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Bears guarding crop?


3rd-Eye Jedi


I gotta admit this story is entertaining.:laughing:

Rippers beware or yer gonna get yer head ripped off.:jump:

So what laws were actually broken....feeding bears without a permit....get real.

Maybe some guerrilla grower had a plot on granny's ranch without her knowledge or consent.

Sign me up for jury duty:plant grow:


I would have prefered to read about a cop being eaten by one of those bears but oh well good post & story anyways lol.


Canadian police find bears guarding pot crop

Canadian police find bears guarding pot crop

This is awesome, other than the "bears fate". Ill take em and give em all the dog food they want.

(Reuters) - A pair of marijuana growers in Western Canada appear to have been using bears to protect their illegal crop, but the well-fed animals proved to be a bit lax in their guard duties, police said on Wednesday.
Officers were dismantling two large outdoor plots of marijuana near Christina Lake, British Columbia, when they realized there were 10 large black bears wandering around the farm property, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said.
Officers were initially worried the bears might be dangerous, but quickly realized the animals were actually very docile and content just to sit around as the marijuana was seized, police said in a news release.
Two people were arrested in connection with the drugs.
The bears, which were apparently being fed dog food to keep them on the property, may eventually have to be put down, police said.


Canadian police find bears guarding pot crop

Canadian police find bears guarding pot crop



(Reuters) - A pair of marijuana growers in Western Canada appear to have been using bears to protect their illegal crop, but the well-fed animals proved to be a bit lax in their guard duties, police said on Wednesday.

Officers were dismantling two large outdoor plots of marijuana near Christina Lake, British Columbia, when they realized there were 10 large black bears wandering around the farm property, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said.

Officers were initially worried the bears might be dangerous, but quickly realized the animals were actually very docile and content just to sit around as the marijuana was seized, police said in a news release.

Two people were arrested in connection with the drugs.
The bears, which were apparently being fed dog food to keep them on the property, may eventually have to be put down, police said.

(Reporting Allan Dowd; editing by Rob Wilson)


Re: Canadian police find bears guarding pot crop

Re: Canadian police find bears guarding pot crop

It was probably stupid Cory and Trevor lol...


Re: Canadian police find bears guarding pot crop

Re: Canadian police find bears guarding pot crop

They probably fed them dope and the stupid fucking bears just sat there lol.


They probably fed them dope and the stupid fucking bears just sat there lol.

I can picture the RMCP ripping up plants with bears within 50 ft just munching on dog food... sitting on their asses straddling like a 50lbs bag of dog food with the top ripped off and their heads buried in the food.


Active member
i sawthat on the news.

them assholes will just get the bears put down....i get tired of seeing ppl fuck w/ wildlife.



Ah. Looks like I'm late to the party.

i sawthat on the news.

them assholes will just get the bears put down....i get tired of seeing ppl fuck w/ wildlife.

Sadly, yes. Either put the bears down or relocated them deep into the woods where there is little risk of run ins with humans. Nothing good comes out of it when bears equate humans with food.

In all honesty... they would have had better luck with dogs rather than bears.

Guest 150314

Zomg! The dangerous drug gangs of the kootenays, not only do they have 2 grow ops in one town .. they also have docile bears and sticks of dynamite for protection! AHGGG..

rick shaw

Hmm large,hairy,well fed sitting docilely as the harvest goes on.Sounds like a few people that I know.


I glad they did not hire the BC Lions to guard the grow, firstly they can't guard anything and secondly, they would have to put them down.