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Found seeds but no male flowers.


New member
I am 30 days into 12/12 on my run of 5 Critical Mass from seed. Yesterday i saw a swollen calyx busted open with an immature seed inside. After looking everything over I have found a good 30 seed pods between all the plants.

Problem is I have now spent a good 2-3 hours looking over every bud and can't find any definitive male flowers. I found 2 things on 1 plant that resembled the tiny bananas that come out at the end of flowering on some plants. But they were green not yellow and were definitely too immature to have already seeded everything. I'm not convinced they were male flowers anyway but even if they are I don't think they could be the culprit.

I dont think its possible that someone else's plants are the culprits because I live in a populated area and I highly doubt anyone grows outdoors anywhere near me and I find it hard to believe that pollen found its way out of someones indoor grow and into mine.

I dont know how long the seed production process takes but I would guess to have calyxes already bursting with seed that the pollination happened a good 2 weeks ago. Shouldn't there already be some full blown male flowers that stand out by now? I just want to find the culprit and get rid of it. I dont see how there can be so many seeds that far along with no obvious cross-dresser to blame.

Anyone ever had seeds this early without any definitive signs of a hermie? Any advice?


I had a lot of trouble with that for awhile. Sometimes I found no male flowers. One of the times months later after it was dried and cured I finally noticed a male flower. Sometimes you don't get the full flower, just the banana looking part sticked out of a female flower. Pollination that early was probably from someone else, or from a previous grow. Pollen lasts along time and can supposedly travel miles.
This is what I do now:
Filter intake.
Use dutch master reverse as a preventative.
Foliar spray something (or just water, that's what you need) once a week the first 4 weeks to knock down any pollen.
Between runs spray down -everything- with some water to clean up any pollen that may be there.


Active member
ive got a sativa that pops the odd bean if she gets to hot last time she done it i ended up with 20 odd seeds
grow the seeds out mate then you can find out what pollinated it


New member
Thanks for the replies. Its definitely not pollen from a previous grow, this is the first time I've grown in about 5 years. I think I'll order some that dutch master reverse. I had heard of it before and I was just trying to think of the name earlier.


Active member
not all hermis suck ive been using hermis to breed with and ive ended up with loads of females and not 1 he she. in fact i think its dj short recommends useing them, only the ones that show males flowers first then turn completely female

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