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400W HPS DR120 SS indoor mix~

Hello fellow IC magers, recently got my indoor setup out of hibernation (my living situation has only allowed for out door for the last 2 years ><). BUT I'm back!!!!

I acquired these plants from a local med patient who had bought a 25 pack indoor mix from Sensi Seeds. His germ rates were low, and had a couple males, but the biggest problem was how much sativa these plants had in them (got wayyyyy to tall). so after flowering out the first half of the pack he didn't even want the second half he germed out a month into flowering. Thats where i come in!~! I just so happend to be in a living situation that allows for me to be with in the confines of the (state)law, and for that i am grateful!!!

The setup~
DR120 by secret jardin 3'11"x3'11"x6' (this thing rules!!!!)
Sunsystems 400watt HPS with generic reflector
4" in line fan not sure the CFM but it pushes a lot of air for venting out the tent!

Grow medium and Nutes~
Pro mix #4
Fossil fuel
fox farms grow big for veg
big bud bat quano for flower

had a little bit of a head start, but i will keep you all posted on the next 60 days!!!!

there are 6 plants in there BTW, 5 confirmed female and one that was to pretty to pass up... so i'll give it a few extra days to show me whats its packin!~
Bah...my suspicions were correct and the unknown turned out male.. oh well, more light for the other 5... here are some new pics that show the new fan(s). Got the 4" cage fan the out vent, and the osilating fan mixen things up!~

no followers yet?!?!:comfort:

had a crocodile dundee moment with my exhaust fan... so there is now one that is 10x bigger... it is actually sucking the sides of the walls in (which is what you want i hear). the temps now are never more than 80 degrees.

another update

another update

a few more pics to demonstrate the airflow going on here.... the walls are concave and the temps are idea!!!! i think the plant closest to the door is an early finisher, looks a week a head of the rest!!!~~
I think it looks nice, i love DR tents:good: I got i DR 100, i would love to upgrade to bigger DR with 600 or 1000W :D

Try taking some pics without the yellow light from the HPS.
Keep up the good work bro :wave:


are you posting just to get rep or props? you have a decent setup man but there are alot of big timers here. same reason i havent bothered posting my 1200 setup bc ppl here arent impressed really. but just keep sharing man eventually youll get what your after im sure. i use tents too and i try to avoid the caved in tent it seems to eat up alot of space. i use active and passive intake to balance it out however i can. the caving is a good sign that you have enough exhaust but later in the grow you might want that space. on my 5x10 i just use a simple sunbeam oscillating fan for the intake. works fine.