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I have three plants. One of which is a small squat plant that I have no clue what the strain is, this one is a good 3 weeks into flowering and she is very pretty. The other two are very tall about 6 & 1/2 feet tall. One being Jack Herer, I call her Jaquelin, and the other is another unknown. Basically this is my second grow and I wanted some input as to how I am doing so far. Any questions let me know
Unknown #2

Unknown #1


Attached are some closer shots, I took yesterday, those didnt turn out how i wanted them to. Just to get a general idea on how big they are. The other shots are up close as well.


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cool man. lookin good,

where did u get the jack herer from? did u buy seeds or did it come out of somethin u were smoking? what kind of soil mix and nutes do u use?


popped out of a fresh nugget from a good friend of mine. Hyponex potting soil and perlite. I use BC Bloom, BC Boost, Awesome Blossoms, and Sugar Daddy all made by Technaflora and SuperThrive, and CalMag. I use all those every third watering. I also use Earth Juice Microblast every 2 weeks.


btw, the pics are from Unknown Plant #2 which is about 4-5 weeks into flowering



from unknown #1, which is about 2-3 weeks into flowering

Jaquelin is a full 2 weeks in.


had a few questions

A. What do you think this is? and how bad does it look?
Most of my large fan leaves are like this, its only on unknown #2 though.


B. Is this red/purple bad? Does it look like it has something to do with the weather? Nutrients? Disease? Fungus? or just Genetics?

Thanks for the love.
The spotting and holes, I've seen that before on my crops once in a while, it never got out of control and never really fucked up my plants or anything. doesnt look too bad on yours, not sure what it is though. Those purple leaf-stems, I've also seen that before every once in a while, for me i think it's always been just a genetic thing because the plants produced well.

nice pics btw,

also I see that you use superthrive in every third watering along with all the other things, do you use it all the way through flowering? I've been told not to use b-vitamin products thru flowering because it could cause hermies?


i have been using it, maybe i should not use it, i definitely don't want any hermies. I have this other product it is called Thrive-Alive it is the green bottle and it is basically just 3 different types of kelp i don't know if i could use that to replace the SuperThrive and not have any negative effects.


Good Morning, i have a few things to share this morning, mostly flowerpix, but I am still having a few problems.

Unknown #1 3-4 weeks flowering

one of her tops

Unknown #2 5 or 6 weeks flowering
this is my favorite plant if you couldn't tell already


i have an exact picture of this nugget a few weeks ago, my how it has grown

the very top of her

Jacqueline 3 weeks - shes getting the purple in it too

one of her tops

and im from where the wild things are, hahahaha


yesterday was a very stressful day, apparently the wind got so bad that it tipped over one of my plants Unknown #1. Where I topped the plant the V split in half so I have taped it up and tied it together with a string *crosses fingers* hopefully it works. Then I walk outside this morning, only to find the same plant on the ground again with a severed limb. This can't get any worse, I am so mad/sad/dono what to do about this. So I guess what I am going to do is find a way to make this pot heavier. Probably find a rock or two to go on top of the soil in the container. Sorry I do not have any pictures right now. Maybe later tonight. If any one has any suggestions, please feel free to help me, it will be appreciated.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
nice job man.. and kitty looks happy... this is very important during any grow ;)

just reading of your predicament mate... if it's possible try n move them to a more shaded side of the house, or build some kind of wind break in front of them... then pack something around the bases to stop them moving (sandbags would be ideal)

don't worry too much mate, these girls can take some serious abuse before giving up on us... your tape job will probably be adequate (assuming it wasnt broken all the way around) :)

good luck!


so here's the damage

this is where it originally split down the middle of the V

and where its taped on the bottom is where the other branch was snapped off


and a look at the top


other than that, everything is Big, Bushy and Green.

any other suggestions on what to do with this plant to help it out? or is time the best thing i have?


sorry no updates here recently, im not even going to say i was busy or anything just havent had the camera. i am going to try 2 or 3 different harvests on unknown #2 i started today by taking 2 of the 3 tops here is a pic of one of them lightly trimmed

one of them was 18.4 g wet the other was 15.9g wet


i am going to wait another 5-7 days to take the other top of the plant. i cant get pictures of the trichomes with my microscope so i will tell you that they have just started turning a golden milky color and it just looks amazing. most of the pistils have turned to a nice burnt orange/reddish color. this plant has been flowering for about 8 weeks now.