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washing dishes sucks


european ganja growers
That's the trick, clean as you go.
First thing I do when I'm done eating is wash the dishes I used.

na the trick would be if the dishes would fucking disapear,i dont take 5 mins to do them when your feeding a small army;),,,..first thing i do is crack the bong out & tell the wife to go do the fucking dishes.....thats five minutes of my life i will never get back,,,,,,,she knows her place,,after all that why she has small feet...(gets closer to the sink yall)
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................shhhhhhhh dont tell her i said all this:blackeye::Bolt:

keep it green

Cookie monster

Fella's your going about it all wrong, feck washing dishes lets all just get troughs to eat out of.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
i always pre scrub before I use the dishwasher. my dad used to fix dishwashers for a living when he was a young man, he always insisted that your dishwasher will get fucked up if you dont get all the food off.


Active member
I used to work as a dishwasher in my junior-senior year in high school and used to fall asleep in the last class of the day.

An Idiot Mexican who loved to work overtime to 2-2:30 AM when i have school in the morning at 7:00 because he has 3 kids to take care of.Some illegal-amnesty dude who I worked with got a job and didn't speak English well and did the dishes slow and cleanup

Out by 12:30 am is the normal time.I failed that last class (History) but I had enough credits from going to summer School in 7th through 9th grade for the heck of it.Summer school was swimming all day so why not.

This dishwasher machine at this place did the dishes in 3 minutes.Just get all the food off and put it on a tray and shove the sucker inside the machine and comes out clean.Constant grind for at least 6 hours.


I have a portable dishwasher, it was like $200 bucks, Its on wheels I just roll it to the sink and hook the hose up


Active member
i have a sink full of dishes right now...fuck. usually my brother does all my chores because he is in debt to me and pays off his loan with it. he gets 5 dollars everytime he does the dishes and cat litter lol. slave labor.


Pleasantly dissociated
lol, the gd silverware man, just put lil water in the sink and sudds, cover up the silver, let it soak, sink looks empty but lil water, never even know there was forks under there

Washing the big dishes is fine. You can make big, circular scrubs and be in your own little mental space while you do it. Also, it's a good feeling to get those big ole' dishes out of the sink.

But the silverware. The god-damned silverware. I always wait till all my forks and knives are used up and dirty, then do them all at once. Takes forever and requires serious concentration.

Fuck silverware.