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No more burner phones?


If they have your phone # then you're probably being fingered by a CI in which case the name who the phone is registered too is pretty irrelevant.

I don't understand what all the fascination is with "burners." Anyone who read the affidavit in the other thread knows it offers no real protection.


Many municipalities had contractual arrangements w/ service providers. While there are many pagers still out there, no private person can go get a new pager service activated. And 1 by 1 as the stop using the service, the ones that are left will be gone, forever. No doubt the network is out there, still functioning, but no one can go into Verizon and get pager service.

I remember way back years ago in the Alltel days in this part of the country, I actually got to set up a few pagers every blue moon, it was funny. No one wants anything to do w/ them, and frankly, they are retarded considering the technology out there now. But that is when I learned about paging services. I remember the last time I set up a private personal one, as well as the last time I activated one on an existing service replacing a lost/damaged one. It was at that time, I learned the who's and what's about pager service now. I still remember the last time I recalled seeing a pager, in the inventory room, at that time, brand new in the package, not to be sold for any reason. Eventually used to replace a pager. Weird stuff.

So yup, there are still pagers out there, no doubt. No new pager services for individual as far as i know. Gov contracts, local, city, county, state, and maybe federal, I don't know. But they are out there.

But yeah, this bill, just bullshit to get a name in the news, does not sound effective/likely to pass. IMO Either way it's a non issue.


Now in technicolor
It doesn't matter if you sell the phone as far as LEOs are concerned. If I buy a phone, use 10 mins and then give it to Joe and he commits a crime using the phone. The cops will come after me and I will say "I gave it to Joe" and they'll go after him. If he gave it to someone, he'll direct them to that person. This trail that cops can follow is what the bill is intended to achieve.

It will be so that you need to register with your SSN, much like prepaid credit cards, so fake IDs and etc won't be much help.

Any decent criminal knows to use encrypted lines anyway. If OTR comes to AIM for phones, this bill will become obsolete before it ever gets passed.


Active member
what do yall think about fake emails. just use phones to page eachother...send a little text with a code phrase, then respective parties check their decoy emails. just remember to delete all your emails, and use a program that doesnt save your username password so computer technicians cant find your account if your computer is seized.

i dont like text messages period because ive seen cops on TV pull up records. having texts in your phone is just too much evidence against you.

i just finished your ONE years taxes, your fee is 320 for the 'service'
you can come pickup your 'tax forms' any time.


I had a friend working for one of the major cell networks and he would hook me up with phones registered to Disney characters for a few $.


New member
if you're really using your head, you should be 100% off phones of all kinds by now

either talk in person, or talk in something encrypted online

don't say it on the phone, don't text it, don't plain email it, and definitely don't do it over your own internet connection


I dont get into detailed conversations on the phone. But you still dont want to call all your connects from your registered phone that you use to talk to all the neighbors, your kids friends parents etc.

Hey how its going?
Looks good,Everything should be ready in a week.
I'll call you and let you know when we can meet.
ok call me

you need a way to have basic communication and to schedule meetings. You cant simply send up a bat signal......

And if the bill passes, you better believe all the prepaid non registered phones will be shut down eventually


Active member
just stoppin in to say u can most definetely still get pager service in the usa. Maybe not from walking into a store, but you can order it online. Its pricey though.... like 10x what it used to cost.


Good luck with that^..
I am sure whatever local yocal ma and pop paging service you find out there, there is a slim chance in hell that it's going to be worth anything where you actually need to use it. Unless you happen to live in the local area it is being offered. That being said, YES, technically you can if you want to bad enough, however, not everyone is apparently as passionate about paging services as you lol. Hell, you can order weed online if you want. Doesn't make it practical. Maybe I am retarded, do you have any links on nationwide paging services, I mean you can find them on Google, but actually getting the links to open and being able to order the pager/service, seems like a different story.

For example, I have found a few links to pager service providers in my area, but the links are dead, or not up to date, i.e., the "Authorized Agent" from Alltel, which no longer exists, sporting a web page advertising pager service, however the fact that Alltel is no more, makes me wonder how out of date the info is???
If the links are out there, may be a benefit for others here, if you could post them?

Ajunta Pall

I don't understand what all the fascination is with "burners." Anyone who read the affidavit in the other thread knows it offers no real protection.

Burners do offer up some protection, in the way as it is disposable, and cheap to replace. Buy one use it for a time then throw it away. Repeat cycle. If you hold on to it and use it like a normal cell then that defeats the purpose.


Seriously guys? Texting safer than talking on cell phones? Ridiculous.

In order for your phone to be tapped, the police have to have already launched an investigation into you and you're already pretty fucked. Unless you're importing hard drugs you probably don't have to worry about these kinds of investigations.

Text messages, on the other hand, can fuck you retroactively. If you are arrested on a traffic stop and there are messages you haven't deleted on your phone, you could be fucked. If you are caught growing and they want to charge you with manufacture with intent to distribute, they could delve into your archived text messages that are stored by your phone company to retrieve evidence. The companies say they delete them but that is BULLSHIT! They can still be retrieved if the court orders it, it happened in the Kobe Bryant rape case.

Don't text incriminating shit.


Many municipalities had contractual arrangements w/ service providers. While there are many pagers still out there, no private person can go get a new pager service activated. And 1 by 1 as the stop using the service, the ones that are left will be gone, forever. No doubt the network is out there, still functioning, but no one can go into Verizon and get pager service.

I remember way back years ago in the Alltel days in this part of the country, I actually got to set up a few pagers every blue moon, it was funny. No one wants anything to do w/ them, and frankly, they are retarded considering the technology out there now. But that is when I learned about paging services. I remember the last time I set up a private personal one, as well as the last time I activated one on an existing service replacing a lost/damaged one. It was at that time, I learned the who's and what's about pager service now. I still remember the last time I recalled seeing a pager, in the inventory room, at that time, brand new in the package, not to be sold for any reason. Eventually used to replace a pager. Weird stuff.

So yup, there are still pagers out there, no doubt. No new pager services for individual as far as i know. Gov contracts, local, city, county, state, and maybe federal, I don't know. But they are out there.

But yeah, this bill, just bullshit to get a name in the news, does not sound effective/likely to pass. IMO Either way it's a non issue.

The most basic google search will prove to you that you're way wrong about no new paging services being available.


Re: No more burner phones?

Correct I stated as much before you made that post.


I've always felt like if they have enough motivation to snoop around on my phone, they've already got me. If they play by the rules, sure, I can play the games and make life more difficult for them. But they don't play by the rules. Ever. If they want you bad enough, they'll get you. They'll tap your house, your ISP, whatever. Legally or otherwise, then collect the information, lie about how they got it, and raid you.

Once I get wind that my cover is blown, I'm in a town.

My two cents anyway.

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