their stewardship. I read a book a couple years ago called the "Untold Story of The Fuji School" which goes into great detail on the circumstances of this pivotal point in the history of modern day kosen-rufu. The priests have utterly failed and our organization has grown. In fact, over the last 19 years many members have been diligently trying to help Nichiren Shoshu Temple members come over to the SGI.

As you know the SGI is the only Nichiren Buddhist organization that is based on Nichiren Daishonin's Goshos (and The Gohonzon). At this point in our lives the high priest's errors and corruption have been totally exposed and now is the time for all Chanting Growers to really achieve the previously inconceivable based on the teachings we share each day from Nichiren Daishonin. The formula I'm alluding to is: Daimoku + The Goshos + Gohonzon = Happiness! However, the formula alone is not enough to ensure kosen-rufu.... Correct Practicioners like the Chanting Growers must continue to demonstrate throughout the world that we will refute the errors of the Nikken Sect and continue to expose the truth which is that the priesthood has no capacity to increase membership and instead approaches SGI members in outlying areas to pull them into the Temple with guilt and other malign slanderous mechanicisms. This is not shakubuku it is clearly a manifestation of fundamental darkness.

As chanting growers lets continue to cherish those SGI members dedicated to the happiness of those that practice in the Temple because since I started chanting I have met many people that practiced in the temple (until recently) and really enjoy and appreciate our vigorously assiduous practice. Don't get it twisted, the SGI was once united with the Temple, but the priests took advantage of the members and eventually destroyed a huge monument to kosen-rufu (out of spite)because it was built by the donations of the SGI members. "NOW ITS TIME FOR THE DISCIPLES OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN TO STAND UP AND MAKE SURE THAT WE DISASSOCIATE AS MANY TEMPLE MEMBERS AS POSSIBLE, FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR ABSOLUTE HAPPINESS!"

In this month's living Buddhism, President Ikeda really writes some great guidance for us to follow in regards to this specific discussion. President Ikeda referenced The Gosho "The Three Kinds of Treasure" which is a Direct and Strict Gosho about Human Revolution.

"These passages compreise a crucial lesson underscoring the importance of persevering in our Buddhist practice to the very end. Through ceaseless challenge and exertion, we can bring our lives to completion with supreme fulfillment" (Sept-Oct LB, p.53)

I'm writing about this because we are geographically distant, but directly connected through faith. We need to sustain and nurture unity within our group because Unity is the most effective weapon to defeat devilish functions. By sending daimoku to the courageous hearts members that have been doing their best to protect the Buddhanature of Bodhisattvas that still practice with the Temple, we are united in faith with them.

"Devilish functions constantly seek to sow division. If fellow practitioners engage in petty infighting, they will only undermine one another, making possible for devilish forces to gain advantage." (Sept-Oct LB, p.55)

But, my friends we all know It's very easy to be swayed in our daily life by our negative tendancies (Friend recently called himself a shithead on this thread and I could certainly empathize)! President Ikeda said in this regard that:

"Buddhism is a teaching that enables each of us to live with complete freedom. It gives us the power to act with unconstrained energy and cheerfulness. But also means exercising the utmost care, prudence and wisdom in our own conduct at crucial moments (Sept-Oct LB, P.52)

Do yall know who has been Mr. Prudent himself on this thread for all these years? None other than the originator (OG) PasstheDoobie! This Buddhism even works for slobs, but if you make efforts to practice correctly and protect the other Bodhisattvas then you really manifest Buddhahood in your life! I mean REALLY REALLY REALLY MANIFEST BUDDHAHOOD IN YOUR LIFE and YOU END UP SUSTAINING THIS LONGER AND LONGER AS YOU PROCEED.

So based on the wisdom I've gained from the debates on this thread and abroad - it has become my mission to renew my vow for kosen-rufu everyday for the rest of my life. Protecting myself and those around me embracing The Strategy of The Lotus Sutra is something I have gained from chanting and have manifested this in the very core of my being. Based on wisdom, we will continue to take action to protect our movement. In the study I'm referencing President Ikeda really highlighted this point:

"Nichiren emphasizes the need for Kingo to remain vigilant and alert at all times on his way to and from work and even at home. He considers every possible place were assassins might conceal themselves, including under the floor or in the space above the ceiling." (Sept-Oct LB, p.54)

