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Fucking Busted Hardcore........

Fucking Busted Hardcore........

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they even went through every piece of trash i had......

lol me too... all 3 in home trash cans dumped out along with my vacuum. my 3 day old camera was also taken too, i knew i should've taken pictures of my junk just so they would have had to see it. my bedsheets were removed from the bed but not the house wtf?

hope it works out as painless as possible for you!


Krunch, can you please add a poll for guesses on the thread count of your sheets? Options of maybe like...

  • Less than 150
  • 150 - 199
  • 200 - 299
  • 300 - 399
  • 400+
Maybe a 3-day non-spoiled run, with the true thread count posted at the end? That would be exciting! ICMag can even make some scratch on the side by selling intermission banner ads on this thread... maybe even implementing a $0.99 click-to-reveal feature, where krunchbubble's sheet's thread count will be displayed upon credit card payment. (But hey, "99 cents adds up"!)


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Krunch, can you please add a poll for guesses on the thread count of your sheets? Options of maybe like...

  • Less than 150
  • 150 - 199
  • 200 - 299
  • 300 - 399
  • 400+
Maybe a 3-day non-spoiled run, with the true thread count posted at the end? That would be exciting! ICMag can even make some scratch on the side by selling intermission banner ads on this thread... maybe even implementing a $0.99 click-to-reveal feature, where krunchbubble's sheet's thread count will be displayed upon credit card payment. (But hey, "99 cents adds up"!)

thats to fucking funny! let me see if i can......


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Krunch, can you please add a poll for guesses on the thread count of your sheets? Options of maybe like...

  • Less than 150
  • 150 - 199
  • 200 - 299
  • 300 - 399
  • 400+
Maybe a 3-day non-spoiled run, with the true thread count posted at the end? That would be exciting! ICMag can even make some scratch on the side by selling intermission banner ads on this thread... maybe even implementing a $0.99 click-to-reveal feature, where krunchbubble's sheet's thread count will be displayed upon credit card payment. (But hey, "99 cents adds up"!)

done! 5 day poll....... :tiphat:


[ This space reserved for law attorney ads. ]

(Omar, if you're reading... you can have this space for $419.)


I think one day Krunch treated himself to some nice, 1000 thread count Egyptian cotton.

But what color?


emerald city

If you ever decide to leave the left coast, we could use a person of your talents up here in maine....fresh start bro....reasonably priced land,fair laws etc...
vacation land,the way life should be = Maine
good luck with the law thing.hope it works out for ye..
Enjoy the day....E.C/out


trying to show whats is happening in the real world with this illusion that we are fully protected with either a ocbc, state card or as a collective CEO....

your only fully protected if your lining someone pockets or have the cash to have the absolute best lawyer represent you.....

It is a real eye opener.

Me personally I thought all the legal grows were cool and protected. Seems like the med friendly states aren't so med friendly


The laws state that you have a right to a defense using Medical Cannabis, not that you won't be arrested. This loophole on their part allows for increased revenue for LEO and for lawyers. Most reasonable LEOs will not bother, but these are economic hard times and they are increasingly gambling that most arrested will not get adequate representation in court.



I would love to complain about all the injustice served up using the precious tax dollars, but not really like I pay taxes...

Please don't take the poll down. Adds a bit of spice to the thread!
Krunch..... Im saying you know and love luxury.......Soooo.....I went with 400+ thread count on your sheets....lol...Maybe you flew to Paris to have them custom made for you...If I had sheets like that, I would not let the cops touch my shit...." HEY!!BACK THE FUCK UP COPPER, AND GET YOUR DIRTY ASS HANDS OFF MY SHIT, THEM THERE IS 400+ THREAD COUNT SHEETS, RECOGNIZE BITCH".....

For the record, I dont know what my sheets are, Im guessing 150...but shit,I'd need to ask my wife to be certain, but Im sure they are not 400.....


not looking for any sympathy dude.....

trying to show whats is happening in the real world with this illusion that we are fully protected with either a ocbc, state card or as a collective CEO....

your only fully protected if your lining someone pockets or have the cash to have the absolute best lawyer represent you.....

dont even try to turn this into "well if prop 19...blah blah blah blah" you can take that to another thread.......

wake the fuck up! prop 19.... whatever man. maybe you actually thought you were legal. you said it yourself....... MONEY.

doing time is doing time, you should of checked that light. to be honest, the way the cops play you probably never had one bad. maybe your the type of person that actually believed the hype.


well, i got my discovery today from my lawyer. its the whole report from the cops.

there are fucking liars! there are tons of lies in there from what i said and did to shit they found......

and there are no patient files in there! they said there was none! what? ah, yes there was!

shitty thing is i cant get a hold of many of my patients because there numbers were on my phone and they took it! i cant get a hold of more then half of them!

WTF! You kept patient records, on paper, in your home! Negligence brother, negligence. There are services you can use for like $50 a month that will verify with LEO's your patient count, store the data off site (outside the US) and keep that confidential information safe (HIPPA Compliant). The privacy of your patients information should be more important to you then anything else.

Refer to: http://greenlifecaregiver.com/

Know what you are doing before you start acting! I feel bad for you but worse for anyone else who gets caught up in your shit.
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