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First Grow

I am new to growing and originally was not going to document my first grow since I have no idea whether this will be successful or a complete failure, but I thought it may be a good way to solicit advice if I do run into trouble. So, with that in mind, here is my first grow...

My plan is to grow two Lowryder #2 plants, one in soil and the other in a 3 gal DWC bubbler unit. I will use a one gallon pot for the soil plant. My goal in doing this is to see which method suits me better as far as maintenance and trouble. That doesnt mean that I will only use one technique or the other afterwards from here on out, but it will give me a good comparison between the two to determine what works best for me.

On a historical note, I started dabbling in hydroponics (hence my name) growing strawberries in small bubbler units (with mixed results, I might add). So, figured I would jump into a hydro marijuana grow.

In doing weeks of research in these forums, I have seen some mixed results with hydro, and because I am not investing a huge amount into fancy ebb/flow units, HPS lighting systems, PPM/EC tools, etc., I am a bit nervous about hydro. Probably psyched myself out a bit. But, need to start at some point! Anyways...

I will be growing in a small grow box I built myself. The box is made out of a thin paneling that is white on one side, so I dont have to line the box with any reflective material or paint it. I'll be using 3 - 23w 6500k CFLs for the first week or two of the grow, then 3 or 4 - 42W 2700k CFLs for the remaining grow. I plan on running a 20/4 light cycle throughout the grow. I'll be using Botanicare nute products and will use equal amounts (as best I can) for both the soil and hydro to try to make it as equal a comparison as possible.

So, 2 days ago I started the germination process on two seeds. I used the paper towel method in a zip lock bag. After 24 hours I could see that the seeds had cracked, and 4 hours later I had a quarter inch root on both. I kept them in the towel until this morning and checked on them again and they were both pushing 3/4 of an inch long, so I figured I needed to get them in the grow medium. Suckers grew fast!

I picked up some foam-like plugs that were recommended by the local hydro store, and I will use those for both seeds to get them started. So, as of this morning they are in their grow medium.

Most importantly, I am going to try to stick to the motto "you can love your plants, but you dont want to LOVE your plants". Less is more and let them do their thing....
Day 3

Day 3

Seeds have both sprouted out of the grow medium and have shed their shells. Each sprout is about an inch high and have 2 little leaves. I have the two sprouts under two 23w CFLs and they are about an inch tall. Checking the bottoms of each I can see a root growing out of each, so I am going to transfer them to their permanent homes. Both look really health and seem to be growing well. Eventually I will post some pictures when they get a bit bigger.
Day 4

Day 4

Calculating out nine weeks from day one puts the harvest right around my birthday, so will be a happy birthday for me!

The plants are now in their permanent containers. One is in the 3 gal DWC bubbler and the other is in a one and a half gallon planter with plain topsoil as planned.

Right now through the first week or two I am using filtered irrigation water (easy to get and no chlorine) PH balanced to 6.8 with 1ml per gallon of Liquid Karma. I'll start adding half-strength nutes in a week or so.

I have a wireless remote thermometer/humidity sensor in the grow box and the temps/humidity is at 78 degrees/40% humidity. I think temp is good, but question is whether I need to get humidity a little higher or not? I live in a dry climate, so humidity is low to begin with. Suggestions?

Tarus Bulbar

Goodluck Lenny!! Make sure to post with pics
and that way we can all lend some advice!!
Cheers Bro
Pictures soon! Right now they are just little sprouts with their first set of tiny leaves. My next project is figuring out how to rig up a light height adjustment. I think the lights are a little too far away from the plants (about 6-8"), so I am going to come up with a way to adjust them up and down. Not a big deal, just a trip to the hardware store.


78 degrees/40% humidity. I think temp is good, but question is whether I need to get humidity a little higher or not? I live in a dry climate, so humidity is low to begin with. Suggestions?

40% RH is perfect for the bud cycle and during the vegetation stage 40% is fine, but during the vegetation stage you can go up to 55% to 60% with out a problem.
During the bud cycle you would like to keep the RH lower to keep the buds from developing mold.
One other question: is it as important to have a fan on these AF plants for stronger trunks? I understand why strengthening the trunks on non-AFs is important, but is it needed on the short/dwarf AFs? I dont remember ever seeing any posts related to this.

Found out my mechanical light timer was not working right. Not sure how many days/nights it has not been cycling correctly. Possibility that the lights never turned off for a night or two, then last night I made sure they turned off correctly, but it never came back on, which means lights were out for 9 hours (instead of 4). Doesnt look like it caused any harm, but frustrating none-the-less...

Digital timer on the lights now..
Day 6

Day 6

On day 6 and I have to say I expected things to be growing faster than they are. Maybe I am just impatient, but in the first couple of days the seedlings took off, then over the last few days it seems they have really slowed down. The hydro plant is about 1" tall, and the soil plant is 3/4" tall.

It was time to replace the water in the hydro, and the soil plant was looking a little more yellowish than the hydro plant, so I figured I would add 1/2 dose nutes to my water at the recommended seedling dosage.

Also I moved my lights down to 3" above the plants. I am also wondering if they just are not getting enough light. I am using 3 - 23w (100w equivalent, 1800 lumen, 6500k) CFLs, so not sure if that has anything to do with it. I will change them out to 43w (150w equivalent, 2700k) CFLs when they get close to flowering.

So, what do you think? Are they behind on the grow or is this about right?

Soil (sorry, white balance is off)

Day 13

Day 13

Things going well. Stepping up the nutes to half strength of recommended dosage. Plants seem to be doing well, although the hydro plant is definitely growing faster than the soil plant. Additionally, I think the plants are doing well not stretching out much, whether that is an issue or not with these short plants. Over this last week I installed two fans to blow on the plants and added a single 42w/150w 2700k light to the box, in addition to the 4 23w/100w 6500k bulbs.

So, this is a close-up photo of the hydro Lowryder. Is this what I think it is or just wishful thinking? I have read posts and articles on identifying the sex of the plant, so I think I see pistils...



We are Farmers
It is very very early for the plant to be showing sex, I would not expect to see definite signs for several weeks. Looking good so far, keep it up.
First Grow

I thought I had read in other grows that the LRs can start showing as early as 14 days, so I was optimistically hoping....

I need to get a good magnifying glass or pocket microscope soon.
Joint Doctors say that they should show sex around day 20, but I saw another grow diary where it showed at day 14, so hard to say. They are starting to really pick up now. I think they are responding well to the nute change; even the soil plant has shown quite a change in just a day.

Anyways, good times. So far I cant say that this has been difficult up to this point. If there is anything to say to the autoflower haters out there, at least for us noobs they seem to make things pretty easy, in fact, if this keeps going as well as it has, I'll look like a pro! ;)
Day 18

Day 18

Still no signs of sex on either plant, but the hydro one is bushing out pretty good. Hydro plant is really taking off, but the soil plant is not doing too bad, but definitely not growing as fast as the hydro. Smell is starting to pick up even though neither are flowering yet. Should be any day tho! Both plants look really healthy and green, so shouldnt complain at this point!


Active member
why choose auto-flowers? imagine how bad you'll feel
if the bud is the best you've ever had 'cause after the
last bowl is done it is gone forever, no mother, no bud
for the future.

better to take the time to grow and clone photo-periodic
cannabis strains that will provide fruit for years to come,
or not, not all are keepers after all but with auto's, there
is no such thing as a 'keeper', period.

just my 2 cents. SOG