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portable AC exhaust... How do you make it not stink


If i exhausted my portable Ac outside of my house how can I make the exhaust from the ac not smell like erb?



easy, just get rid of the portable AC.

Portables are notorious for leaking smell. I guess if you HAD to, you could exhaust through a carbon filter. But you would need a booster fan as the AC exhaust is not designed to push through a carbon filter
You need a big trash can, a 200cfm exhaust fan and a matching carbon filter. Blow the ac exhaust into trash can and pull the funky air out of trash can through the filter/ fan and into another area. Seal the trash can up good with duct tape. Not the cheapest option but it works.


Active member
um, i second the scrap the port a/c, they r pieces of shit!!! they dont last.

use the trash can idea till ur unit shits on ya (should happen in less than 18 months, usually far less time) the go with a window shaker /box design OR a split/mini split.

good luck!


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
get a 2 hose if you must have a portable unit. single hose pull air from the room to cool the unit.

Not only get a two hose but you can buy can filters for the intake hose to clean the air so i dont smell where it gets exhausted to.


Active member
think about this

think about this

Not only get a two hose but you can buy can filters for the intake hose to clean the air so i dont smell where it gets exhausted to.


problem: the newer portable a/c designs use the heat of the condenser coil to evaporate and remove the condensate from the evaporator coil in the air stream .
this moisture laden hot air will clog the pores in the carbon granules of the scrubber making it not effective at removing odor (your objective)

scrubbing the air at the intake hose is pointless if u source that air from outside the growspace/building (preferred method)

just my .02 for u to think about

good luck


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai

problem: the newer portable a/c designs use the heat of the condenser coil to evaporate and remove the condensate from the evaporator coil in the air stream .
this moisture laden hot air will clog the pores in the carbon granules of the scrubber making it not effective at removing odor (your objective)

just my .02 for u to think about

good luck

I guess im confused on what you are saying.... you are saying that the air in the grow room is to hot and has to much moisture to where it will negate the carbon filter? or are you saying im trying to put the carbon filter on the exhuast? either of these things are not correct.

scrubbing the air at the intake hose is pointless if u source that air from outside the growspace/building (preferred method)

My flower room happens to be in the middle of my veg room and cloning room so if you just putting the intake outside the flower room still sucks up weed smells just not as bad.

therefor a carbon filter would be the only way or i would be running a shit ton of ducting.


poppy I think buzz was trying say is that over 60% rH carbon filters become ineffective for scrubbing the air.


Active member
scrub the air within the space itself (best use of a scrubber) source your intake air from outside the building (not stinky either , no need to scrub), exhuast the hot air outside the building too ( would be the config for a two hose design) problem is most of the cases for these designs leak air so it would stink (a little)
BTW portable A/Cs suck balls and they will fail under the conditions growers place on them
(continuous duty).

if u have the means and the liberty , i would recommend a mini-split system in your veg area and just circulate the air thru ur bloom tent.



What Buzzsmirk is saying is that the portables, in order to reduce the amount of condensate building up, are designed to essentially blow a lot of that water out with the exhaust. That hot, humid exhaust would ruin a carbon filter pretty quick. And yeah, potables aren't designed to have their exhaust ports blocked by anything, including dense, heavy, waterlogged carbon filters. The same thing goes for the intakes. Portables only work so well when they are properly installed, choking them down isn't going to make them work any better.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
What Buzzsmirk is saying is that the portables, in order to reduce the amount of condensate building up, are designed to essentially blow a lot of that water out with the exhaust. That hot, humid exhaust would ruin a carbon filter pretty quick. And yeah, potables aren't designed to have their exhaust ports blocked by anything, including dense, heavy, waterlogged carbon filters. The same thing goes for the intakes. Portables only work so well when they are properly installed, choking them down isn't going to make them work any better.

you do not put the carbon filter on the exhaust you put it on the intake. There isnot hot humid air messing up the carbon filter. And there may need to be a inline boost fan because the carbon filter may bog down the unit....

but i recommend window shakers or split a/c too


Active member
you do not put the carbon filter on the exhaust you put it on the intake. There isnot hot humid air messing up the carbon filter. And there may need to be a inline boost fan because the carbon filter may bog down the unit....

but i recommend window shakers or split a/c too

u should never use the interior (cooled) air for an intake source that is not an efficient configuration. :moon:

source your intake and send your hot exhaust air from and back to the OUTSIDE of the building!:dance013:

otherwise u r spending money to cool air to cool ur air conditioner , thats like "pissin into the wind round these parts partner" :wave:

use ur head and try readin the instructions on one of those two hose designs :tiphat:


What's up Self, It's real easy to clean the air of the scent.
Just scrub the room air with the largest carbon scrubber you can afford,
and then use a 5gal bucket of ona gel to clean the air of residue not captured by the filter.
This works great for the stanky of the dankest Chemdawgs, OG's and Skunks
exhaust your ac as usual. never a problem. no worries. it works perfect.
Last winter I ran 150 Chemdog/SourD and there was no scent what so ever in or around my grow.
why? I run 2 of the largest Can carbon filters available, the Can 150's with the 12" Max-fans.

read hoosierdaddy thread AC Boxes Made Easy if you haven't already. It may help you out.

Here is the DIY Ona thread, and another


stone fool
I am using a single hose unit I like right now, and used it to finish my last harvest. I could not smell anything outside then any time I checked, and I checked day after day. Also I checked it when I was heating weed which stinks to high heaven, sat right by the exhaust, then got up and went in, bam hit with the smell, nothing outside. Might be my nose can not be trusted, afraid of that.

Mine has filters to clean, and it occurs to me that these might work to add protection. They have carbon filters for the home and industry, I used it on my first scrubbers. Take the filter out and use it for a pattern to make carbon filter replacements for the factory units. This should work, at least add some protection without hurting the unit function. You could also tape a layer of this over the exterior to double the concept. This is what I will try next time in a well scrubbed room.



The 2 hose portable air conditioners use a portion of the room air to cool the condenser. They will exhaust a portion of your stinky room air outside.


Just incase anyone is still curious about this question. I had the same situation venting single hose a/c into my garage stank so bad. Simple solution was place fabric dryer sheets on the intake side of the A/C. The get stuck on the A/C intak from pressure and are good for 3-5 days. My garage smelled like clean laundry 24/7 a box of 200 fabric sheets was $4.25 and I place 4 on the a/c at a time NOT STACKED just side by side covering the entire intake side.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I use a portable single hose( in use now for 5 years) I have never had a smell problem. Just make sure you make some thing thats solid and works... I use the hot box method.. I exhaust the ac into the sealed closet. I have a scrubber/inline mounted up high in the closet that sends the scrubbed air outside.. I also have a large ONA block in the closet for a backup

Green lung

Active member
I exhaust into a large attic from a single hose. I was worried at first but weird thing is it doesn't smell, and where it does come out of the attic ie roof vents ect. there is slight smell of "attic smell" as far as I can smell, been doing it like this for 2 years no odor control.
I'm looking into a inline ozone generator to put up there, My only concern with the ozone generator is that it will smell like ozone and may attract attention by itself.

anybody have experience with ozone in attics?

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