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WOW!!!! this is amazing!!!! a very unique grow thats for sure!

Can you give any details on your computer programs? how do you set those up and what are the actual functions of the programs?


Active member
WOW!!!! this is amazing!!!! a very unique grow thats for sure!

Can you give any details on your computer programs? how do you set those up and what are the actual functions of the programs?

the GT soft receive input from sensors in my case (2 air temp room and canope/2 Rh room and canope/Co2/2 water temp rez and bucket/door/flood/smoke/power fail.With these data you can built a policie EX:if temp(room temp sensor)is higher than 84 switch on A/C those policie are very simple to build.all you need after that is electronic switch(transform soft command in electrical command 5Vdc)
with that you can control everything fan/light/dehu/Co2 /pump/heat exchanger/door look/water valve/main power and water cut/web cam/remote control,everything another example :Fire start in growroom 1. GT smoke sensor go on
2. GT shut down main power and water
(GT have its own battery back-up)
3. GT send text or email
4. GT start fire fight by putting extinguisher in action


Active member
Can't believe I haven't look in this thread until now. Super, super dope secret entrance. I've always wanted to use the growtronix system too, but have heard too much bad stuff.

I heard some storie myself but never had trouble with mine so for me it was a very good system,not always stable (first soft release)now they are very stable .for the hard ware it's simply never brake on me! I just bought a addtive call FINAL BLOOM made by general hydroculture from australia.In there advertise they assure visible result in 2 day so tonight day one after put FB in i will took pic to compare with you .
Bro mad props on this set up its off the chain. Looking very good in there ya deserve a lil more than a pat on the back for that one. Sorry to hear about your wreck glad to see ya don't let anything hold you down. If ya don't mind me asking how much do ya have tied up in the automation and computer software? Keep up the good work bro


Active member
Bro mad props on this set up its off the chain. Looking very good in there ya deserve a lil more than a pat on the back for that one. Sorry to hear about your wreck glad to see ya don't let anything hold you down. If ya don't mind me asking how much do ya have tied up in the automation and computer software? Keep up the good work bro
The automation system cost me around 2k.


New member
some electric

lower relay are for dehu. 2 x 15 amp 110v. 14/3
upper relay are for light 2 x 20 amp 220v. 10/2
controled by ssr (solid state relay)

Switching box (ssr controled by computer)
upper box are for high power switching 12/3 2 x 15 amp
load look like this pump 7amp 110v. UC cooling (fridge) 5 amp 110v.Some fans 4 amp 110v.And 1 (not switched) 5 amp 110v.
lower box are for low power switching 14/2 1 x 15 amp
coil relay see first pic,heat exchanger,sulfer burner,selenoid valve,

Ok I see all these relay's etc...are these items hooked into your Growtronics? I know these items are not sold on Growtronics site so can you explain to me what these are and why you have it set up this way. From what I see on Growtronics you pretty much use their recepticle modules and just label them in you software.
I am in the process of research to decide what setup I want.
Thanks for your time & AWESOME setup!!


New member
I have went through your thread here and don't remember seeing what Fertilizer you are using. Let me say I know nothing about Hydroponics YET! But am very much into Organice Ferts. Don't get me wrong your plants are awesome! But I think I noticed some leaves curling under and they just look like they are missing something. Which got me to thinking that most strains the PH is normally 6.5 - 7.0 and we want the beneficial bacteria's & fungus.
mycorrhizal Fungus and bacteria bascially make it so the roots are able to take in all the nutrients (organic) at a rate in which the plant can use it.
I am not a very smart person so I cannot give you all the techincal data but in my opinion the organic nutrients give the plant everything it needs in a manner that plants would naturally take in, which makes for better taste, healthier plants. It is at least worth looking into. I can send you some material I have collected over time.

EIthiere way you are still admired for your success and it looks like you might have some extra bud at harvest...LOL


Active member
FLORANOVA grow and bloom .The taco curled leaf is due to to much P (bud blood) to soon,first time i grow White Widow and she is very nute sensitive.