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The Swedish Chef in Shark infested waters (Great White Shark - Double DR-60's)


New member
with your setup how many seedling trays could u fit in there the seedling trays that hold 32 lil plants???? could u veg in these seedling trays for three weeks or will that fuck with root development????????? its for next outdoor season i want to get as many lil tuff guys out there as possible i have 100 acres to play with but i don't want to sow seed directly into the ground... the dr60 is the only one that will fit in my closet! so the way u have it set up with the shelf is perfect for me! what would be the best way to get as many lil plants going in the dr 60 i was maybe thinking of a two week schedule of putting outside ex: april start seedlings and put out in may 8th.hopefully 30 or more... then start some new clones may 8th to june and put out second batch june 1st........ any ideas of this working! how many do u think u could have in the tent vegging at a time t5 flors or hps? i am flexible i am just wanting to have a good success rate that is why i want to put soo many out there! ontario climates don't give the best yields some summers like the past two for example!
I don't have a full size tray on hand, but I'm pretty sure you could do two on the bottom, two on top, with fluoros like I have. You couldn't keep them vegging like that for very long though.

Back from Cali, hectic trip. The Medcancup was...interesting. Glad I didn't travel JUST for that, or I would have been disappointed. The venue was horrible.

A non-handicap accessible medcup. Brilliant.

Ticketing system was ridiculous. Medical users stuck in line for hours.

But, saw some neat stuff. Didn't buy anything there, then kicked myself for not picking up more subcool gear.

Smoked hella herb + hash, as should be expected, of course. Picked up a pimp-ass 4-downstem diffuser ash-catcher for my binger, and I am SHOCKED at the difference that it made. I can take MUCH bigger rips now. I've been looking for something like this (though not this pimp) for a while. Finally found one that spoke to me. Way too much money.

When the day finally comes, and I get too stoned, stumble or zone out or whatever, and my binger tips over and smashes into a million pieces.....I'll be expecting it, but I'll still be sad.

Sharkey is approaching day 50, the endgame. Lots of the upper foliage has this weird yellowing, that I remember happening on her previous runs as well. There also is weird pistil growth on those upper buds.

I think this is light-induced, and this pheno is sensitive. The lower buds are not nearly as affected, and the bush sittting beneath/behind the fan (and is shaded) is MUCH greener.

I moved the light up a few inches, and will see how they respond over the next few days.

Clones were a dismal failure, 1/12 made it, lol. Might have already mentioned that. So I put away the bubble cloner, and am trying some new tricks. No matter what, I hope this harvest is big, because the flower light will be off for a while after harvest.
Pics when I get a chance, which won't be today.
Whatsup my blazed brethren....and...sistren...

Update time, but I'm hiiiiiiiiiigh as a kite, so pardon any flubs.

I'm going to do a full post on the medical cup, but I'll give you guys a sneak peak at the photos....

Meanwhile, at my brotha from anotha motha's house...



Widowmaker make 'em say UUUUUUUHHHHHH!

Spent a week in Norcal and surrounding areas, bomb time, beautiful weather the whole friggen time....the west is calling my name!

Came home to find everything in good status.

Veggie side.


Took this cut from Sharkey when she was a week or so into flower. 8 cuts from those girls, this was the ONLY survivor. =)





Mama Whitey and her babies. Running the "world-class cloner at walmart" style without the "walmart" and most likely "world class", hahaha. But we'll see. Bubble-cloner is history, that's the only thing I know for sure. Two batches of clones, two different rooting compounds. Clones have been sitting in plain water, now water + LK. Sitting on a regular heating pad (bought the deluxe 8-heat setting one, which was good, because even the lowest is a little too hot). Added a few towels to get temps right (80-85).



Now happy fun side! Pictures taken at Day 49 (today is day 51). Due to another trip coming up, these are coming down next weekend(ish) at ~60.

Almost all suffered from some apparent light-burn. This pheno needs to be an additional 2 inches or so from the light than the Whitey pheno.