Here is the best part folks! You don't have to know a Temple member or even personally know me - just join me in chanting for this cause on Sunday mornings between 8am-10am and throughout the rest of the year we will be united in prayer. Chant for everything and anything you need or want and remember to send daimoku to the other chanting growers and also this huge cause outlined in this post. You know even President Ikeda strongly believes and proves that It is much more fun, and creates much more fortune, when we overcome obstacles together. We have demonstrated this throughout hundreds of pages on this thread over the years! Here is the last little tidbit from President Ikeda that I'll share in this post:

"This is a key point of personal guidance. The process doesn't just end once the guidance and encouragement are given. The person giving guidance must continue to chant wholeheartedly for the other person's happiness" (Sept-Oct LB, p.56)

I repeat! It is of the utmost importance that we continue to chant for each other's happiness. I'm fully committed to this aspect of our joint practice and proudly profess it every chance I get. I think that we The Chanting Growers are really in for some great treats throughout the rest of this year going into next. Our membership is increasing (again) and our friends are doing well and fighting side by side with us sending strong daimoku from their hearts to each of our hearts.

I'm very proud to be a Chanting Grower and thank the SGI for nurturing me to gain this level of appreciation this early in my life long practice. I have had many issues with many different things since I started posting on this thread, but my support is 100% the SGI and also 100% with all the Chanting Growers!

It is an honor to know many of you :)

Best regards,

SoCal Hippy

Active member
Advancement—Nichiren Daishonin teaches the spirit that "not to advance is to retreat." The point is to continue forging ahead despite any storms or hardships that may arise, to be fearless and advance like a lion.

Daisaku Ikeda

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Gosho Passage for today Thursday September 9th, 2010

Gosho Passage for today Thursday September 9th, 2010

Daily Wisdom
From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Thursday, September 9, 2010:

"As I have been saying for some time, in your situation as a lay believer, you should just single-mindedly chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo morning and evening, day and night, and observe what happens at the last moments of your life. At that time, hasten to the summit of perfect enlightenment, and look around you in all directions. The entire realm of phenomena will have changed into the Land of Tranquil Light. . . . Buddhas and bodhisattvas all being caressed by breezes of eternity, happiness, true self, and purity. We, too, will surely be among their numbers."

passage from: "Reply to Matsuno"
Written to Matsuno Rokuro Saemon on September 9, 1277

Background from the WND p. 843

This letter was written at Minobu to Matsuno Rokuro Saemon, one of Nichiren Daishonin’s followers, who lived in Matsuno of Suruga Province. In this letter, the Daishonin expresses his appreciation for Matsuno’s offerings and encourages him to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with earnest faith throughout his life. In this way, urges the Daishonin, Matsuno will be able to experience Buddhahood at the moment of his death.

My understanding of the passage:

it is due to the fact that we embrace the Gohonzon and chant the Daimoku throughout our life that we are able to manifest Buddhahood at the last moment of our life witnessing the Land of Tranquil Light surrounding us being supported and adorned among the Bodhisattva of the Earth who are endowed with the four virtues of eternity, happiness, true self, and purity.

It is our faith that determines our assured enlightenment. No other criteria will determine such reward. Not our status in society nor our affiliation to a certain group or a country we belong. It is our faith and connection to the Law being one with, that determines our last moment of life to be rewarded with the very enlightenment we have been seeking and manifesting all along.


Link to the page:
The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 843

I HAVE received one thousand coins, one sho of oil, one robe, and ten writing brushes. I cannot adequately express my appreciation for the sincerity that you have always shown me, so I will leave it to the Lotus Sutra and to Shakyamuni Buddha.
As I have been saying for some time, in your situation as a lay believer, you should just single-mindedly chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo morning and evening, day and night, and observe what happens at the last moments of your life. At that time, hasten to the summit of perfect enlightenment, and look around you in all directions. The entire realm of phenomena will have changed into the Land of Tranquil Light, with the ground made of lapis lazuli, the eight paths1 marked off by golden ropes, the four kinds of flowers2 raining down from the heavens, music resounding in the air, and Buddhas and Bodhisattva all being caressed by breezes of eternity, happiness, true self, and purity. We, too, will surely be among their number. The Lotus Sutra is indeed such a splendid sutra!

I am pressed for time, so I will not go into detail.

With my deep respect,

The ninth day of the ninth month in the third year of Kenji (1277), cyclical sign hinoto-ushi

Reply to Matsuno Postscript: Would you kindly send me about ten ryo of magnolia tree seeds?
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