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Less Heat the better


New member
For the last while I have been thinking of buliding a clone/mother room. What i would like to know is what would be cooler to run. My clone room will be: 54in X 34 in X 50 in

Was think of getting a 400-250 Wat Mh but the heat that is given off by an MH is alot.

I'm leaning towords T5 HO or T5 VHO

At the start I was looking at the HO bulbs and thought that was the way to go. Then i saw the VHO bulbs and what a big jump in lumens. But trying to get info. on T5 VHO was hit and miss there was more info. about VHO for T12 then T5. Is the cost of the bulbs worth it, does VHO burn out more.

I just would like to know if the heat output of the VHO is higher then the HO, or the the heat of the VHO the same as the MH bulb.

Was looking at a 8 bulb set up with either HO or VHO that will be about 40,000-55,000 lumens, which is still higher then a MH.

Thanks for the help is anyone has made the jump to T5 VHO, and thanks to anyone willing to give me there 2 cents on the matter, b/c to be honest I'm not sure what to do.
i use 2 4ft 8 bulb t5ho lights for veg and their great 40000 +lumens each just flowered 4 ladies under them just to check out the yeild situation but they look great and r pretty thick for being under floros shrpshooter


i have not use t5 vho yet but i am using a t5 ho for my mums.
i used a 400 mh before to veg then switch to t5HO
works great, i might need a bigger room or more lights for my clone/mum rooms
my mums are getting taller every week and not getting enough lumen for the bottom branches

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