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hermaphrodites look funny


New member
Here is the story, I was late in cutting clones for my next run so I just made clones out of my flowering plants. Now out of 4 one is starting to look very odd. I'm not to sure what to make of this and have been looking for pics that look the same but cant find any. Oh and the clone still smells like its in flower. It has been under veg. light and nuts now for 3-4 weeks. Its growing just not sure what in to.


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Active member
i take clones 3 to 5 weeks into flower. sometimes they look like cabbage for a bit, but they eventually resume normal growth pattern.

did ya maybe feed or water too much ??

wheres the hermie btw ??


ditto the two above, reveggers can throw some crazy leaves; yours look relatively normal


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i agree with the above posters i got some clones taken from plants that was flowering for 1 week and i got the non serrated leafs but i know they will grow back normal...


Yeah that's how clones pretty much all look when taken from flower.