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Humboldt Countys own Gravity


Trying to have a good day
I just added this to my nutes.I remember reading a few people had some trouble using it.I would like to hear what you guys that have used it think of it and any tips concerning it. :thank you:


Overkill is under-rated.
I use it as a folar in the last few weeks. Mix with DM Saturator (30ml/g) and apply with the lights on, spray about once a week and it speeds ripening and makes the bud more dense in my experience. I wouldnt add it to the res, too expensive!
getting ready to try thier snow storm product im hearing good things.....

anyone know if these (gravity, purple and snow) can replace boosters? or used in conjunction with?


Overkill is under-rated.
I use all three as foliar sprays, they work as good supplements in conjunction with a well-fed root system. By only using them as foliars they are MUCH more economical, a big bottle of each will last you a year or more, even at my size.
how do you run them? which one for early, mid, late flower, etc.... im curious about foilars durring late flower as you can see from the new thread i posted.


Trying to have a good day
Im using the Gravity as part of a soil drench.It doesnt take much to make a gallon to use.I never foliar feed anything after I start flowering.Its my way of keeping away from mold.

Im thinking about going ahead and getting the other products that come in this line (Bushmaster,Purple,Gravity,and Snow)to and would like to hear anybodys experiance with them.


Overkill is under-rated.
I've used Bushmaster, imho it works almost TOO well. one foliar application and stretch is halted in it's tracks, I mean ZERO stretch post-application. Ended up doing nothing but hurting my yields overall, since the plants were kept pretty small.

Bushmaster is used at the flip.
Snowstorm is used throughout flower
Purple maxx is used in the last 3-4 weeks.
Gravity is used in the last 3 weeks.

I mix each of these with DM Saturator to make the spray systemic in nature.

Never had any mold/mildew problems using foliars in flower, I have a pair of dehueys and over 4000 cfm of air exchange so humidity doesn't present much of an issue. If your strains are PM prone then I'd add some Eagle20 to the mix.
Used Gravity with my last grow using DWCs. Really didn't notice much a different in terms of performance but be care with this stuff as it'll burn the fuck out of your plants.


Active member
I used the gravity for only a week and I saw a big difference. My plants were looking good and then the next day they were all falling over cause of the weight. I had to tie down every plant.


Active member
i used bushmaster and it worked too well. it totally stopped the stretch but it hurt my yields and significantly lowered resin production bigtime. i threw both bushmaster and gravity out in the trash. 200$ wasted

lazyman....do u foliar gravity onto the fans....or the nugs?

p.s.....over 1ml of grav per gall will...well...can....fuckkk yourrr shiiitt UP.....its almost a nessecity to raise the lights.....


Be careful with that snowstorm ultra, it molded kinda fast in my exp. And have heard the same from a couple other people. But other than that it works alright.:tiphat:
I pretty much agree with Lazyman.. never used snowstorm.. but I've added a lite dose of Gravity to my rez for week 6 only. And I've used Purple Maxx as a foliar on weeks 6-7 or 8 depending on strain/flush time. As for Bushmaster, it should be used VERY carefully!!! I would suggest only using it on tall lanky strains, if at all. It will make your buds big and thick, but it also makes them really leafy and pretty much stops all stretch in it's tracks. If I decide to use it I will mix 5ml/gal and hand water with it no more than twice! And even at that lite dose all treated plants will end up looking like bonzai's.
Had a bottle of SSU given to me. Sat unopened and unused on my nute shelf (dark and cool storage place) for maybe 2-3 months. When I went to use it.....molded.


Active member
Most products are full of shit, especially the late bloom boosters. Overdrive did nothing after using it for 4 runs it was thrown out. Gravity is the shit and if used correctly you will notice a marked difference, It definetly puts weight on the buds to the point that plants that never needed to be staked (Plants with thick stalks that normally hold the weight of the buds just fine)have to be staked and tied or they will fall over.

I use 1ml per gallon from 4 weeks(28 days) until the final 2 waterings, use with Blackstrap Molasses (5ml per gallon) and dial down the normal nutes half strenghth. I have seen both excellent results from Gravity and also utter complete failures, LESS IS MORE with this product. Just my 2 cents


Ssu n gravity are incredible.imo there is no need for bushmaster.flip small or grow short strains/phenos.never is there a need to intentionally poison or hinder a plants genetic blueprint or growth cycle.


Active member
You are correct RubeGoldberg both Gravity and Bushmaster have been taken off the market all grow stores got stop sale memos for those products.

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