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MT's first Ice mix


Damn, well it's been a while since I've updated, basically I have had ups and downs (more downs) but we are on 12/12 now with two very different plants. Both are kind of stunted, it's to be expected with the amount of abuse they took. From N overdose to excessive Na locking out K (it got serious with both, Ice especially).

Safari mix is looking pretty good now, not withstanding. I chose to LST her and I believe I did well. Defoliated some on the lower areas, mostly just the affected fan leaves. Still some slight burning on the tips, but all in all not terrible.

Ice got some major defoliation, every single fan leaf produced before fim got chopped. Basically they were all dying (necrosis between the veins); this basically blew up the undergrowth. Not sure exactly on the number of colas on the level top but it's around six or seven. Not all equal, but still not bad.

I did attempt one clone, just for the hell of it; didn't have much on hand so I just cut a small bottom shoot (toothpick size) with one lower node and a top. Pulled off lower leaves and dipped in molasses (why not? People use honey, I hear), planted in peat pod. Soo I went away for the night and days(s) totally expecting death, not really caring. Came back and woah! The little girl was looking alive, just like a tiny seedling sans cotyledons. I am doing this clone 12/12 from cut, once I start seeing new growth I will transplant and switch the whole box to the HPS. I know I shouldn't expect much in the way of yield, but I think I've made leaps and bounds in the right direction.

Pictures very soon.


Pictures. Not much new, I did put the 150 back up. Still battling temperature issues, but I think a clip on fan blowing over the light or perhaps switching out the exhaust for an inline then putting the pc fan up in the hood.

Safari is LST'd, Ice is just growing how it wants. Both defoliated. Neither are as large as they could be, although given the light they spent veg under I dont think they are so bad. I know I am paying for the problems I had earlier on.



She is looking really nice bud can't wait to see her fill out for ya. ;)


Thanks, Lowryder. It's actually two plants lol one LST'd pretty heavily so I had a hard time getting good pictures.

Jack, I know man and I thank you for it. I keep up on your threads as well. Most of what you're doing is a bit over my head at this point, but I am filing it away for the future. Although you make it look so easy I've got half a mind to attempt CS now as to avoid high fem seed costs.

I have been following the 'net neutrality' debate, albiet not with the same fervor as prop 19. I tend to lean towards the idea that it is an invented problem... Doesn't seem as though 'net neutrality' exists now, definitely not in the wireless game. Reallocation of bandwidth at the expense of other, lesser customers seems unfair... But has anyone ever gone to a military hospital? Many many hours to wait, but that decrepit colonel is seen right away. Try reaching your stock broker when he's in a meeting (see: lunch, basketball game, bar, drinks, strip club, cabo, yeahhhh). So maybe it's not right, we should probably do something, as often an omission of law is seen as a green light. I like to keep in mind, though, that whatever the opinions may be of the various Internet entities all is driven by money.


I am thinking of ordering some new seeds soon, I've got two Ice left and I'd like to keep them. Sooooo, I'd definitely like to grab a more sativa strain, specifically a good haze. Greenhouse seems the place to go for these things; I looked at SSH and SLH, both sound great, but I think I'll go with Either Arjan's Haze #3 or Arjan's Strawberry Haze.

Anyone with any experience? I've been reading the RUST and RUSGT, some pretty great stuff.


Oh man, I'm eff you see kay'd. I transplanted today into a small waste basket I had. Both plants were starting to get root bound and growth was seriously slowing down. Ice had seven or eight inches of roots hanging below the main root ball after a little messing.

Sooooo I use up what potting soil I had left and mixed in some of my finished compost to make up the difference. Compost was mixed with some old soil a while ago.

So im looking and the soil is like full of bugs. Absolutely fucking full of em. All different kinds too.

Seriously discouraged over here.


Well you read like a newer gardener learning.

I find that plants decide to grow when they want to sometimes. They are aware of things I am sure of that.
So until they decide to take off they will mope around and yes we can over water or over feed but what is happening to is the plant is thinking about growing.
When I see plants lagging now i look to see if I have provided the soil with what it needs and then let the plant think about growing and leave it be.
I made a mistake with two clones who didn't seem to want to take off here of late then it dawned on me that I should have let them be.

I don't know what to suggest for a next grow but I was impressed with smoking SSSDH in Amsterdam.
I think I have that right Super Sour Silver Diesel Haze Or something like that. It was a way up clear head smoke.


Yes SSSDH sounds like the bomb digity heh, SSH was a consideration, interesting with the Sour D. One of my all time favorites (when we can find it, that is...). All manner of crazy avenues used to procure. I like growing things I don't hear much about round these parts. It's like the American male hankering for the frontier.....

Well, plants look better than ever, bugs be damned. May show some detriments later, but for now trust the food chain.

When I see plants lagging now i look to see if I have provided the soil with what it needs and then let the plant think about growing and leave it be.

But not enough soil? I would say 50/50 ratio roots to soil. Don't know much, but root growth may? Be important to bud growth? RUST.


Pictures today, but first. With the transplant I had used some of my compost (Knowledge courtesy of JTG). I had been worried about bugs and things, but so far so good. Much new growth, and buds are actually forming now, not just preflowers. I know these honnys are smallish, partly due to user error, but over all pretty healthy.

Like I said, bugs were in the soil but so far so good... Maybe they are just eating the roots? haha.. Hope not

Ice first, then Safari