Hectic few weeks coming up, so I'm thinking my next full update probably won't be until well after harvest time....think early/mid august.

By that time, I should have finished harvest pics (I'm hoping for 5-6 zips), have another run of Whitey right around the flip to 12/12, and hopefully have some Space Queen beans popping! Oh, and hopefully some electrical/exhaust changes will have occurred by then as well.


Oh shit, forgot to mention!


Oh my god, it's sick (I'm going to be so sad the day I break this shit, hahaha).

It's got FOUR downstems/diffusers. So, so sick, and it makes a HUGE difference in the smoke (which I did not expect!) DRASTICALLY smoother hits, so so sick.

And I also gots me some babybubblebags! 1gal 8bag kit, they're so cuuuuuuute!
Half-asleep mini-update.

Chopped this weekend, shut down the flower cabinet for a few weeks, so letting 'em dry in there.


I'm not going to speculate on yield, time will tell.

Next batch is in veg right now, just transplanted the last few clones. Cloning savior, thyne name be Vermiculite. This shit is the BOMB. I've got more than enough rooted clones, FOR ONCE!

They're in Solo cups for the next two weeks, then probably around a week and a half, two weeks in the smart pots before I flip them. I was disappointed with the smartpot rootballs on this batch, but I did not keep them in veg for long after I put them in the pots.

The mom I just trashed which had been in it for about a month and a half had an insane spiky rootball.

I'm so zonked and tired I'm typing with one eye closed, lol.

Anyhooo, at that point, I'll flip this batch of Whitey's, and hopefully have my Space Queen beans sprouting!

Forgot to take a pic of the veg cabinet, the revegged clone is looking FUNKY crazy, with single bladed flat edged leaves, and white pistils. I'll try to get around to taking a pic in the next day or two, because she just got her first set of serrated leaves.

Man I bet whom ever picked it out has killer taste!


You have no idea...that thing hits sooooo fucking good. Brought it to last poker night and L of L&S took a monster rip and was pretty much done for the night hahahaha. It's so so sick.

Tonight I packed just a little GWS in the bottom of the bowl, coated it with sand, and used my last little piece of hempwick on it. SO SICK!

yo bro! :tiphat:

Ser fett ut. Lycka till.

Keep it green!

Tack att du stannade till! :)


Here's some veg shots in the meanwhile, so psyched that I finally had a good run of clones, transplanted in two weeks or less, NOT A YELLOW LEAF! Took more clones than I will need (7 is pretty much the max, unless I go to smaller containers). The little clones are all Whiteys.


And a few of the crazy reveg Sharkey clone. I took 8 clones about a week into flower (she had already started to bud out), only one survived. There were more pistils on the bud at the bottom, but I was trying to clean it up a bit the other day.





That's it for now. I'll be offline for a few weeks, but in the meantime, check out my High Times Medical Cup writeup.

Catch you on the flip side!
Back in the house.

Final yield was a record, but disappointing, baaaaaaarely over 4 zips dried and cured.

Several ups and downs since then, let's hit the good stuff first.
  • Cloning success with vermiculite. No longer dread it.
  • Jars of bud
  • Next run just flipped a few days ago
  • MAJOR room revamp work complete

Ok, that's enough of that. The revamp was to STOP EXHAUSTING my cooled air. I took out the flowering tent and ghetto light-proofed the closet, and temporarily hung the lamp. New vortex 6" and 6"x20" phresh is scrubbing the air in the closet continuously, instead of exhausting it. Temps are much more stable, and easier to maintain (a/c runs less).

Day 1 was yesterday.

Now for the not so wonderful stuff
  • More closet revamp needed
  • The Sharkey pheno is no longer welcome
  • Bug!
  • My seeds went bad, I think :(
  • Work is hectic!
Ok, I shouldn't be bitching about that last one I suppose.

