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Best nutes for a newbie


New member
Thanks to this great site I am finding out that you just dont stick the plants in dirt and give them miracle grow until they are ready to harvest.
My girls are starting to flower and I am wondering what should I be feeding them now. The friend who gave them to me said they are Cambodian. They are outdoors in 5 gal buckets. Bought some blackstrap over the weekend. What else do I need? Also were can I buy the good nutes you guys will recommend?

dynagrow liquid bloom or maxibloom. Both are usually available at garden centers not just hydro shops. They are both one part and have all the nutes u need. Dynagrow is very popular with Orchid and other houseplant hobbyists soo its not hard to find.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I would agree with the lucas formula or rez's modded version "the recipe" which you can find stickied in the AAA Rez Genetics subforum

Bud Bug

All 1 part formulas

GH Nova Grow/Bloom
CNS17 although I'm not impressed with them having two flower parts Bloom and Ripen. Come on get real and stop taking customers for fools.
Pure Blend Pro Grow/Bloom
GH Maxi Grow/Bloom
Grotek Solotek Grow/Bloom


For a newbie? Fox Farms. Not a shit load of different bottles, cheap, and great results.

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