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aeroponics ...... how long till roots :(

hiya there im usein aeroponics for the first time i have a nutriculture xtreme !!

its been 5 days and i just looked and there is not even one root !!

now maybe im been a little hayesty but these are cuttings from mature plants that have now been put onto bud so i really need these to work !!

should i even be seein roots yet ???

am i expecting to much and should treat it as normal cuts and give them a good 10 days plus then check ??

what do you think


i used an ez cloner and never got the fast results others did. As long as they look healthy, they will root eventually
i used an ez cloner and never got the fast results others did. As long as they look healthy, they will root eventually

:) thanks mate yeah they look proper healthy thats why was bit surprised when didnt even see a root !!

its a heated one and iv checked the temp with a fish tank probe !! and its as it should be so fingers crossed !!!

a few are slightly yellowin though but not half as much as when i do cuts in rockwool and a unheated prop

think its just a waiting game, if there no roots after 10 days then ill start worryin lol


In my homemade cloner I start seeing them at 5 days. I'm running Earth Worm Casting tea. Or EWC for short.

Take a five gallon bucket of water that has been sitting out over night or is RO water. Put in a couple of airstones and start the pump.
You can use earthworm castings looks like soil or I use General organics Ancient Forest looks like good earth!

Throw one big handfull into the bucket and 1 Table spoon molasses or you can use some of the bud sweeteners like sugar daddy or bud candy... They beneficial bacteria need the sugars to grow big and strong!

Extras you can add
I also toss in some great white or white widow and a little bit of a mosquito dunk.

Let the mix bubble for 24 hours
strain through a t-shirt
It will be clear or close to it
label it and store in the fridge
Some say you can store for 3 days some longer
We all agree if it smells at any point throw it out
Add a couple of cup fulls to the cloner and I add it to all my plants water. Peace and puffs
In my homemade cloner I start seeing them at 5 days. I'm running Earth Worm Casting tea. Or EWC for short.

Take a five gallon bucket of water that has been sitting out over night or is RO water. Put in a couple of airstones and start the pump.
You can use earthworm castings looks like soil or I use General organics Ancient Forest looks like good earth!

Throw one big handfull into the bucket and 1 Table spoon molasses or you can use some of the bud sweeteners like sugar daddy or bud candy... They beneficial bacteria need the sugars to grow big and strong!

Extras you can add
I also toss in some great white or white widow and a little bit of a mosquito dunk.

Let the mix bubble for 24 hours
strain through a t-shirt
It will be clear or close to it
label it and store in the fridge
Some say you can store for 3 days some longer
We all agree if it smells at any point throw it out
Add a couple of cup fulls to the cloner and I add it to all my plants water. Peace and puffs

thanks man i think i will give that a go next time sounds like a heady brew that !!!

iv just thought i didnt ph the water :O

think that could be troubleing it ???


Active member
5 days is not a long time at all. I would say you should at least start to see bumps at around 10 days. Also, the water temperature is very important. Make sure it is around 76 degrees over 78 is too high..and under 74 is too low.

Be patient.
5 days is not a long time at all. I would say you should at least start to see bumps at around 10 days. Also, the water temperature is very important. Make sure it is around 76 degrees over 78 is too high..and under 74 is too low.

Be patient.

yeah think i wanted a bit of reasurance relly if been honest lol iv got the temp set to 23c like nutriculter recomend think thats about 73.433 f ............. do you think i should knock it up to 24 c ????


Active member
Fastest I've seen roots in my ez clone is 7 days. Normally 14. This round I'm at 17 and still nothing. I think it's the new softer foam inserts I got it looks like the roots are growing into the foam instead of down into the water.
well i feel alot more condident about things now do you get a very slight yellowin of your cuttings around this time ?

mine are doin that now !! only slight though they look really healthy !


Active member
Yes the bottom leaf will yellow it always does. The only time I had clones die the stems got black and mushy. I can see these are bulking up as if they are starting to root but I can't see any below.
well day number 7 and ........................... WOOOOO HOOOOOO we have a few with tiny ikkle roots on them !!! only about 10% have the little root but thats enough for now sure on day 10 there will be more :)

when do you think i should add nutriant and ph the water ?

El Toker

In my homemade cloner I start seeing them at 5 days. I'm running Earth Worm Casting tea. Or EWC for short.......Let the mix bubble for 24 hours
strain through a t-shirt
It will be clear or close to it
label it and store in the fridge
Some say you can store for 3 days some longer
We all agree if it smells at any point throw it out
Add a couple of cup fulls to the cloner and I add it to all my plants water. Peace and puffs

I don't understand how all that can help, as the cuttings have no roots and no way of absorbing nutrients. I get good results in an aero cloner after about 6 days with water straight out of the tap. When the roots start to show, I use a low concentration of formulex.


well day number 7 and ........................... WOOOOO HOOOOOO we have a few with tiny ikkle roots on them !!! only about 10% have the little root but thats enough for now sure on day 10 there will be more :)

when do you think i should add nutriant and ph the water ?

I wouldnt add any nutes till they all had roots. If you have some that are well rooted and some that have not rooted at all, you may have to transplant the rooted ones
I don't understand how all that can help, as the cuttings have no roots and no way of absorbing nutrients. I get good results in an aero cloner after about 6 days with water straight out of the tap. When the roots start to show, I use a low concentration of formulex.

yeah thats what im goin do dont wanna be to hasety think ill leave it another 2 days then give it 1/4 strength nutes............ see there almost like paulies mar!!.......... you gotta treat em with respect lol