I NEEEEEED to work more on the closet this weekend. Right now, it's all farked. I have to pull the veg tent out, mount hooks in the ceiling on that side (right side, under the a/c). Move the flower setup and filter/fan to this side (right now, the exposed reflector is just below and to the side of my res, and the fan is perched precariously directly beneath it! NOT GOOD, but I had to get the job done)

Then the veg tent will go on the reservoir side.

Some weird white bug fell dead to the floor while I was in the room working tonight. Don't know where it fell from (it was to the side of the plants) and couldn't see any more. Will take a photo for id tomorrowish.

The Sharkey pheno (the last harvest) is really disappointing. Very light sensitive. Buds are massive, but the taste is bland. LOW trich count. Made my first run of bubble hash with the trim. My technique needs work, but the yield was pathetic even so. By now, my grinder would be solid gold with layers of trichs with the Whitey pheno, but there is hardly any at atll. Blah.

I still have the revegged clone, but I've got it hooked up with a blumat and no off switch, so I'll have to get in there and make a wet mess one night when I disconnect it.

Seeds...sigh....I was so excited to pop my five Space Queen beans, but only two survived past the initial cracking, and one was definitely slower than the other.

The healthy one reached an inch or so, then keeled over.

The less healthy one took a few more days to break the soil than the stronger one, and maintained slow growth, but appears to be ok, no mutant leaves so far, and the first serrated blades are out (it's been a long time since I popped seeds, and can't remember the names of the baby leaves...but the first pair after the cotelydoodelydoos....)

Then yesterday when I was working in the veg tent I knock her over /facepalm.

I was so sad, but decided to try to rescue her anyways (I thought she'd be a goner for sure, seeing as how she is a runt), but she seems to be ok 24 hrs later.

Going to brew a batch of ewc tea tomorrow night so if she hangs in there for a bit I'll give her a little boost, and the rest of the girls too. And they're not femmed seeds, so this could easily be a d00d (in which case I'll have to read up on pollen collection).

Also tried to germ the rest of my g13 x hawaiian butterscotch seeds (8 of 'em) but they suffered the same fate as most of the SQ's, at best, they cracked.

:( Super bummed about that...the first seeds of those I ran were a couple of monsters and stunk to high heaven after a few weeks of vegging, but they all turned out to be male. Ah well.

The plan for now is to kill Sharkey, run with Whitey, nurse Space Queen and hopefully have a batch of clones ready to run the run after the run after this run. ;)



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Good to see you're having success with cloning too! Too bad about the Sharkey pheno.
Meh, that's no big deal, since the other pheno is pretty killer (and I can't wait to run a batch of bubble with the trim!). What really made me sad was my beans going to crap.

Worst case scenario, I'm going to the next ic cup, so I'll get some new seeds there. Better case scenario, I get some cali genetics or go back up north and get some new beans.
My pride and joy




My brother-from-another-mother picked it up for me in a headshop while i was out in cali for the cup. I've had to clean her so many times since then, lol. Should give it another run to try to clear that crap out of the stems, but oh well. Thank goodness for iso and 4:15

Thanks Random! :)

Whew, lot of work has been done. Several 6+ hour nights this week working on shit, but I'm almost there.

Flower/veg sides have been swapped, hung some reflectix and did a little more light-proofing (still not perfect, so I have to keep the room dark too.) Moved the fan/filter, hung the light, AND hung my spare 125w 6500k CFL, so I'm now flowering with 375w and mixed spectrum :)

Took another batch of 12 clones (will only keep 5 or 6) and this time I'm going to defoliate right from the very start, per the defoliation thread.

Some minor items left to take care of...

  • Replace rope with chain on the CFL
  • Replace clamps with hooks for CFL
  • Add a short duct-run to filter/fan to redirect exhaust air and protect from items falling into the fan
  • Secure the filter/fan so that it can't fall over
  • Once my blumat parts get here, add the on/off switch and add hose length to each dispenser
  • Improve light proofing

I think that's about it as far as what remains.

The SQ runt is still hanging in there, and has been transplanted (very poorly) into ferted soil. Apparently, I really want to kill this thing, because that transplant was the worst one I've done by far, kept dropping it and having to fuck with the roots...but it's still standing! We'll see if it hangs in there.

