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Possible issue with Tikal... advice please


My buddy has 2 tikals and 2 orient express in his greenhouse. He gifted me 1 of each for my indoors.

He is having an issue outside with his Tikal not wanting to flower at all. One of them hasn't even put out a hair yet (as of today 8-24-10). We are at 45 degree north if that helps. The bigger issue is that she is already over 8 feet tall and has been LSTd and tied down. So it's an 8 foot bush that shows no signs of slowing down.

My questions: Does Tikal normally take forever to flower outdoors? (indoors, mine started flowering 5 days into 12/12) Also how much can we expect it to stretch when it finally hits flower? Lastly, will we have to supplement light since it's bound to go into December, or will she continue to finish under 8 hours of late fall early winter light? Last question, is there mutants in your tikal that just DON'T flower? I sure hope not as space is limited in the greenhouse and this would be a huge knock to him if he has a bunk plant. I advised him against female plants, but he wanted 'from seed' vigor without the hassle of prepping and pulling males. Sure hope he doesn't get burned because of it.


Hello Growbrass,

Your Tikal sounds BIG, jejeje.

Well, if they are in a greenhouse, I wouldn't worry too much. It isn't even Sept yet, after all. They could still finish in October.

Water them with low a N Bloom Fertilizer at full strength, see if that Romances them to start showing some flowers.

Good Luck!


hey bro, you answered yourself...if there is 12 or less of light per day, they start to flower...its sativa strain so its something you must count on...some indica starts to flower when its 13 hours of light but not guatemalan sativa i guess hehe...

i doubt it will finish properly in October...but youll get some buds for sure..


LOL, really man? /end sarcasm

We are past 12 hours of dark (meaning LESS than 12 hours of light right now) and that Tikal STILL hasn't even popped a hair. It's beyond weird. Others in the greenhouse are starting to flower, and this beast is too shy to show her private parts =/

hey bro, you answered yourself...if there is 12 or less of light per day, they start to flower...its sativa strain so its something you must count on...some indica starts to flower when its 13 hours of light but not guatemalan sativa i guess hehe...

i doubt it will finish properly in October...but youll get some buds for sure..

Ras Pablo

Well-known member
LOL, really man? /end sarcasm

We are past 12 hours of dark (meaning LESS than 12 hours of light right now) and that Tikal STILL hasn't even popped a hair. It's beyond weird. Others in the greenhouse are starting to flower, and this beast is too shy to show her private parts =/

Honestly, is not very commun....Tikal line it's a "fast and more compact" sativa than Panama or Thai hybrids.

Hopefully you get a complex recessive pheno, more equatorial into the Guatemala wild Sativa side, depends of the point of view if it's a good or bad.

All I can say is..topped her as much as you need and be sure that no light it's arriving her during the night.

Please keep us update, how she's going.:tiphat:


LOL, really man? /end sarcasm

We are past 12 hours of dark (meaning LESS than 12 hours of light right now) and that Tikal STILL hasn't even popped a hair. It's beyond weird. Others in the greenhouse are starting to flower, and this beast is too shy to show her private parts =/

lol NO im not here to post any sarcasm...i wanted to help you somehow...well when there is less than 12, then i guess its some very sativa "tropical pheno" but dubi will say you more...i know that one of my fellow growers here grew some satori which is 9week plant, and it refused to flower untill 20th September huh so it can happen..i guess we can say that plant is less photosensitive which can be usual trait for tropical sativas

positive vibes and happy harvest:wave:


thanks for this thread and good luck with the plant! i've been dreaming of doing some work with the guatemalan sativa, but haven't gotten around to ordering seeds yet.

i scour the forums looking for info on the few people that are growing it. This info is great. I truly hope it pulls through for you in a convenient time frame.

Question: Has this plant show any other signs of mutation or different structure and or leaf style?

Maybe you got a random seed from a different seed lot mixed in....

Please keep us updated and good luck!