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Yellowing Leaves/Brown Spots,my plants are dying


New member
Hello, i can use a little help from you guys. To make it short, my plants are dying.
The problem began about a few weeks ago 4-5w. The plants are 12 weeks outdoor, i used fert bars in soil as a fertilizer when were young and after some time goat and rabbit manure composted aproximately 5 years. Everything was great but three weeks ago I used FloraNova Grow and about five days after I realized that something is wrong with them. The leaves had started to have black/brown spots and soon turn yellow and die.
Brown spots appeared on almost all leaves of the plant and the first affected were the fan leaves and the bottom of the plant then it was worse, soon almost the whole plant was affected,only the tops remained green.
I thought it was from the last time i fertilized and i tryed to flush them giving only plain water.
Yesterday i put in soil fert bars for flowering since the flowering began and the buds started developing.
I expect an answer from you and i hope you can help clear out what the f%$k is going on and resolve it..if it's not too late. My suspicions are vague, from a pH disturbance causing a nute lock to a fungus,but in any case too me it doesn't seem to be an overfert.









P.S The pictures are 9 days old,now are looking a lot badder

the gnome

Active member
5 days after usng the FN grow probs began?
if your using it still, stop. don't use anymore.
when did you add the manure?

more info would help,
answer these Qs and the pro's around here will be able to help you better ;)


How long has this problem been going on?
What STRAIN are you growing?
What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?)
What is the age of your plants?
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now?
Were they in the same mixture when they were seedlings/smaller plant? If not, what mixture were they in before?
How Tall are the plants?
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in?
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc)
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot)
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)
What brand Nutrient's are you using?
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful*
How often are you feeding?
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
How often are you testing pH/ppm/EC/TDS?
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen?
How often are you watering?
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
What size bulb are you using?
How old is your bulbs?
What is the distance to the canopy?
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity)
What is the canopy temperature?
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range)
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ?
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?
If using tap water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS of the water right out of the tap?(Only if you have a tds pen)
If using RO,Distilled,mineral water, what is the ppm/EC/TDS without any additives?(Only if you have a tds pen)
Are you using water from a water softener?
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched?
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when?
Are plant's infected with pest's?


New member
Hey man i wish i could help im almost upto harvest time & this has just started happening to me too..im hoping ill make it to harvest b4 it gets too bad but hopefully someone can shed some light. Mines an indoor grow in soil.


New member
" 5 days after usng the FN grow probs began?
if your using it still, stop. don't use anymore.
when did you add the manure?

more info would help,
answer these Qs and the pro's around here will be able to help you better

goodluck "

After 5-6 days I realized something it goes wrong with them. I don't use now that fert, in fact just 2 times i used it.
Added manure at the end of June.


How long has this problem been going on? 3 weeks

What STRAIN are you growing? Big Bang, El Nino, White Widow, Himalayan Gold,Cheese,Diesel,Blue Widow and Blue Fruit

What was the establishing technique? (seed or clone?) Seed

What is the age of your plants?
12 weeks outdoor/16 from sprouting

How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? 13 weeks

How Tall are the plants? 6 ft - 6.5 ft

What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Flowering

What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?) FloraSol ph 6,7 - 7 ,nothing added

What brand Nutrient's are you using?
Vilmorin fert bars in soil,slow release fert NPK 6/8/12

How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? I used FloraNova Grow 4ml/5liter (a bit concentrated i know) just 2 times

How often are you feeding?
Fert bars in soil,so practically i feed on each watering

If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
8 days ago

What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used? Don't know

How often are you watering? 5 Liters/Plant at 6 days

When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding?
6-7 days, when i water them

What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) 30-34 degrees C day and 14-20 by night

Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?

Is your water HARD or SOFT? I use water from a well, didn't measure the pH levels

What water are you using? Well water

Are you using water from a water softener? No

Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? No,i topped them in the late June

Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? Yes,but not on all,i used Boric acid at 3 of them in the beggining of July,anyway it didn't caused any damage

Are plant's infected with pest's? I had some ants, grasshoppers around but nothing serios

I answered at all questions except the ones with type of bulb used,distance from the light to canopy and so on.
Hope to fix the problem as soon as possible
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I wish I knew, I've got the same thing going on. My plant that looks droopy like yours began after I started giving fish emulsion and earth juice bloom both as a liquid to the soil and foliar (daily!, woops!)

Then my other plants had the yellowing leaves beginning at the bottom of the plant and working upwards, I decided it was N deficiency so I began to add fish emulsion, that seemed to help a bit. I'm outdoors in soil too. I think next year I'll spend all my money on preparing good soil mix ahead of time and not F around with ferts, last time I grew in really rich, healthy soil, I had not a problem with my plants at all, growing in mediocre soil, sucks!
Always know your Ph.

Yellowing droopy leaves= too much water

Yellowing leaves starting at the bottom but not drooping= not enough nitrogen

Brown tips usually= too much fertilizer.

Damaged leaves will not recover, fixing the problem will only prevent it from getting worse.

Hope this helps.


New member
Some pics look like too much water while others look like over-fert. What are your PH levels?
first thing bro check and correct the Ph of water and soil.If the ph is off it can effect the plant in many,many ways. most important. best place to start