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The Official Loose Lips thread....sketched out...here's the place


Dunno how this is gonna go over...but on with the show

It has just started to occur to me that someone very near and dear to me, may be sucking the life right out of me. I have told my bro time and again that I don't want to know anything about his circle of friends and what they are up too, but he's deaf (figuratlivly and pretty much literally he only has like about 30 percent hearin) anyways. This other crowd of his gets him all worked up over stupid ish. They know that he swings from their jock, you know, like he was the kid from across the tracks, and these cats just use him, at least thats the way I see it.
Anyways, it has started causing friction, we're a pretty tight knit community and sooner than later, it's all gonna come to a head, I just wonder if I should let his cash croppin buddies know that their homey is telling me everything they do. I acually use to hang out with one of them when I was a lot younger. I still have a great deal of respect for him, and definatly would not wish upon him, nor too many people jail time (rapists and d-bags excluded) So, that is where i dunno if I am bein driven by some drama I shouldn't care about, or that I shouldn't know about....why do I know this crap??? and how reckless this dude is when it comes to his own personal buisness, a straight up mess mang.
It kills me to see him do this, I gifted him the seeds he started with and have gifted him a couple clones for helping me with a lot of the physical labor that I can't do myself, and thankfully, I am moving soon, so thats a good thing...but jeeeeeezzz...guess I just needed to vent. Thanks
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Active member
Yea, stop talking with him, if you're moving, less drama is better, I guess.. I hope you haven't told where you're moving to. That kinda loose talk-behavior, as you state, is gonna have consequenses at one time or another, and maybe not for him alone.. I would keep it lowlow, move, and never look back. Can't have those kinda people is your circle..


yeah, I have put the breaking away in motion. You just don't cut ties overnight with a bro, maybe a chic, but not your homeboys....time to love from a distance
I'm glad you're moving. You could just pretend to be out of town a lot or busy due to the need to get everything together, close up show where you live now, and set up a new life elsewhere.

I don't think I'd tell those guys, unless they are really good friends of yours and you feel you owe them something. Or if you feel like you HAVE to tell them, wait until you've moved away, and leave an anonymous note. If they are not-so-nice people, they may hurt your (soon-to-be-ex) friend, and it doesn't sound like you want to have that on your conscience.


Rather than start my own thread... I'll post my story today here. 3 hrs sleep... on my second cup of coffee... called into work on my day off, I'm minding my own business when a customer walks in the store and (in short) proceeds to tell me how his entire grow got ripped (today - that is today actually) and how he knows who it is because his "boys" kept calling him every 20 minutes this morning asking "when he'd be back home."

I kind of stood their in shock for a moment in my caffeine deprived state wondering how fucking stupid this kid was. He talked for another minute and I almost, almost asked him if they were close to chop when he blurts in "yeah man, I was a few days away from harvest too... this is unfucking believable."

I didn't have any words for him. Just shook my head in disbelief. I guess this kid gave his boys a play by play update on his grow and was surprised that he got burned. And this kid just fucking looked dumb... like smarter than a stapler, but dumber than a calculator cuz it has batteries dumb.

He was with a tasty brunette bitch too. Bet she is even dumber than he is.

Not too mention this is not a MJ friendly state... be looking at a lot more than probation for cultivation of a few plants.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Whoever you go and tell/show and tell about any business you may conduct that requires a high level of security because YOUR freedom is at stake....expect them to tell someone else.....



rick shaw

That tale has been told so many times.Your inner voice is even telling you about the quicksand your walking in.Dont say nuthin to nobody,they will think you are lecturing and if shit hits the fan you will be blamed.RUN AWAY!


Rather than start my own thread... I'll post my story today here. 3 hrs sleep... on my second cup of coffee... called into work on my day off, I'm minding my own business when a customer walks in the store and (in short) proceeds to tell me how his entire grow got ripped (today - that is today actually)

You lost me here...do you work in a grow store? Kind of confusing


Trying to have a good day
Its nice to be able to share your garden when your proud of how its doing..Thats what forums and shit like this are for.

Even doing that you should keep your security in mind.
trust NO one!!

trust NO one!!

Of course it is a sad fact, as Gypsy has pointed out so many times, that virtually NO ONE can be trusted. There are of course the rare exceptions, people who have much more character and morality than the average and who will not rat you out under any circumstances. But how to tell if your pal is one of those?

Only a track record of silence and ability to do time would come close tom giving any reason to trust someone...and even then someone who was always a brother before could flip...especially if facing really long time.

Take it from some one that has done time; Out of all the guys I met in stir, the vast majority were ratted out by someone VERY close and trusted..someone who would NEVER do such a thing...until they do it!!

Brother rats brother...father rats son...wife rats husband, and there is a huge number that a girlfriend ratted out...wives are slightly more trustworthy, but not much. Women always turn and rat faster than men....cops love to get a woman because the threats work so well...the lies and bullshit scares them and with kids involved you can kiss your ass goodbye.

A woman will throw you under the bus in a minute if her kids are seperated from her and some filthy narc tells her they are going to DSS....she will screw you long distance instead of in the bed...believe it.

Of course we all MUST trust some people....we have no choice unless we are hermits....but we CAN limit our risk by never putting all apples in the same barrel...never let any one person know all the secrets and all the facts...the cleverest guy I ever met has been dealing for 40 years and never had a cop so much as look at him...this guy is slick, but very quiet, and very aware and close mouthed...never a witness to any deal...never a record either electronically or otherwise..and thats how we need to be, all the time.

Survival as a stoner depends on al of us taking our freedom seriously and realizing that no one...EVEN MOM..can be totally trusted...thats right, I have met people whose own mothers ratted them out, and not out of concern for them, but to escape charges...human beings are either wonderful or pathetic, and you are MUCH more likley odds wise to get the pathetic ones crossing your path....so beware.