Will take some pictures this coming week.
Enough with the bullshiat, on with the pics

Enough with the bullshiat, on with the pics

Veg side is now on the left, under the ballast and res

Back is exhaust, front is intake, just circulates the closet air, no more exhausting!

Babies! Cloning with vermiculite


The lone Space Queen (or Space Dude). How it survived my abuse, I have no idea, but she's greened up nicely.

Whitey Mama, Sharky is history. Note the blumat. I think next run I will stop keeping a mom and just clone before flipping.

Flower side, ghetto rigged with reflectix. Definite room for improvement here.

375w of pure powaaaaa! Added a 125w CFL I had laying around.

Vortex, Phresh, and Variac

Flowers! (Day 12)





It's a jungle in there, going to defoliate fully in a few more days.
Day 31, so begins my favorite time, the last half. Technically not quite, I'm going to let them go at least 65 this time.

The one in the back left is pale, I think I set the blumat too tight in veg, let the soil dry out and die. Only thing I can figure, same soil mix in all the pots. Oh well.

Day 31 Flower






On the veg side of things, Space Queen is doing fine, thriving in fact. Just topped her (cross fingers). Few weeks until I can sex, I figure. I honestly have no idea how old she is right now, forgot to mark it.


Clones on day 13. Have been topped and defoliated already, they are starting to bounce back from that now.


Harvest time should be around Oct 22.

Got some parts and pieces on the way to pimp things out a little further



Oh yeah! Good times coming...

They look fat for day 31. Will be interesting to see how much they bulk up.

Ha det gott!
Nice plants & show you got here, love that shark! And hey that bong you have, im quite jealous it looks like a kick for sure!

Peace & Love

Thanks bro, and my binger does indeed kill. It's a pain to keep clean, but well worth it.

Oh yeah! Good times coming...

They look fat for day 31. Will be interesting to see how much they bulk up.

Ha det gott!

Tack tack!

Will be interesting to see for sure. The defoliation definately works, but the 250 is still not strong enough to reach the bottom, so I know that I'll need to trim up a little higher next time.

The next run should be the tits.
Been a while

Been a while

Update time!

Harvest has come and gone, little bit of revamp. On with the show.

Day or two prior to harvest. Due to scheduling of next harvest on x-mas day since I'll be free and have trimming help, I took them down at 57-59 days.






Veggie side

Space Queen on the left (she's doing great now!) and Whitey on the right.

These are the four clones in the bottom of the last shot, now on the flowering side, I believe 1st day after flip. We'll see how the trellis works out.

I HIGHLY recommend these light hangers, they are very very choice, big improvement over traditional yo-yo's.

And the rest are all glorious hash shots!

After running the batch of bubble, I cleaned the 120, 90, and 73 bags with a little bit of iso, then evaporated. This bubbly chunk was pressed out of the result.

First run bubble (my technique is improving, and my material was better than the last run too)



2nd run



Can't wait for the bubble to dry completely!

Those shots were taken the day after the hash run.

Yep, will have family and friends in town for the holidays, so I should have plenty of trimmer help, thank god! I don't think I ever want to do that again. I think I did a shitty job this time, and it still took forever! Like, seriously, about 2 hrs / oz this time.

But, there was a LOT of LARF shit this time, due to my half-ass defol job and uneven canopy, combined with trimming none of the undergrowth. Giving the full-on defol a run from the very get-go with this round since early veg with extended veg time, and I'll be getting the training right this time, so we'll see how it turns out.

Been totally baked this week on scissor hash, charas, and now iso, lol. The charas was beautiful, and it bubbled nicely when fresh!

Definitely need to find a concentrate storage solution + smoking device now, and stock up on hempwick. Still other things needed too, most importantly some blumat parts, which a hydro shop boned me on because they fraking stoners screwed my order up and burned my safe address because of it (long, dumb story).

Hope all are well.

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