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Fuck, plants starting seed production, 5th week of flower - harvest now or wait??


btw just wanted to say I'm grateful for all the help I get, you guys rock, and I will do my best to pay this community back! :)


Spraying water now will inactivate any pollen that is still present on the plants, it can live for more than 3 days it all depends on your temps. high humidity and high temps kill pollen.

Hash is a great idea but seeds are pretty easy to remove and you can still have some outrageously potent buds to smoke IF YOU LET THEM MATURE FULLY they will just be smaller overall.

Spray everything down with water and you should be okay for next crop except maybe a random seed here and there but not anything like the pollinated crop. This is a good thing for you, learning experience and you will have more seeds which in the hand is worth much more than 2 of a bush! :canabis:

Cool, I will spray them then, I just fear bud rot, cause that happened during my last grow. I guess if I leave the door a little open for a few hours after that should lower the humidity.

I actually thought the remaning bud wouldn't be smokable, silly me.. ;p Would you use bubble bags in this situation or another method? I've only tried making like a gram once, but that was by just pressing :)

Yes I will get many seeds, and I guess odds are pretty good it will be quality seeds. I'm curious to see what could come out of my 1 Chocolope x Sour Cream.. :)


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Sounds like a plan, don't spray the buds too much just all the fan leaves they should be fine do it early when the lights come on not right before they go off. ;)


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
btw just wanted to say I'm grateful for all the help I get, you guys rock, and I will do my best to pay this community back! :)

Cool, please send some seeds to Gypsy's for freebies. :tiphat:


Sounds like a plan, don't spray the buds too much just all the fan leaves they should be fine do it early when the lights come on not right before they go off. ;)
Hmm but what is the advantage of spraying on fan leaves, I thought it was the pistils that catches the pollen.
Will me spraying the fan leaves reduce the amount of seeds versus bud produced by the plant?

Cool, please send some seeds to Gypsy's for freebies. :tiphat:

Excuse my ignorance, but what and where is Gypsy's?? :)
Perhaps it's because I'm new, but I find this forum confusing at times ;p


Active member
Gypsy is a seed bank that runs this web site. You could sell your beans or give them away as freebies.


Active member
bro it seems you have some kind of weird conception of how seed production actually works. when some pollen reaches a flower, a single seed is produced. odds are right now you just have a scattering of seeds growing on your plants from where some male dropped its pollen, and maybe you have a few hermie flowers here and there. you removed the males right? OK good, now just take a spray bottle and spray off the plants so that any remaining pollen is washed off. no further seeds are going to just magically develop if there is no more pollen there to fertilize the flower.

there is no way on earth you should be considering harvesting that crop right now. the potency will be greatly reduced and so will the smell and flavor. it will smell grassy and have a moderate (not particularly impressive) head high, that's all. once you cut the plant, you can't uncut it, so dont cut until it's finished.

why are you so worried about having seeds? seeds dont hurt anything man, and they are what you WANT. i dont understand your viewpoint that you can't or shouldn't use these seeds because you're "not a breeder", i guess this means you think your cross would be bad somehow? no such thing man. your two strains dont know that they are two strains, they are just two groups of random phenotypes from a larger gene pool. cannabis is a very diverse plant even amongst the same "strain", its only the short sighted breeders who are artifically shrinking the gene pool by heavy inbreeding and selection. cross your two strains and get seeds, and those seeds will sprout a nice variety of wonderful plants with varied characteristics, some of which will no doubt become prized mothers.

why is more diversity a bad thing? i love having a mason jar stuffed full of big ass nugs, and having no idea what strain any of them are, except knowing the general characteristics of each by their appearance. i love having an assortment to smoke from, never smoking the same thing twice, and being surprised by differences in the bud characteristics. why is it SO important to keep each individual "strain" and its genes separated and isolated? sounds like a weird preconception to me. just grow those seeds out man and you will be happy you did!


