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EZ Cloner Problem, please help

F. Dupp

Active member
I forgot to mention that I did add about an ounce of Dip'n Grow cloning shit to about 3 gallons of water in a bucket that I was throwing the cuts into as I took them off the plants. But I dont think that could do much harm, prolly didnt do much good either.


I can't say if that small amount is enough to get slime. I didn't go full strength but more than that. That's just a lot of stuff in there for cuttings with no roots.
That and some high temperatures is just asking for trouble. A whole lot of ingredients in a warm, wet place...something is going to happen, and it's going to smell.

Pics show up here, ??? they are form my IC album...sounds like you can only see the off-site linked ones.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
If you're worried about chlorine in your tap water.....just fill the EZ Cloner up with it.....put the air pump line down in the bottom (as usual).....turn on just the air pump....and leave the top off the EZ cloner with nothing else in it for a few hours......
The chlorine should start to dissipate leaving your water in better condition. Probably the best rule of thumb is leave it on like that overnight......
Next day you're ready to go as usual with less chlorine issues.


ez cloner

ez cloner

Here's the deal with everyone having problems with there ez cloner.

  1. First rinse ex cloner out with hot water !

    Then then fill with with water ....

    If you need to ph your water do it then add some type of root booster if you want

    Then all you have to do is put clones in the cloner.

    Last but not least just wait it will take 5-9 days to get roots just leave it be and just every other day to make sure your water levels are good.....

    Its a ez cloner don't make it hard...

F. Dupp

Active member
I went and checked on things this morning. The ph had jumped to 7.5, there was a faint bad smell, and there was foam forming in the corners of the rez. I set the lid on a table, drained the rez, washed it out in the shower with hot water, refilled it with 12 gallons of chloronated tap water and 10 gallons of RO water, ph'ed it to 6.2 and threw two 2 liter bottles of ice in there.
The water I drained from it was getting cloudy and brownish. There was definatley some funk growing in there. I got the water temp down to 68 and turned a few of the T5 bulbs off to lower the room temp. I threw in two quart sized gatorade bottle filled with ice before I left to keep rez temps down.
I think on Monday I will go back to the hydro shop and give him back his $40 bottle of Hydroslyme and get some earth worm castings to make some tea.


Also I found if your having high temps in your ez cloner I have found that using ice or better yet. A ice pack stays cold and keep water temp down for 2 to 3 hours depending on your air temps


MediRI88 said:
Also I found if your having high temps in your ez cloner I have found that using ice or better yet. A ice pack stays cold and keep water temp down for 2 to 3 hours depending on your air temps

I took this approach also. I kept about 15 500mL water bottles in a constant freeze-thaw cycle. He's right on...swap every 2-3 hours.

I know it's too soon to tell, so just bust a water change and talk nice to them. In a couple of days you will have fish-bones hanging off of your cuttings.

p.s., Just set my album to public. :bashhead: I bet a lot more of my posts are going makes sense now.

F. Dupp

Active member
I would throw bottles of ice in there every couple of hours except that I live pretty far from where I grow. I will keep changing the water out of the rez every other day. It makes sense that if its always fresh water in there, the funk shouldnt be able to take over the rez.


Active member
The frozen bottle shuffle can be scaled up a little bit, to point that you are using gallon milk jugs, so they can last a long time. One thing about using frozen water in bottles instead of ice packs is you can leave the lid off and it adds fresh water back to the rez as it melts.

F. Dupp

Active member
As of today pretty much all of the clones have roots, and those that dont have little nubs. I have been draining the rez every other day and refilling it with half tap and half RO water. Thanks for the advice everyone, especially Cutty.


Active member
Awesome man. Cloning can be quite the task, especially when people are waiting on you. I guess every one has slightly different environmental conditions, and what works for one...is not a comprehensive quick fix solution.

76 degrees, fresh tap, some clonex solution....

really all you need.

The Baphomet

Well-known member
I run a 120 and always get roots . We have never had any slime of foam and get roots in 7 to 10 days . It is very important to keep everything clean and always clean your machine and run bleach through it for about one hour then rinse .

we use strait tap water
about 10 tsp of green fuse rooting solution
lots of water changes
keep water in the mid 70's , we use a chiller
once they have roots give them a very mild dose of nutes

F. Dupp

Active member
Ok, after doing some research, this time around I used ewc tea. I washed the cloner, I then sprayed it down with bleach diluted to 25% strength. After rinsing it thoroughly, I filled it with RO water, added 6 cups of ewc tea, 30 tsp of Clonex solution, ph'ed the water to 6.1, added another air pump and two airstones, and filled it with 120 clones.

After 6 days of running the pump 1 minute on 4 minutes off, with an average water temp of 80 degrees, about 60% of the clones have roots. The ones without roots are sporting little nubbins and will have roots by tomorrow.

Using this method, my ph has been stable and I have neither seen nor smelled any signs of the funk so far. This has eliminated the water changes and the constant ph adjustments. This is the fastest I have gotten clones to root, and they look healthier than ever.
I use the EZ cloner. I used to use my city water, and tried all kinds of stuff. Now I get roots in 4 days, plants are out of the machine in 7 days Max every time.

I found that using well water really speeds things up, but most importantly is keeping the heat down.

I do this by using a timer, set to 15-ON 15-OFF 24-7. This keeps the water temps down, and I believe gives more oxygen.

Now, I take my cuts, 45 cut, scrape, dip in cloning gel, stick them in the pucks, fill the machine with well water, and that's it! No added Nothing. No PH the water, just fill and wait.

Of UTMOST importance is cleaning the machine between runs as well. Bleach, multiple rinses, then H202, rinse, rinse, THEN go ahead and fill it again.

My friends come and fill tanks with my well water, and tried the 15-on 15-off timer trick, and they are getting the same results. Nubblers in 4 days, out of the machine and into pots in 7 days or less.

I LOVE my EZ cloner.