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Fucking Thieves


or a small rigged explosive, nothing big, just enough to hurt em....maybe some nails added or something inventive

you don't think that someone might notice the BoooooM-and the body parts? How much semtex do you think that the guy should use?also it's at his house-so the BANG might wake the kids up

it's this sort of bollox that gives growers a bad rep


you don't think that someone might notice the BoooooM-and the body parts? How much semtex do you think that the guy should use?also it's at his house-so the BANG might wake the kids up

it's this sort of bollox that gives growers a bad rep

Well said Eddie..

Elevator Man

Active member
Jeez - hardly constructive suggestions. We evolved out of beating people to a pulp some time ago...

If the guys live two doors down, then you have a street war.


Active member
if you do this and it works you could seriously be looking at getting charged with murder-manslaughter at the least-

terrible advice

Eddie, come on man, im sure everybody knows that man duahh!
What you think this guy would do that? Anyway my point was that thats what the fukers deserve, & im sure even you agree with that dude!
If it were me honestly, i would approch the guy & tell him that if he messed with me or my property then he personally would be paying the penelty with more than he bargained for.

Of course it was terrible advice, you missed the point & it wasent advice anyway - lol!:jump:
i'd hang the fucker outta my upstairs window from a rope tied round his ankle and leave him there alday or till popo came little ****s no respect for nothin. I'd love someone to break into mine :D my 2 staffies would love it :D

little will

all good ideas guys, but i think my missus would go apeshit if i set bombs up, as much as i like the idea, i think a good beatin is the best idea or rig up my shit to the mains, you soon smell the flesh burnin anen you can turn the mains off.


i had someone break in to our growroom before we moved, i had to leave a window open slightly for air exchange in my utility room which i kitted out with grow tents, i had just harvested the lot in the tent nearest the window so it was empty,(the window is locked to a certain point an at the front so not really easy to jus clime on in) anyway we popped out for like ten minutes jus to get dog food(my dogs were sitting outside the utility room in hall waiting) we got back an the neighbours came out an told us that 2 people had came along twice an tried to get in, they firstly ripped the window open more an then chipped off, they then came back 2 mins later with a blade an leaned in an cut a hole in my tent.( luckily it was empty anyway.) this was at around 1.00pm an in full view of like 6 other houses etc.
i know exactly who it was but we moved not long after that so was jus like fuck cod they were meant to be mates at the end of the day. they didnt know we grow but must have thought we did cos of the nice weed we always smoke. its sometimes obvious.
anyway we moved an basically jus didint bother telling people were we live so now people dont even know that lol.
its a sad fuckin place this countries gone to, every one you know even ya mates will do you over for weed or money ive not come across anyone that i feel is 100% trustworthy in along time(apart from my missus) everyone will screw you if they get the chance an think its worth their time, shame really but fuck it, well fuck them.

dont really know wot ya can do mate, i suppose moving homes out of the question its easy to setup again without people knowing then,
i was lucky i didnt really feel then need to call the police mainly cos i knew i could fuck everyone off in a couple weeks an also cos they (the burglars) now thought i had no plants growing so wont be back for while at least. an there was nothing else of value i was worried about as i knew they were only after the weed.
silly really cos if theyd jus knocked on my door an said can ya spare a lil spliff i would have probably given em a bud each cos i did have like ten ounces jared up. lol.
best thing to do mate is make them aware you know they were there and you can even say like i did that it was caught on camera( i said my neighbours cam they have opposite on their drive etc can see my house an the window perfectly) so i told them i watched the footage etc. well i told my mates an who i thought it was etc. defo get a security light aswell good deterents an also let u know when theres movement etc. id personally jus get a set of lil security cameras an have stickers up to warn people.
you can get systems that tell you everything that happens theres some good ones out there that dont cost too much for what they are.
if i thought there was any real danger of them coming back and getting in and taking anything of value i would still call the police regardless of weather or not im growing i would not mention the grow an jus hope for the best if they did decide to bust me to i would jus fight it in court anyway.
wotever u do mate goodluck init, an i hope it never happens again.
its crazy how we cant report real criminals cos of the threat we will end up as the criminal instead. vote lib dem lol theyl change shit eventually.


Well-known member
Fookin scallies everywhere.

Get him a beatin and stuff some class A's in his pockets. Then phone the Old Bill and tell em where they can find this dood lying on the deck.

Shut down your grow for a while though.

little will

its crazy how we cant report real criminals cos of the threat we will end up as the criminal instead. vote lib dem lol theyl change shit eventually.

Yeah me to mate. Every smoker should do that, show them we mean business, legalization here we come.



New member
man we've got gravel all around our house, it's nice gravel.

but anybody comin near us, we can hear. and my dog also hears and barks like a mofo

you could whack a load of gravel around the shed or whatnot, get some really loud gravel!

the word gravel has lost all meaning now -.-


i feel ya pain, bad enough when people you know ,know you are growing, but when its others the only thing you can do is pack up, maybe teach someone else and run a co-op somewhere else?


european ganja growers
there is some good info in hear,,but makeing bombs hahahahahahahaahhaahahahaahahah your fucking having a laugh right.......

Bro 100% scare tactics hear bro ,,,nothing else will be needed

go grab a few mates (with a car) and go get this guy,,,,just pile outa the car (masks and all) chuck him in the boot & go for a long drive,,,,give him a few slaps & tell him youve been informed that hes been house braking and yous hate that shit,,, leave him in the middle of noware,,,

stay safe bro

keep it green


Active member
think yourself lucky

think yourself lucky

you should think your self lucky ive a mate in the uk woke to no electric thought oh power cut but no its the main trip switched it back on looked out the kitchen window to find his little grow shed gone 6ft x 6ft just gone just a bare patch and a fence panel missing.


Overkill is under-rated.
Just call old bill and tell them you saw some Arab-looking chaps with rifles unloading barrels of chemicals out of a big lorry into their house. Every bobby for 50 miles will be crawling in, over and under that house.