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Why does my reservoir smell like death after a few days?


Hello, I am using a 47 gallon reservoir for my Canna Coco and Canna Nutes DTW 15 gallon grow. I was initially using a 5 gallon bucket for a reservoir but it got old having to refill it every couple of days. I noticed that after 3 or 4 days the 47 gallon smelled nasty. Is it getting too warm? Should I add in some Bleach to help control the nastiness?

Thank you in advance for any help provided.:thank you:


Overkill is under-rated.
Don't use bleach, use peroxide or DM Zone to kill living things in the res (dead res)

If you are adding anything organic to the res, and don't have enough mycorrhizae and sugars for them to feed off, they die and rot in the res. This causes nasty smells. Adding more sugars every day or two helps feed the microherd and keeps the res alive and healthy.

Just depends on what route you're trying to take.


Don't use bleach, use peroxide or DM Zone to kill living things in the res (dead res)

If you are adding anything organic to the res, and don't have enough mycorrhizae and sugars for them to feed off, they die and rot in the res. This causes nasty smells. Adding more sugars every day or two helps feed the microherd and keeps the res alive and healthy.

Just depends on what route you're trying to take.

Hey Thanks Lazy!

I am just adding H20 and Canna Coco nutes. 4 gallons of h2o, 90ml A&B,10 lm Rhizotonic, 40ml pk13/14, 50ml cannaboost 40ml if cannazym 2.6ec 1,300 ppm 17ml ph down to 5.9

So I am not sure why its doing this. Thanks again.


Active member
Hey Thanks Lazy!

I am just adding H20 and Canna Coco nutes. 4 gallons of h2o, 90ml A&B,10 lm Rhizotonic, 40ml pk13/14, 50ml cannaboost 40ml if cannazym 2.6ec 1,300 ppm 17ml ph down to 5.9

So I am not sure why its doing this. Thanks again.

hoping you don't use 4 gal in 1 shot .In your rez(47 gal) just add 100ml of h20 at 35% once a week and you will be fine.


Active member
Do you have a pump in the res? You need to keep it airated or it'll go stagnant. Get a small pod pump and put it in the res so the jet is disturbing the surface.


hoping you don't use 4 gal in 1 shot .In your rez(47 gal) just add 100ml of h20 at 35% once a week and you will be fine.

Do you mean to add 100ml of H2O2 or H2O?

Do you have a pump in the res? You need to keep it airated or it'll go stagnant. Get a small pod pump and put it in the res so the jet is disturbing the surface.

Yes, I have a small pond pump running.



Active member
hey im having the same problem. only i have a 15 gallon res. and using the gh micro, gh bloom, protek silica, magical, and drip clean.

i have an air stone and a pump on a timer that turns on 4 times a day for 15 minutes.

should I add in peroxide or DM Zone since i'm running a dead res?

(I am running a dead res, right?)


Overkill is under-rated.
Yep thats a dead res, so yes, DM Zone will help keep it clean and clear (contains chloramine.) If you use peroxide you have to dose it daily, H2O2 turns into H20 and O very quickly as O1 is unstable.


Active member
Apache read the bottles of your canna nutes it's says no h202.

Rhizo smells like dead shit when you open the bottle.


Apache read the bottles of your canna nutes it's says no h202.

Rhizo smells like dead shit when you open the bottle.

Hmmm. Rhizo is causing this? I will leave it out next time and see if this helps. Thank you for taking the time to help me out. Best wishes,


Rhizo is pretty stinky, and it can also make the pH creep up for the first few days. Canna recommends it early on, or when the plants have sustained some kind of shock. It isn't really necessary once the plants are established.


Active member
I use rhizo but my res don't stink like death. Do you mean it smells bad when you stick your nose right next to it or is it bad enough to stink your whole house out? If the former then nothing to worry about imo but if it's stinking the whole house out then it could be bacteria. When I used to do organic some of the mixes I made smelled really terrible.


I use rhizo but my res don't stink like death. Do you mean it smells bad when you stick your nose right next to it or is it bad enough to stink your whole house out? If the former then nothing to worry about imo but if it's stinking the whole house out then it could be bacteria. When I used to do organic some of the mixes I made smelled really terrible.

It smell rotten. Like rotting flesh. Weird, I know.

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