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Localhero's Outdoor cookout 2010


thanks guys!

ive decided to do something potentially dangerous and/or stupid or pointless. since my backyard is pretty well boxed in with bamboo hedge/thick hedge/passion vine, im going to put one of my co2 burners out in the backyard for the final finish. now, it might not do anything. it might also do something. im hoping some of the co2 gets trapped within the boundaries of the garden. because it doesnt make much sense to connect the burner to a controller, instead im just gonna let it run non stop on a timer that will shut it off at night.

hopefully a leaf or something doesnt blow into the burner somehow and make flames. :D it shouldnt though, its pretty well covered.
Huh interesting idea, my thought is the CO2 will rise immediately out o the garden possible waste. Iam not sure if CO2 rises, but with a burner it would make sense that it is hot since the source is a flame.


co2 is supposed to sink to the floor, so i was imagining it filling the lower area and then the breeze mixing it around and dissapating it


an august 24th update for everyone :D

silver buddah


Hindu Kush





Banana kush bud


bullrider bud

bullrider stalk

last but not least, the reason i love passion fruit the most; it makes an impenetrable 9 foot wall

Ganja D

Your garden is looking great man. The Banana Kush looks killer. Nice looking dog. We're getting there. Won't be long.:)


whats up LH,

shits lookin killer bro! gotta love those indicas for flowering so fast, but socals gotta grow the best sativas.

is that ORGNkid's bannana kush?

whats up with that passion fruit; i always imagined it grew from a tree,... go figure. do you plant it in the ground, and it climb like a vine or do you plant it high and it sags and grows down?



Ganja- just trying to learn the ropes here. one day, ONE DAY i will grow a monster ala ganja d/humboldt local style :D you guys are the bar. i grew up with a lab like yours, great dogs i bet he's happy as hell to be out there in the big open north. cant wait to hear some new tracks bro.

Niluola thanks bro! i love that hk too, the smell off that plant is just amazing its like a black berry jam or something. i think thats why caterpillars love it, you have to really stay on top of the cats with her.

Blanco good to see you in here brotha! the banana cut i have i got through a grower that was suplying one of my favorite dispensaries before it was shut down. top on washington in culver city. great little hole in the wall with some of the best hash in la, plus thai stick and random stuff id never see. miss those guys.

the passion fruit is just an all around fantastic plant-

1- its a vine alot like grapes are, but 20 times faster growing.

2- powdery mildew proof. its waxy leaves will never be a carrier.

3- it attracts wasps, which i believe eat bugs.

4- a tea made from the leaves lowers blood pressure, is an anti depressant, is good for the heart, and is used to control anxiety. it works.

5- makes a great fruit.

its a jungle plant that likes to climb up trees and take em over. ive been messin around using it as a support for my tomatoes, wrapping the vines around them. i noticed it was doin that on its own and just went with it.


the passion fruit is just an all around fantastic plant-

1- its a vine alot like grapes are, but 20 times faster growing.

2- powdery mildew proof. its waxy leaves will never be a carrier.

3- it attracts wasps, which i believe eat bugs.

4- a tea made from the leaves lowers blood pressure, is an anti depressant, is good for the heart, and is used to control anxiety. it works.

5- makes a great fruit.

its a jungle plant that likes to climb up trees and take em over. ive been messin around using it as a support for my tomatoes, wrapping the vines around them. i noticed it was doin that on its own and just went with it.

thanks bro, do you know how far north they can grow, i imagine their sensitive to frost huh? if they'll live i might have to try growing some passion fruit. i tried growing some avacado trees last year but it didnt quite work out, ill try that again once i have my greenhouse! lol

keep it up, ill keep checkin back. BTW your yard looks like the perfect suburban grow, wide open with tall obstructing structures and that passion fruit wall! LOL thats sick bro.



thanks for the props paddi

blanco, im not sure how far north theyll take. ive read they can handle down to the 20's or so as long as you prune them way down in the winter. youre supposed to prun all the lateral growth in the winter regardless, as supposedely no new fruit will develop on old vines.

i like my little yard. the neighbors avo tree has been bothering me though, it eats up my 5 oclock light. ill be seein about a new place for next year. id like some more space and privacy.

im starting to have botritus issues on one of my plants that doesnt get the morning sun. so important to get sun on the plants asap over here to work off that am dew.
I have a couple of those plants in the shade to. Kinda worried about PM or just lack of light on those plants. They get blocked from about 10 to 1 and as the sun goes south I loose some sun from my fence. Oh well better than nothing. I feel the same way, I love my yard but inspired to grow monsters like the masters. Hope all goes well my friend. Keep us posted!!


the plant suffering from spots of bud rot was the first to go into flower. its the smallest of the hindu kush plants and is close to a wall. my thoughts on why that plant was getting bud rot were:

1- my teas are brewed in a 55 gal drum outside under an overhang, was i somehow brewing and breeding bud rot spores that were carried in the air to my brewer and then foliar spraying those spores to my plants?

2- that plant went into flower first, was it a mistake on my part to foliar spray it along with the others, causing water to get trapped in the buds and creating the rot?

3- that plant is the smallest in the yard, is it just a weak plant to start with and therefor naturally more susceptible to disease?

then i came across some info while reading about grapes. they were saying grapes planted on western slopes are more prone to disease becasue the morning sun doesnt dry off the dew as fast. and that made sense for this plant. it was not getting direct light because of its location. so much so that it triggered flowering well before any other plant in the yard. plus its a runt and im sure that doesnt help it fight off diseases as well.


wow i can't believe i missed this one, great grow Localhero. i really like the selection, gonna have to work my way through this thread. last update is awesome.


and is close to a wall.

that could be an issue if the plants aren't geting enough air circulation and enough of that moring sun you were talkin about to work off that moisture. with enough warm and breezy air i think a little moisture wont hurt anything alteast in my limited experience outdoors, but i guess thats all strain dependant too.

i would definitly try and move that plant or place a shop fan around it and see it either of those help. other wise i dunno and i might be tempted to get rid if it even (depending on how bad it is), before it infects others.

Hey Local IMO I think #2 sounds most logical in my mind. I don't recommend spraying teas on after flowering, I have experience some major burning of the hairs that way. Also I remember at one point reading in a magazine that vineyards want botritus on there grapes it helps with fermenting process and flavor. Do your own research but I strongly remember that in an indoor gardening magazine. Good luck my friend, I hope it stays contained, hopefully the moisture will recede back into the ocean.


thanks for the input guys. im not gonna kill it just yet. i do know that the largest plants in the yard are also the ones to first recieve sunlight in the morning. vineyards want botritus? im sure its a combo of all those things really. and yeah it was a bonehead move to tea spray in flower. only time ive fouled my hairs was spraying neem oil in flower. never doin that again. alot of people like neem, and thats great whatever works for you. im just not on the neem bandwagon.

I have a few bud shot updates for everyone, and a NEW mystery bug

first, the bugs. only found these guys on one small leaf huddled together on the hindu kush. havent seen any more yet. the whitish spots on their backs looks like trichome camo. anyone know what these guys are?

and on with the bud update..

last night i placed a red skittle under the canopy of each of my plants. this morning when i went to check on them, they were all gone and a fresh dusting of trichomes coated all the buds. the trich fairy really does exist.





Banana kush

Hindu kush


Well-known member
Looking frosty localhero. I am going to put some skittles out and hope for the best. Great show you are putting on here.

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