Gypsy is a seed bank that runs this web site. You could sell your beans or give them away as freebies.
Thanks for clearing that up. I'd never take money for something that happened by accident like this. I'll learn from this experience, keep some seeds for myself to experience with in the future, give some to my friends, and send the seed bank some if they want to as well.

Who knows perhaps it'll be some killer hybrids :)


bro it seems you have some kind of weird conception of how seed production actually works. when some pollen reaches a flower, a single seed is produced. odds are right now you just have a scattering of seeds growing on your plants from where some male dropped its pollen, and maybe you have a few hermie flowers here and there. you removed the males right? OK good, now just take a spray bottle and spray off the plants so that any remaining pollen is washed off. no further seeds are going to just magically develop if there is no more pollen there to fertilize the flower.

there is no way on earth you should be considering harvesting that crop right now. the potency will be greatly reduced and so will the smell and flavor. it will smell grassy and have a moderate (not particularly impressive) head high, that's all. once you cut the plant, you can't uncut it, so dont cut until it's finished.

why are you so worried about having seeds? seeds dont hurt anything man, and they are what you WANT. i dont understand your viewpoint that you can't or shouldn't use these seeds because you're "not a breeder", i guess this means you think your cross would be bad somehow? no such thing man. your two strains dont know that they are two strains, they are just two groups of random phenotypes from a larger gene pool. cannabis is a very diverse plant even amongst the same "strain", its only the short sighted breeders who are artifically shrinking the gene pool by heavy inbreeding and selection. cross your two strains and get seeds, and those seeds will sprout a nice variety of wonderful plants with varied characteristics, some of which will no doubt become prized mothers.

why is more diversity a bad thing? i love having a mason jar stuffed full of big ass nugs, and having no idea what strain any of them are, except knowing the general characteristics of each by their appearance. i love having an assortment to smoke from, never smoking the same thing twice, and being surprised by differences in the bud characteristics. why is it SO important to keep each individual "strain" and its genes separated and isolated? sounds like a weird preconception to me. just grow those seeds out man and you will be happy you did!

You make a lot of sense man, the problem is, my flowering rooms don't. I WISH I only had a scattering of seeds.
I had 2 Sour Cream males that I removed as soon as I saw the ball sacks. Now 2½ weeks later, pretty much every plant in my 2 x 600w + 1 x 250w rooms started seed production. The big question is how many seeds they will produce, and how much bud.

I really hate the idea of spraying water, as my humidity is way too high already, and my one and only problem in my last harvest was mold, hmm.. when you talk about spray, are you also just talking about FAN leaves, not directly around buds?

About why I don't want seeds, well let me just say I don't know many people who want seeds in their dried weed.. if producing seeds means I'll get less smokable bud, it's a no thank you from me. I'd obviously have another perspective if it was only a small part of my crop that produced seeds, THAT I'd consider a gift. But I can't use 100-1000's of seeds for anything other than experimenting and giveaways.
You say seeds 'dont hurt anything' but I guess they do if your goal is pure smokable bud? :) I love the positive attitude you have towards it though, wish I felt the same way right now. I am convinced I'm gonna finish my grow no matter what though :)

And yes you are right, I don't know much about the seed production concept at all, in fact I'm thinking more and more that I might have hermies as well, although pretty much every plant I have look basically the same right now.

I want to get this shit cleared up once and for all, so I took some close up pics. Could you or someone else tell me what this looks like, cause I'm not sure about anything right now :S I'd really appreciate it! :thank you:


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Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
All I see is female calyx's and stigmas, in fact the fluffy white tufts in the first pic suggest they have not been pollinated at all because they would have withered and turned a dark orange color once pollinated since it transports the pollen grain back inside the ovule for seed development. I hope you are not mistaking all those unpollinated bud calyx's for seeds lol ;)


All I see is female calyx's and stigmas, in fact the fluffy white tufts in the first pic suggest they have not been pollinated at all because they would have withered and turned a dark orange color once pollinated since it transports the pollen grain back inside the ovule for seed development. I hope you are not mistaking all those unpollinated bud calyx's for seeds lol

Hehe that's why I'm sooo confused, cause I already found small tiny green seeds in lots of my plants, when I chop of those bud calyxes some of them have tiny green seeds inside them... unless that isn't seeds at all?!?!

