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Confused About Adjusted PH.


Hello all. I am growing in Fox Farm Happy Frog mixed 25% perlit and 1 tablespoon per gallon Dolomite Lime in 3 gallon pots. Last feeding and watering I adjusted to 5.15 PH. The run off ranged between 6.82 and 7.01. My questing is, Am I adjusting the PH to low?

For run off I let drain an hour, then water using distilled water.


Your soil runnoff ph seems pretty high. I would wait till someone with more experience chimes in but it seems like pretty high to me still.



Active member
Dolomite limes ph is between 7-9 thats why your ph is a little high. I wouldn't be to concerned if its around 7. If it gets to 5 and lower then you will have some problems.


Weed Robot
your soil ph is realy high and you may had added to much lime in your soil.its eazy to correct with a good flush.i use base nutrients at half strength and ph 6.3 and flush with this mix.the base nutrients help buffer the ph so it comes down quicker then flushing with just plain water.i bet your geting small spots on leaves and red stems its because your ph is high and locking out nutrients.a nice flush will help correct.i always feed with nutrients and the next 2 waterings with just PH water of 6.3 and again with nutrients and etc.
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Active member
BIG ISSUE your plants will die if you lower it that low. I would stop messing with ph. The reason people add dolomite lime is that it regulates ph for months (so you dont have to fuck with it). And it also releases calcium and magnesium. I use it in my indoor and my outdoor with great results. I don't think you used to much. I use a half cup for every 8 gallons. That is more than twice as much as you use. Just my opinion though.


My last batch I used twice as much and also had some major PH problems. This cut it in half and seems like I still have PH issues.


Weed Robot
correct lime does contain cal-mag but will also up your Ph..if he is using 5.1 ph and and his water is coming out 6.8-7.01 then i would say his ph in soil is in the upper 7's and needs a flush..soil ph should be 6.2 - 6.8 with out watering with a 5.1 if he waters with 6.3-6.5 i would expect any numbers between these lines is why i say flush with a 6.3 and everything will be good


Hello all, I am looking for round two in advice. Plants are looking a bit sick and hermapded on me.

So here we are. Six days ago I flushed my girls with 9 gallons each of 1/4 strength nutes with tap water PH to 6.30. Tonight I watered the girls using tap water PH of 6.30; I tested both and the run off tested 7.11 and 7.13.

Two other girls of a different strain are not showing any ill effects, but they are a week behind. My next round I'm not going to use any dolomite lime, it is not working for me. The mothers are doing well with the same PH.

What is needed to get the PH under control?


A PH of 7.1 really aint that bad. Not ideal, but not catastrophic either. I'm with others who say it's the lime. From all that I have read anyway even though I have not used it.

I didn't see where you mention what nutrients you're using, how often, and what dosages you're giving? Also a pic of the plant's may help others to help you diagnose the problem. If you can't post a pic, where and how are they looking sick? 3 gal container from what I understand is good for about a 3 to 4ft plant. Any taller than that you may be getting root bound.

And dude, don't pay attention to the last number digit on you're tester. You don't really need to go by that one unless you really want to be technical.

Anyway good luck bro. Peace.
mtrum, i'm having the same problems controlling my PH, only on the opposite side of the spectrum! the sunshine #4 bale i picked up last has ridiculously low ph. not enough dolmite lime to balance out the acidic peat. never had any problems with sunshine mix or even bothered checking run off until now! watering in 7.4 comes out 5.8. i've started seeing deformed crumply leaves and such. so i feel you on PH, so frustrating.

what i'm confused about is, in soil should we aim for ph 6.0-6.5 of run off? if one is getting a high run off like 7 and above, wouldn't a low ph like 5 even 4, help counter the high run off? also, in my case, if i am having a low run off at 5.8, would watering with a high ph of 7 to 8 help counter? or am thinking about it the wrong way?

i know peat moss helps lower ph and dolmite lime helps bring it up, but since our plants are in the soil already, can we only attempt to adjust soil ph through watering? it was mentioned that flushing with 6.3 should help. so does flushing actually bring soil ph to the ph level it was flushed at for an extended period of time?

don't mean to hi jack your thread mtrum, just thought my post would be more relevant here. hopefully we can fix our ph blues soon!



Weed Robot
ok mtrum your ph should have went down some so what nutes are you using? and did you flush with 3 or more gallons to each pot?some pics can help alot bro.and your tap water ppm or EC level?what i'm going to say some may not like but i have done these and has worked run tap water right through your pots and let it flush out in your sink one by one till you feel its good enough with tap temp around 69-70f for about 5 minutes each and keep leting it drain this will make sure you flush out that lime.then add half strength nute mix ph 6.0 and flush with it right after you flushed with the tap water. this will add nutrients to your soil and clear out the tap water clorine.dont be afraid to give it a good flush as long as you let the pots dry out the plants wont suffer.this should do the trick


Weed Robot
what i'm confused about is, in soil should we aim for ph 6.0-6.5 of run off? if one is getting a high run off like 7 and above, wouldn't a low ph like 5 even 4, help counter the high run off? also, in my case, if i am having a low run off at 5.8, would watering with a high ph of 7 to 8 help counter? or am thinking about it the wrong way?


think of it like this when you add that 7-8 your plant are taking that right up as soon as the water hits your roots some people dont realize how fast a plant can take up as its available to roots .the rest as it sits and goes through your soil it begins to shift as the ph in soil has elements that are buffering and causing it to change as it transforms by bumping with other elements.well hope i make sense man im so f tired right now a dont know if i'm explaining this in a way to understand.just do the same flush as i just gave and you'll make out insted flush with a 6.3-6.5 with a light nute mix
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tap water is always at 7 so just add nutrients and water it like that it should be fine. dont PH it or else u will start having problems

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