None expect for one of my Chronic, Cole Trains or White Russians have withering, they look like that first pic...

My head is a mess now :p

Here's another pic of one of my Chronics


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Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Listen, leave it all alone and let it finish we will regroup afterwards and you can show us what you got. If is is making seeds, then so be it. They are easy to remove once the bud is fully mature and the seed is popping out of the calyx's. Let it ride man. :canabis:
You've got to let them finish mate....

If there's no males and no male/intersex flowers... There will have been no pollen landing on pistils for about two weeks at least.. How many pistils did they have two weeks ago? Not half as many as now I bet... Best to let them mature.. Immature half seeds in bud is a lot worse (read foul tasting!) than big fat brown ones that fall out!

Good luck dude!


We are Farmers
My current crop was seeded heavily because of my ignorance but I am still going to finish it and make hash but I did not see a single seed in any of the pics you posted just lots of lovely buds. Please let it finish and I think you will be very happy with the results. Plants are looking good man.


Listen, leave it all alone and let it finish we will regroup afterwards and you can show us what you got. If is is making seeds, then so be it. They are easy to remove once the bud is fully mature and the seed is popping out of the calyx's. Let it ride man. :canabis:
You're right man, I don't wanna think about it anymore, and besides I already decided to finish them :)

Really appreciate your advice man :smoke:


My current crop was seeded heavily because of my ignorance but I am still going to finish it and make hash but I did not see a single seed in any of the pics you posted just lots of lovely buds. Please let it finish and I think you will be very happy with the results. Plants are looking good man.

Thanks a lot, you guys have made me a lot calmer regardless of what's gonna be the end result. Will harvest some small MK Ultras & White Widows within 10 days or so, so will know by then :)



breathe deep
I have dealt with lots of accidental pollination. So much that i have researched the matter thoroughly. Let me share what i have learned.

Inside the calyx, or female flower, is the ovule. The ovule looks exactly like a tiny green seed. It is this ovule that is pollinated and then it grows and turns brown. It could easily be mistaken for a seed by anyone overzealous in a seed search.

If the herb is for sale, then watch the plants closely over the next two weeks. If they are in fact pollinated, you will see the seeds grow. Then chop them and it should be unnoticed to most folks.

If its for yourself, your probably better off letting them mature and then just picking out ripe seeds as you smoke it.

Hope that helps


I have dealt with lots of accidental pollination. So much that i have researched the matter thoroughly. Let me share what i have learned.

Inside the calyx, or female flower, is the ovule. The ovule looks exactly like a tiny green seed. It is this ovule that is pollinated and then it grows and turns brown. It could easily be mistaken for a seed by anyone overzealous in a seed search.

If the herb is for sale, then watch the plants closely over the next two weeks. If they are in fact pollinated, you will see the seeds grow. Then chop them and it should be unnoticed to most folks.

If its for yourself, your probably better off letting them mature and then just picking out ripe seeds as you smoke it.

Hope that helps

I honestly never heard about that, but it makes perfect sense how I've misconceived it now though..

Can't believe I haven't stumbled upon that explanation before, and trust me I've searched a LOT.

It definitely helped me, I guess I will know very soon whether or not I have seeds for real.
Appreciate it, good day! :tiphat:


Active member
hey bro hows your grow going? hope everything turned out good in the harvest! your plants look just fine in the pics, very healthy and coming along fine.
Finish them just like ur gonna smoke them. In fact, you should smoke them, after you harvest your seed, if they're worth using for seed in the first place.